cactaceae family characteristics

Recognition Characters of the Chenopodiaceae: Petals absent, perianth green, flowers inconspicuous, Beets, swiss chard, sugar beet from Beta vulgaris, Chenopodium ambrosioides as condiment in Mexican food, Atriplex (saltbush) as ornamentals or to attract wildlife, Caryophyllaceae--The Pink or Carnation Family, Leaves: stems with swollen nodes, leaves opposite (rarely alternate), simple, entire, with or without stipules, Flowers: perfect or imperfect, usually actinomorphic, Androecium: stamens usually 10, sometimes as few as 3, distinct, Gynoecium: ovary superior with 1 locule, placentation free-central or basal (rarely axile with 2-5 locules), ovules 1-many, styles 2-5. Cactus Facts for Kids. The Cactaceae family consists of approximately 150 genera and 2,500 species found in different parts of the world. Sclerocactus whipplei. Some of the syrup is used to make a wine that is consumed during the rainmaking ceremony. Flowers, usually less than an inch (25 mm) in diameter and either pink or white, are produced in a ring near the tip of the stem. English names: none known Read on the Cactaceae, a member family of the Caryophyllales, and compare its characteristics to the rest of the group. These hard freezes damage or kill the smallest and largest saguaros, as well as other tropical elements of the flora. Recognition Characters of the Polygonaceae: Ornamentals (Antigonon, Eriogonum, Polygonum). Its flower color (always yellow with brown tips) and its distribution (there is a 100 kilometer gap in Sonora where neither barrel occurs) give rise to some doubt that it belongs to the same species as fishhook barrel. In ideal cultivated situations where the plants are protected from predators, these cacti can grow hundreds of times larger than they do in nature. The woody ribs are used for fence-making and combined with ocotillo, grasses and mud in building dome-shaped houses. Saguaro National Monument was established in 1933 east of Tucson. Sonora Desert Museum. Creeping devil grows rapidly in cool maritime climates like its home. Cacti are a vast and varied family of plants that originated millions of years ago. Cacti belong to the plant family Cactaceae that includes about 1400 species. In this chapter will be approached the general . Found inside – Page 294Cactus family : The cereoid cacti . ... Cactaceae : Cactus family . ... and reproductive characteristics of senita , Lophocereus schottii ( Cactaceae ) in ... The populations in the thornscrub of southern Sonora (the original F. emoryi) are massive barrel-shaped plants up to 9 feet (2.7 m) tall and almost 3 feet (0.9 m) in diameter, with shorter curved but not hooked yellow spines and yellow flowers. The ribs bear broad, flat, strongly-hooked central spines as well as several bristly radial spines, but not enough of these to obscure the stem. • Temperature: Even if you have a house that gets a little cold, the Bunny Ear Cactus is quite resilient to a gradual increase or decrease. The word "cactus" derives, through Latin, from the Ancient Greek κάκτος, kaktos, a name originally used by Theophrastus (the successor to Aristotle) for a spiny plant whose identity is not certain. Desert Christmas Cactus. The same thermal inertia usually keeps the tissues above freezing on cold winter nights. Crowns of bright pink flowers almost an inch (25 mm) across are borne just below the stem tips in early summer. The cardón occurs in most of Baja California, on the coast of Sonora, and on the islands in the Gulf of California. English names: senita (borrowed Spanish name; see Notes below) The prickly pear cactus is a shrub-shaped cactus that can reach up to 4 meters in height, and the same width! Have we encountered the early stage of an evolutionary shift? There are many characteristics of Cactus. Sclerocactus whipplei. Pink, nocturnal flowers about an inch (2.5 cm) in diameter emerge through the bristles from April through August; they emit an unpleasant odor. The saguaro is a focal point in the culture of the Tohono O'odham Indians. The chief agent of mortality of mature saguaros in the Arizona Upland is freezing temperatures. Cylindropuntia bigelovii (a.k.a Opuntia bigelovii). A tap root extends downward to more than 2 feet (60 cm). English name: hedgehog cactus, strawberry cactus (many species) Compare this with 40 years to first flowering in the wetter eastern unit of Saguaro National Park (16 inches, 406 mm, average annual rainfall) and 75 years in the drier Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument (9 inches, 230 mm). Cactus bees are all solitary, but in some species the females congregate by hundreds of thousands at nesting sites to dig their individual nest burrows, which are densely concentrated in an area of a few thousand square feet. The regular, bisexual flowers are showy with numerous sepals, petals and stamens. The relationship is very similar to that of the yucca and its pollinating moth, and only the third such example of a tight pollination-related mutualism known in the world. Areoles or spine - cushions are present. Some species of Echinocereus are readily distinguished from other cacti by the flower buds that rupture through the skin of the stem, rather than emerging from the areoles. The areoles are at the tips of long tubercles that are arranged in 2 spirals (one clockwise, the other counterclockwise). The northernmost plants in Sonora are near Caborca. It often grows in close association with desert ironwood trees. The yellow flowers bloom in August and September. Most take root in the soil and climb into trees, but some grow as epiphytes (on other plants). This first misinterpretation of the ecology of saguaros had a positive outcome — it engendered the preservation of another tract of splendid desert. When sites in Baja California photographed in 1905 were revisited in the 1990s, nearly every senita was still present. They arrived in the Tucson vicinity only 8000 years ago, according to the fossil record. Spanish names: mehuelé, pitahaya dulce (sweet pitahaya), órgano, marismeña. This is a sprawling, shrubby plant with many sparsely-branched stems from the ground to about 10 feet (3 m) or more tall. Food: Most of the important pulses belong to this family. Spanish names: pitayita (little pitaya), casa de rata (rat house). Distinguishing Characteristics of Plant Families. Senita is found in desert and thornscrub in Sonora and Baja California. The stems grow in clusters, which vary from a few stems to great mounds more than 6 feet (2 m) across. Therefore its ecology can be described in considerable detail. Perhaps because of this, many minor geographical variants have been described as species — resulting in more than 400 named species. Inflorescence solitary with large, showy, brightly colored flowers. Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. Southern Arizona experienced wet summers and mild winters during the first half of the 1980s. The stems of this cactus are usually few in number, thin and barely succulent, to about 3 feet (1 m) tall. The genus is popular among cactus collectors because most species are of moderate size and have beautiful flowers. A few miles inland it hybridizes freely with F. peninsulae, forming hybrid swarms with variable spine lengths and curvature, and red-tinted flowers. This plant grows throughout much of the Sonoran and Mohave deserts and southern Great Basin Desert, mostly in rocky or gravelly soils. Fabaceae family has great importance. The juice is flat-tasting but not completely harmless. Echinocereus fendleri. Note: Spines smaller, fewer (0) in shade forms; yellow spines blacken in age. • Light: Getting a fair amount of sun is not a problem for the Bunny Ear Cactus, even if it is bright and direct. Because the flowers close at daybreak, diurnal animals are not significant pollinators as they are of saguaros. A few of the 44 currently recognized species in the genus have single stems. Because of their Crassulacean acid metabolism, they are able to grow in the arid and semi-arid highlands of Mexico. These tuberculate stems contrast with the ribbed stems of the genus Echinocereus. All cactus plants are members of the Cactaceae family, and there are thousands of species in all. The fruits are produced over a long season, but in such small numbers that commercial harvest is not viable. The 1,750 species of cacti belong to one of 127 genera in the Cactaceae plant family. Cardón was recently found to have a trioecious breeding system; that is, plants have The primary effective seed dispersers are several species of fruit-eating birds, such as White-winged Doves, Gila Woodpeckers, and House finches. These pulses are used as food and are rich in proteins. Finally, cacti are in the Family of Cactaceae. Plants which live this kind of life-style are called xerophytes.Most are succulents, which store water.. Cacti are members of the plant family Cactaceae, in the order Caryophyllales.There are about 127 genera, with over 1750 known species. Coville barrel is easily recognized by the relatively few spines per areole, all of which are stout (not bristly). Seedlings grow very slowly during their first few years and are extremely vulner-able. So are most species of desert plants and animals — that’s the nature of this ecosystem. Areoles, the roundish pads from which the spines and usually the flowers are produced, are distributed at 1-inch (2.5 cm) intervals along the ridges of the ribs. Disjunct populations occur on the midriff islands and coastal Sonora opposite Tiburón Island. Stems are nearly always single; like most other barrels this cactus branches only when the tip is damaged. The Mexican name of the cactus is borrowed from the original Indian name, sina. The Cactus belongs to more than 10000 species of succulent plants. The juicy pulp of ripe fruits ranges from white to red and contains large, hard seeds — very different from the tiny seeds of the saguaro. Habit: mostly succulents, shrubs or trees Leaves: mostly absent, when present alternate, deciduous, estipulate Axillary buds modified as areoles--pad-like structures with spines.. Plants: synoecious (rarely dioecious) Inflorescence: solitary, emerging from areoles or bursting through the epidermis A pocket knife is inadequate, and tools that are typically carried in a car, such as tire irons, aren’t very effective either. Mammillaria thornberi, for example, is so rare that it was considered for listing under the Endangered Species Act in the 1980s. Thorough field work and genetic analysis often reveal that populations described as separate species actually belong to a single, variable species. This is due to the belief that these "living barrels" are reservoirs of fresh drinking water in the hot arid . Drinking it on an empty stomach often causes diarrhea, and some Seri experience pain in their bones if they walk a long distance after drinking the juice. Broken stems may themselves branch to produce one to several arms; this increases the potential seed production of the plant. Desert night-blooming cereus plants usually occur as widely-separated individuals, and the flowers are not self-fertile. In India, many cacti are grown as wild plants in semiarid and arid regions. They represent the most primitive branch of the cactus family. The desert populations were originally described as F. covillei. The fruit has a juicy, tasty, red pulp. In addition to the giants described below, there are several smaller columnar species in the Sonoran Desert, and even more small and large species in the adjacent tropical communities. The plant must be replanted no deeper than it was growing originally; covering any of the trunk with soil is frequently fatal just as it is to almost all trees. Humans have been living in southern Arizona longer than have saguaros. Archaeologist Julian Hayden had a plant in his Tucson yard that was over 8 feet (2.4 m) tall and perhaps twice as wide. 2021 N. Kinney Rd., Tucson AZ 85743 U.S.A. The spiny barrel occurs in northern Baja California and Sonora, southern California, and Arizona. Teddy Bear Cholla. The Cactaceae consist of perennial shrubs or trees, with leaf spines arising from specialized axillary meristems termed areoles, which in some taxa may also bear small, trichome-like leaves with retrorse barbs called glochidia.The stems are typically succulent, and may be cladodes (e.g., prickly-pears) or radially plicate (e.g., barrel cacti). This book offers an accessible introduction to Sonoran Desert ecology. Eight original essays by Sonoran Desert specialists provide an overview of the practice of ecology at landscape, community, and organism levels. Prickly Pear Cactus with a shield bug. The creeping devil is found only on sandy soils on the central Pacific coast of Baja California Sur. This is one of the Sonoran Desert’s most famous yet least encountered plants. In contrast, flickers usually excavate larger holes higher on the stem and penetrate the interior rib cylinder. Cactus pollen is packed into these burrows to feed the grubs, which the parents do not tend. All the plants under Cactaceae family have the following characteristics. Ferocactus is a genus that has long been a major stereotype for the entire cactus family. The latter species typically has 1 long central spine and The genus ranges from southern California to central Texas and southward through Central America. Found inside – Page 102Britton and Rose], a member of the Cactaceae family, ... based on cladodes characteristics (for 51 individuals of 45 progenies and six parental), ... This is a large hedgehog with clusters of as many as 30 stems up to 2 feet (60 cm) tall, thickly clothed with long yellow spines. The name cactus has been derived from the words of Theophrastus for a spiny plant. Cacti is the Latin plural of cactus, and some writers use it in English. It is most often found on south-facing rocky slopes below 3300 feet (1000 m) in elevation. This bizarre cactus migrates across the desert during its lifetime. Most cacti store moisture in their stems rather than in. The cactus are native to the Americas, from Patagonia to the desert regions of North America. English names: saguaro, giant cactus Echinocactus differs from Ferocactus in having sharp-pointed scales on the flower tubes and woolly ovaries. - Usually large rosette herbs, trees, or shrubs, - Anomalous secondary growth. This species has several varieties, most of which are difficult to distinguish from E. fasciculatus. 1 of 3 variations of gender. The leaves are simple, often succulent, spiral . Fishhook Barrel Cactus. The few that survive to about 3 feet (1 m) tall at about 40 years of age are much more resistent to weather extremes and animal damage, and mortality is low from then into old age. Small, attractive, diverse, and generally easy to cultivate, mammillarias enjoy enormous popularity with collectors. Found inside – Page 187... Origin 187 Taxonomy 187 Fruit Characteristics 188 Cultivation and Harvest ... The Cactaceae family, to where the Opuntia genus belongs, is distributed ... The enormous popularity of cacti among gardeners and plant collectors is surpassed only by that of roses and orchids. It has almost 1700 species and 127 different genera. The cause in saguaros and other cacti is not known, other than that it usually seems to follow damage to the growing point. Most cacti feature thick photosynthetic stems and leaves that are modified as spines. During each flush most of the flowers open on one night, with a few stragglers the night before or after the big bang. The similar Rainbow Cactus (Echinocereus pectinatus) has a band of green below the white band at the base of the flower tepals. Spanish name: biznaga de agua (water barrel). CACTACEAE CACTUS FAMILY. The adaptive value of this convergence, if any, is unknown. Oxalidaceae . This book offers a complete natural history of this enduring cactus, the largest and tallest in the United States. But saguaro stems begin growing thinner above about 12 feet (3.7 m), while continuing to add outer ribs (pleats). Missouri foxtail cactus. The great, mostly aqueous bulk of larger plants protects them from temperature extremes. Fleshy and jointed stems with watery sap, modified for photosynthesis and water storage, sometimes triangular or flattened. The plant grows in very arid habitats, usually on fine-textured valley soils. One cactus genus, Pereskia, includes about 20 shrubs and trees that grow leaves and don't even look like cactus! The ovary is positioned inferior and consists of 2 or more united carpels (syncarpous . Senita generally grows 10 to 13 feet (3 to 4 m) tall and has the same general form as organpipe cactus. The drooping arms seen on many old saguaros is a result of wilting after frost damage. A cactus (plural cacti, cactuses, or less commonly, cactus) is a member of the plant family Cactaceae, a family comprising about 127 genera with some 1750 known species of the order Caryophyllales. It was illustrated with drawings and color plates principally by the British . The number of arms and overall size of a plant seem to be correlated with soil and rainfall. Some taxonomists favor elevating the varieties of this species — E. fasciculatus var. Introduced species increasingly escape cultivation. Saguaro arms always grow upwards. It is traditionally used as a dietary vegetable, barrier hedge, water purifier, and insect repellant and for maintaining health, detoxification, prevention of cancer, and/or treatment of cancer, hypertension, diabetes, stomach ache, muscle pain, and . Many-headed barrel cacti are slow-growing and probably very long-lived. When backlit by the sun, the spines of this cactus create a dazzling golden-yellow halo. When the stems are eaten by herbivores such as white-throated woodrats (packrats) and cactus borers (Cactobrosis fernaldialis), new stems soon sprout from the tuberous root. The ribs are used in housing. Found inside – Page 87A comparison of ovary position in some important families . ... of a family you soon will begin to separate the family characteristics that they share from ... Kingdom: Plantae - Plants Subkingdom: Tracheobionta - Vascular plants Superdivision: Spermatophyta - Seed plants Echinocereus triglochidiatus. Several small populations occur in Arizona in Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument and on the Tohono O'odham Reservation. Furthermore, the raw pulp of many cacti is inedible. areole, one of which is dark-colored and hooked. Sonora Desert Museum. Chain Fruit Cholla. Cactaceae CACTUS FAMILY Shrubs or trees, perennial Stems succulent, sometimes triangular or flattened (A) Leaves highly reduced or absent Spines from axillary 'buds', many together, not paired two together (instead of leaves in most species, or leaves quickly deciduous; B) Flower usually solitary (C) Tepals many; anthers many In Mexico, the Myrtillocactus fruit production levels are substantial, yet fruits are often under-used. A frost-damaged saguaro may survive for another decade or even longer, but eventually it weakens until it can no longer resist infection. Other saguaro anomalies occasionally encountered are ribs that undulate or spiral. Both are characteristic of arid tropical habitats (the cacti only in the “New World”) and their presence in the Sonoran Desert reflects its affinity to the tropics. One of the great fables of desert survival is that barrels and other cacti are reservoirs of water that can be easily tapped and drunk. The saguaro doom story first surfaced in the 1940s; at that time little was known about saguaro ecology. The saguaro is the most thoroughly studied plant in the Sonoran Desert. It grows very quickly and produces flat cauline segments , bluish green and without spine. Pachycereus pecten-aboriginum (etcho, hecho, cardón barbón) resembles a skinny cardón. The Erwinia bacterium is common in the environment. Opuntia leptocaulis. Genera In Family: +- 125 genera, +- 1800 species: America (especially deserts), Africa; many cultivated, some edible. The hole must be filled with soil with excellent drainage. This cactus is a forest type, which is why it looks so different from the stereotypical cactus. Even in the shelter of nurse plants, most saguaro seedlings perish from drought, frost, or predation. The fruit persists until it is removed by animals and may remain on the plant for more than a year. Please e-mail Thomas J. Elpel to report mistakes or to inquire about purchasing high resolution photos of these plants. This desert form occurs from south-central Arizona to central Sonora. Fruit ripening occurs just before the summer rainy season arrives in the eastern Sonoran Desert. About 10percent of the important pulses belong to the botanical cactaceae family characteristics Cactaceae 3... High above the desert populations were originally described as separate species actually belong to the base the... An inch ( 25 mm ) average annual rainfall years of age link in the near... De viejo ( old man ’ s head is common and widespread most! Their land than saguaro disintegrate, so populations decrease cactaceae family characteristics the Cactaceae at landscape community. Consumers of the Sonoran desert and a few stout radials, but not hooked,. ( the western unit had mature stands of giants by the amount of rainfall plant... 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