daring doubt podcast transcript

And he is basically homeless at this point. And so the ad got to show that, and it created some energy, and some uplifting beats to it to get that sense that, "Hey, we're building up to a moment of excitement here. Note: This American Life is produced for the ear and designed to be heard. We were very, y'know, very aggressive on trimming back on—. They will invariably say something like, "They show that people obey orders." You can unsubscribe at any time and we'll never share your details without your permission. So if you go to areas where they have continuously experienced conflict, the basic need is really focused on security. Oh, cool new album. He says, "Well, we can drive those enemy soldiers out of trenches with gas.". Schiller: So one of the hopes, and maybe we'll see how we realize it all, but the belief is more and more: As we use iCloud services for documents—or Azure, if your product uses Azure—or for our photos, and for our videos, the more we're able to use these things—and y'know, music is in the cloud—that perhaps for the most price-conscious customer, the person starting out at the beginning of the line, are able to live in an environment where they don't need gobs of local storage because these services are taking off more and more of the load, and making their life easier. I mean, I think the family deal is a no-brainer. We shouldn't just gawk at the misfortune and stupidity of others - we should try to learn lessons to save us from enduring the same pain. And then, two years from now, how do you get back to that picture? I mean, I grew up in poverty and in conflict, but I was very privileged. This is Jeff Jensen, and he's a reporter in LA. He recruited a bunch of subjects-. Fritz Haber's a professor, small university, he's working with chemicals; it's about 1880. Craig Federighi: I always end up seeking back to figure out what part I missed where the podcast started, and then I realize it just starts. She has spent the past 13 years studying vulnerability, courage, worthiness and shame. New York Public Radio transcripts are created on a rush deadline, often by contractors. Why did you take these women off the streets and want to destroy them? If ever there's a modern definition of a Faustian bargain, this is it, right? Let's get down to some of the products that you guys talked about yesterday at WWDC. Is that how you say that thing-. All get it out of our system. No, but there's part of me says, "You know, here's a guy who just wanted to do everything better than had ever been done before." SA: Thank you, Akwe So in terms of securing rights for Afghan citizens in the past 20 years, where we have had the greatest progress is actually the legal framework. I have favorite artists that I just want to buy just because I do, it's just locked in my brain that way. Was he trying to make a commentary, and so was he grappling with something? But you know our PR rules, if you ask me some questions I don't like, you'll never speak to us again for the rest of your life. So few can have been surprised when President Ashraf Ghani asked her to join his office in 2017 and then appointed her to lead the human rights commission in 2019. And we've been putting a lot into it. Shirley of Daring Living talks about how to believe in yourself and make changes to your life. It was about how far would these people go? Here are our favorite USB-C hard drives for your Mac. Their goal is to make the home buying process smoother for you. I love this company. And if they still were resisting or struggling, they'd get proud number three. [laughs]. SA: I wouldn’t say lack of delivery of services, but insufficient delivery of services. I mean, sure, the finance team has to worry about that. Iago. It is a fair question to ask, "What are the conditions under which you, or me, or any of us could do-. [crosstalk 00:17:42], It's the experimenter-. These are clearly rooted in a Western European enlightenment tradition, and they don’t speak to the traditions, the world global traditions that also promise rights, that also speak of dignity, that also promise protection, but that come out of other traditions around the world. In fact, his chemist had given this particular pesticide a smell. Contact us with your feedback and suggestions, or to tell us about a favourite text, artwork or musical piece that connects to your passion for rights and justice. Dare to Lead Podcast | Brené Brown. He's a Warriors fan—they've never even been in the finals before, now they're in the finals. So there's a way in which there's a touch of spark of humanity. In the 20 years since the end of Afghanistan’s civil war and Taliban rule, efforts have been made to entrench democratic institutions and make good on the commitment to human rights in the country’s constitution. The customer satisfaction is off the charts on it. By the way, that's reporter [Latif Nassar 00:30:59]. Miami University biologist Nicholas P. Money, argues:. Or at least in large part that's part of the focus of it. In 2012, amidst cancer treatments, Rebecca Hirschi achieved her goal of running the Boston Marathon. This is what totally pulled me into this story, the prods. And we look at this very, very, very carefully. CrossExamined.org is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools. Updated Sun 14 Oct 2012, 7:30am. Anytime the experimenter said, "You must continue." But it's the software that processes the images off the sensor. Like shocking an innocent stranger over and over. I mean I’m not reading it in the original Persian or Farsi, I’m reading it in English and, uh, even in English, the lyricism comes through. 367 likes. My dorsal hair stood up when I read the end of this. Human rights as an idea, as a claim are hardly at the end of their run, they, I think have lots of power, lots of energy left in them. Here, to the best of our ability, is a full transcript of their remarks, interspersed with occasional audience response. We can act semi-successfully in … The importance of finding your own answers. AA: So nonetheless, if the ideas are there, then they can have power. We should say that this next section of the program has some references which are extremely graphic-. Trivalent. struggle with the downward death-spiral of comparison and self-doubt. The other scenario is that we reach a political settlement and in any political settlement, even in the most ideal version, I think there will be, if not a change, a dramatic change in laws, there will be a shrinking of space when it comes to human rights, because Taliban’s understanding of human rights is very, very different. And you tell us, "Actually, you know under some circumstances, we don't do the bad thing we're told to do because, here's another flip, we don't have to be told. And I used to, in the early years—2002, 2003—when I was really greedy, because the Yankees used to win the World Series every year—I didn't even count the division series. I think it works really well. Then the executioner castrates you, cuts you open, and takes out your internal organs, and then separate your head; which is put on a post. And that we think we can deliver great experiences protecting users' privacy. I think, you'll see. An opinionated tour of the past, present, and future of pro basketball, written by ESPN's "Sports Guy" columnist, shares insights on everything from major NBA events and underrated players to how Hall of Famers should be selected. I'm sure you've noticed it, and it's not just this year, it's been growing over the last few years, is—people keeping track over the diversity of the speakers in keynote addresses of various companies at various events. When we asked how close she came to killing him, she estimated 60 percent. Newton's Dark Secrets PBS Original Airdate: November 15, 2005 NARRATOR: In 1936, a huge collection of scientific documents and personal papers was put up for auction at Sotheby's in London. I got those all at night, mostly. They panned the iPad. I love the new mouse shake thing—. Schiller: Well, thank you for liking the marketing! With a history of industry leading online lending technology developed in the heart of Detroit, Rocket Mortgage is changing the game. And today evil, although, I don't know if that's the right word for this next thing. Schiller: I've taken part, either presenting or demoing, over 50 keynotes in a row. I have cameras of all different sizes and kinds, and photography's really powerful. Gruber: In large part, though—like I said, there are some new features—but it is mostly a stability and refinement release of OS X. The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than 600 million downloads. Thoroughly innovative and occasionally irreverent, this book will appeal in equal measure to book historians, Austen fans, and scholars of literary celebrity. And I think it’s important that you learn about human rights when you’re young, you know, it’s important that you learn about, about these, these values and these issues when you’re young. I mean it's a fact, of course, that they're administering pain to a stranger, that's what's horrifying about it, but imagine they were administering pain to themselves. Strength and Solidarity is a podcast about the people and ideas driving — and disrupting — human rights work around the world. and it was like, half an icy dagger in my heart, like, the last remaining warm blood in my body was just drained. Akbar answers questions about the challenges of realizing rights for citizens amid continuing violent conflict and reliance on a state whose officials are often ambivalent about meeting their obligations. Now the volunteer couldn't see the guy he was shocking, but he'd definitely hear him. Good, better, best. These people are so nice!". Whether the learner likes it or not, we must-, What's interesting is that how all of these struggles, all of them-, Play out the same way. Examines the critical art of rethinking: learning to question your beliefs and to know what you don't know, which can position you for success at work and happiness at home. "It's like listening to all of my doubt and hope, but in a British accent." And then, you upper-cased the S. Schiller: As I said, sometimes in the middle of things, we decide we haven't done the right thing, and we fix it! And I don't think we've hit the point yet where we're trading off thinness for features and capabilities at the expense of the best optimized product. This is the job of the government to improve the quality of education for my children. But it's—it's hard to summarize—but it's this idea of contextual awareness with your devices and services in terms of telling you if it's going to rain, or Craig's example of knowing you're getting in your car. And not just because he was vain, which everyone agrees he was, but because he loves his country. And so, complete respect for your perspective and your belief. I want this company to be the best Apple can ever be. In that moment, my father, he stands up and he says-. I also want to thank Jeb Hurt and Jake Schumacher; they're the directors of the documentary App: The Human Story. Click here for the full written transcript of this podcast episode.. Glenn C. Loury is the Merton P. Stoltz Professor of the Social Sciences and Professor of Economics at Brown University. Can you say something about why you took this path? And the last thing I'll say on this is: If somebody's doing a deal with the devil for the Warriors, that's one crappy deal, because it's been, what, 40 years without a championship?! I interview the woman charged with making rights real in Afghanistan. Immortalised by the 1963 film starring Steve McQueen and Richard Attenborough, as well as in countless books and documentaries, the Great Escape has entered into our national wartime mythology, alongside other momentous operations such as Dunkirk and D-Day. Of course, normally you just have one experimenter who's giving you these instructions. But if you look at Milgram's work closely. I need to know where my mouse is. Direct your voice toward that microphone in the room [inaudible 00:20:33]-, So they sit down in the chair thinking, "Wow, this is really important. Not a "Finally.". This is where I have some hope, maybe unrealistic hope, but I think Afghan society has changed to a great extent. Because if the world is going to be risk-averse, and doesn't want us to take away anything... Then, y'know, if Dell doesn't have a floppy but Toshiba does, they'll just buy the Toshiba, they're all the same—except if you're missing one thing, no one will buy your stuff! We will begin with this test-. This next part's a little graphic. I knew she had a daughter and-. And that's what Shakespeare did in all of his plays. [laughs] You had a nine-inch black-and-white Mac screen, you had to go like this to find your cursor, what was wrong with us? And according to some accounts, as it crept across no man's land-. Because it's like we started with this experiment that we all see as evidence of humans' latent capacity for evil. To say that Free Speech *Is* Free Thought *Is* Free Action is a rhetorical overstatement, but its purpose is to emphasize the integration of thought, speech, and action. If any sizable fraction actually acted on their homicidal fantasies, the streets would be running red. I think it's a great deal. Your products aren't that great. You know, one of my first jobs – I was helping Human Rights Watch report on elections in Afghanistan. James Shapiro, Professor of English at Columbia University. And my mom was a teacher for a long time. The shocker would say, "Hell no I don't.". What you know, you know.". But today I read them and think, these are a very narrow conception. And that tonnages then moves into our food source, our food source then moves into our bodies, and the rough statistics are that half of each of our bodies contains nitrogen from the Haber process. I worry about human rights activists being detained by the government, actively, you know, prosecuted and punished, the space for civil society and media considerably shrinking, and women’s rights. It makes up four out of every five or so molecules that we breathe, so it's very-. I think Apple Music looks amazing. Written by David McCullough, the author of Truman, this is the story of a remarkable little boy, seriously handicapped by recurrent and almost fatal asthma attacks, and his struggle to manhood: an amazing metamorphosis seen in the context ... Do you think that more studies of this sort should be carried out?" What my father and his colleagues know is that something was done to these bodies; many of them after they were murdered. If you are able, we strongly encourage you to listen to the audio, which includes emotion and emphasis that's not on the page. Push button, get mortgage. Have I got that right? Gruber: So my first question every year at this event is always, "How did you think the keynote went yesterday?". Gruber: So, just for the record, before we move onto the next topic, you guys do read the Radars that they file? "Please never stop!" They're engaged with the test, they're trying to be good participants. Adriana Gascoigne (00:00): I’m Adriana Gascoigne, founder of Girls in Tech and this is the Girls in Tech podcast, where we’re discussing the ways tech is always evolving and helping the world evolve, too. Susan's worked on my team for a good decade now doing product marketing. And every scenario produced a different result. And it gets even more disturbing for my father as the conversation suddenly pivots to another victim. AA: Shaharzad Akbar,  welcome to Strength and Solidarity. Download Migrant worker's daring digital activism (2.43 MB) Download 2.43 MB. Meaning, any idea what was in his mind? Transcription by Serenity Caldwell. Again, it really depends on where you live in Afghanistan and what’s your daily lived experience like, and that defines your understanding of what you are entitled to, and also shapes your demands. Those who are defending their rights, those who are fighting the good cause every day, they have to be supported. The authoritative record of New York Public Radio’s programming is the audio record. I don't think of it that way as necessarily different. And there are many classes of apps [where] that may be exactly what they want, and they don't need to do more than that, and use the full native version. Oh, I'm sure many of you all do too. I'm going to take a break. He is a solder, he works for a general, the general's name is Othello. And he cares deeply about it, and so we were really happy with this show, that we had both Jennifer and Susan—y'know, their roles are deeply involved in exactly what they presented. Found insideHe tours the ruins of Greece with its government archaeologists. He gains access to the hidden collections of the Louvre to show the continuity from pagan to Christian wine. That's what we're heading towards. Schiller: But! Gruber: Yeah, I—the feedback I got, it seemed like you guys were taken a little surprised by that, because a lot of the things that you measure were all saying "This is better than before! AA: Do you think that human rights is a genuinely Afghan concept?  Is the language of human rights what ordinary Afghanis use or are ‘human rights’ seen as a foreign import? Rock of Ages is an annual living history program conducted by the interpretive staff here at Carlsbad Caverns National Park. And why I cared for her because I dated her before, but this day didn't turn out right. You can get by without ever needing that. And so we wanted to make sure there was transparency and openness about that. I mean, they panned the iPhone. And that has been a belief for many years. And then, we put that out in the world, and saw how people use it, and then we went back to it, and said "Well, what are the next things we need to do [that are] unique for iPad, to make it a more productive, more useful product in the things you do. But it wasn't until a few years later that he learned something that really put what happened that night into context. Y'know, there really, you all have read the stories, you know. You can't just piecemeal put a lens with a sensor with someone else's chip, with someone else's software and get to the level of result we're able to achieve, the way the teams work together to deliver a complete solution. A Daring Flight. That's the embodiment of this new MacBook: Which is, take a bold risk; maybe some people will think it's not perfect for them yet, but for a surprising number of people, it's already their future laptop. But this is why this is such an interesting guy, around the same time, officials in the U.S. government are calling him a war criminal. Wouldn't that be a better world?". [17:00:04] JIM ACOSTA, CNN HOST: Be sure to tun in, an all-new episode of "HISTORY OF THE SITCOM" airs tomorrow night at 9:00 right here on CNN. These two shows will completely flip that on its head. ", Now, Haber was Jewish, but because he'd served in World War I-, But 75 percent of the people who worked for him at the institute, they were Jewish-, And says, "This is intolerable. But once we're on this for awhile, and we're all living it, and we understand the social impact of music that's completely available to you, I think it's going to change enough—especially if there's that impetus coming from the curation and the recommendations—that will keep you really wanting to just add all that to your library constantly. The basic gist of it being: Apple's software isn't as reliable as it used to be. Gruber: You did say you wouldn't answer some questions. And then Othello goes and kills his own wife, smothering hew with a pillow. That's happening. It is an invitation to be courageous; to show up and let ourselves be seen, even when there are no guarantees. This is vulnerability. This is daring greatly. But because we are one of those organizations who is constantly outspoken about this, people expect us to also do more, right? My mind was opened up to these ideas when I was very, very young. This American Life sent reporters to embed at Harper High School on the South Side of Chicago for six months. A variety of emotions come up at the career crossroads. Schiller: I think our batting average is pretty good on that. He figured maybe one percent of these men would keep flicking the switches, up to the highest voltage. I don't know, I can't help but feel bad for the guy. Most of us have a set idea of what a standard American high school looks like. From Mental Floss and iHeartRadio, this is The Quest for the North Pole. It’s, it’s a huge burden. And they're behind the German lines is-. Gruber: The iPhone didn't used to shoot video, too! Schiller: Well, they finally introduced all the things I was expecting, so... Schiller: I think it went amazing. Posted Sat 13 Oct 2012, 12:24pm. So in Afghanistan, pre-war, pre-Civil war and pre-Taliban, the relationship between the state and the public was the sort of relationship where people were happy if the state was not harming them, but there was very little demand in terms of what was expected of the state. What do you see as being at the heart of the change? Could you say something about that dimension? And my father wasn't buying it. Wow. So he starts experimenting. In that, "Why?" And we've believed for a very long time that that doesn't have to be the case. I mean, that's a big part of it. Yeah, me too. ", And the class ended, and I went back to my office, and I just sat at my desk, and I started reading these. Here is the transcript of yesterday’s chat: ", Yes I did need to kill. Gruber: I'm serious! More laughter. In this episode of the Waking Up podcast, Sam Harris talks to economist Glenn C. Loury about racism, police violence, the Black Lives Matter movement, and related topics. That's one of the things that we need to know. All right, so I'm going to talk to you over this intercom, okay? Regards, Phil.". And I worry about, you know, I worry about a situation like Iran or Saudi Arabia. As far as I know, I don't know if I did or not. Priya Atwal reveals how miscalculation, misogyny and British ruthlessness sealed the fate of … Equal Housing lender licensed in all 50 states. It just that-, Yeah. It's, we want to see more and more of that, always. Listen to the podcast here on the website, or subscribe via iTunes. This last point explains why our three contestants were so eager to set sail. Schiller: [giggles] This is true. In the 20 years since the end of Afghanistan’s civil war and Taliban rule, efforts have been made to entrench democratic institutions and make good on the commitment to human rights in the country’s constitution. As evidence of humans daring doubt podcast transcript latent capacity for evil we think it ’ s as! 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