what caused the religious wars in europe

In October 1641, a major rebellion broke out in Ireland. A vast number of minor independent duchies, free imperial cities, abbeys, bishoprics, and small lordships of sovereign families rounded out the Empire. A mob poured into the church and it was entirely gutted. Found inside – Page 1Now, award-winning journalist John Cornwell has revisited this seminal work of history with a new introduction that both answers his critics and reaffirms his overall thesis that Pius XII, now scheduled to be canonized by the Vatican, ... Maurice of Nassau, William’s son, had studied mathematics and applied the latest techniques in science to ballistics and siege warfare. It was a list of grievances against the king of England intended to justify separation from British rule, and it expressed “self-evident truths” of liberty and equality. Sometime later after brief resistance, little Naarden surrendered to the Spaniards. In a pattern soon to become familiar in the Netherlands and Scotland, underground Calvinist preaching and the formation of covert alliances with members of the nobility quickly led to more direct action to gain political and religious control. The religious element was a decisive factor in the development of hostilities despite the fact that the Dutch people at the time were overwhelmingly Roman Catholic. Sort of. William, who raised another army after a series of earlier defeats, again battled the Spanish without a single victory. A garrison of 4,000 troops defended the city with such intensity that Don Fadrique contemplated withdrawing. Peace negotiations were concluded in the Treaty of Lübeck in 1629, which stated that Christian IV could keep his control over Denmark if he would abandon his support for the Protestant German states. The first major changes to doctrine and practice took place under Vicar-General Thomas Cromwell, and the newly appointed Protestant-leaning Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer. By the end of the Thirty Years' War (1618–1648), Catholic France had allied with the Protestant forces against the Catholic Habsburg Monarchy. In 1529 under the lead of Huldrych Zwingli, the Protestant canton and city of Zürich had concluded with other Protestant cantons a defence alliance, the Christliches Burgrecht, which also included the cities of Konstanz and Strasbourg. Bigod's rebellion was an armed rebellion by English Roman Catholics in Cumberland and Westmorland against King Henry VIII of England and the English Parliament. The Huguenot army was under the command of Louis I de Bourbon, prince de Condé, and aided by forces from south-eastern France and a contingent of Protestant militias from Germany—including 14,000 mercenary reiters led by the Calvinist Duke of Zweibrücken. Muslims make up for nearly 6% of the continent's population. Lutherans could keep the territory that they had captured from the Catholic Church since the Peace of Passau in 1552. The soldiers ate, drank, then killed every person in the town. The situation on the ground in 1589 was that King Henry IV of France, as Navarre had become, held the south and west, and the Catholic League the north and east. Further hostilities—the Seventh War (1579–1580)—ended in the stalemate of the Treaty of Fleix. was a significant cause of the violence. The Beggars of the Sea took to pirating under commission from William of Orange. A vast number of minor independent duchies, free imperial cities, abbeys, bishoprics, and small lordships of sovereign families rounded out the Empire. The prospect of taking over rich church properties and monastic lands had led nobles in many parts of Europe to support a "princely" Reformation. Deaths Caused by Christians: 1562-1598 – French Wars of Religion – France – 4 million. Mary set out for Stirling on 26 August 1565 to confront them. The population of the Czech lands declined by a third. Catholicism was forcibly suppressed. This revolt started the Thirty Years’ War, causing additional conflicts elsewhere in Europe, and subsuming other already ongoing conflicts. Mary set out for Stirling on 26 August 1565 to confront them. Catching the exhausted defenders sleeping, they massacred 6,000 men, women and children. Farnese soon regained nearly all the Southern provinces for Spain. With the help of the Scots, Parliament won at Marston Moor (2 July 1644), gaining York and much of the north of England. the Low Countries broke away from Spain, and split into (in the South) Catholic Belgium and (in the North) Protestant Netherlands. Philip gave full power to Alva in 1567. Mary of Guise gathered those nobles loyal to her and a small French army. The most politically significant turn of events came when Charles V of Spain transferred sovereignty of the Low Countries to his son Philip II. Businessmen liked the role of the laity in Calvinist congregations. Deeply involved in the Thirty Years’ War, Spain decided to yield everything to the Dutch in order to be free to fight the French. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. At this time there were only a limited number of Protestants among the general population, and these were mostly living in the towns of the South and the East of England. For decades armies and armed bands had roamed Germany like packs of wolves, slaughtering the populace like sheep. This divisiveness gave Spain the opportunity to send Alexander Farnese, Duke of Parma with 20,000 well-trained troops into the Netherlands. In 1532, King Francis I intervened politically and militarily in support of Protestant German princes against the Habsburgs, as did King Henry II in 1551. The tensions were a result of many colonies often being acquired through coercion. . State building . Some diplomacy was used and when a compromise was reached on May 6, 1566, Philip eased off. Following the restoration of Catholicism under Queen Mary I of England in 1553, there was a brief unsuccessful Protestant rising in the south-east of England. They greeted the victorious soldiers with tables set with feasts. Most of them are second and third-generation immigrants. The Battle of White Mountain (1620) in Bohemia was one of the decisive battles of the Thirty Years’ War that ultimately led to the forced conversion of the Bohemian population back to Roman Catholicism. Seizing upon the term, Beggars, used earlier in a derogatory manner by Margaret of Parma, the Dutch rebels formed the Wild Beggars and the Beggars of the Sea. Charles II landed in Scotland at Garmouth in Moray on 23 June 1650 and signed the 1638 National Covenant and the 1643 Solemn League and Covenant immediately after coming ashore. Religion had caused unrest in Europe because the church had been split into several religious movements. The Peace of Augsburg (1555), signed by Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, confirmed the result of the 1526 Diet of Speyer and ended the violence between the Lutherans and the Catholics in Germany. [38][incomplete short citation]. The leadership of the Catholic League had devolved to the Duke de Mayenne, who was appointed Lieutenant-General of the kingdom. On 12 May 1588, a popular uprising raised barricades on the streets of Paris, and Henry III fled the city. Henry of Anjou was crowned King Henry III of France in 1575, at Reims, but hostilities—the Fifth War—had already flared up again. It was foiled when their plans were discovered. The Catholics were victorious and able to maintain their political dominance. Most of the 1,600 surviving defenders were put to death and 400 leading citizens were executed. Instead of selecting a successor trained in handling diplomacy, Philip sent the Duke of Alva to crush the malcontents. Fought after the Protestant Reformation began in 1517, the wars disrupted the religious and political order in the Catholic countries of Europe. The destruction of thirty churches and monasteries followed. The German Peasants' War of 1524/1525 was a popular revolt inspired by the teachings of the radical reformers. In an attempt to mine the city, 500 of Farnese’s own men were killed when the explosives detonated prematurely. Cromwell followed Charles into England, leaving George Monck to finish the campaign in Scotland. According to the Peace of Aarau of 11 August 1712 and the Peace of Baden of 16 June 1718, the war ended with the end of Catholic hegemony. However, this was generally regarded as unsatisfactory by both Catholics and Protestants. Found insideIn the zones of statelessness, almost all Jews died. A few people, the righteous few, aided them, without support from institutions. Much of the new research in this book is devoted to understanding these extraordinary individuals. On the political front, William of Orange saw the opportunity to amass support for a large scale insurrection aimed at procuring independence from Spain. They called it “natural law,” or “Nature’s law.” Such law is the ultimate source and established limit for all of man’s laws and is intended to protect each of these natural rights for all of mankind. [31] Farnese repeopled it with Walloon Catholics. On one occasion a surgeon at Veer cut the heart from a Spanish prisoner, nailed it on a vessel's prow, and invited the townsmen to come and fasten their teeth in it, which many did with savage satisfaction. Clément was executed on the spot, taking with him the information of who, if anyone, had hired him. Don Fadrique's troops indiscriminately sacked homes, monasteries and churches. The Beggars of the Sea took to pirating under commission from William of Orange. The Pilgrimage of Grace was a popular rising in Yorkshire in 1536–37 against Henry VIII’s break with the Roman Catholic Church. France has 4.71 million Muslims and Britain has 2.96 million Muslims. The Imperial power retreated to Austria and the Habsburg lands. The Spiritual Life © 2020. In the ancient and medieval world, the etymological Latin root religio was understood as an individual virtue of worship, never as doctrine, practice, or actual source of knowledge. This provoked the First War. The Reformation came to Britain and Ireland with King Henry VIII of England's breach with the Catholic Church in 1533. The wars of religion in Ireland took place in the context of a country that had already rebelled frequently against English rule in the previous decades. Background: Wars in Europe. This “Spanish Fury” was used by William to reinforce his arguments to ally all the Netherlands’ Provinces with him. [33][full citation needed] After the Duke was killed in action, he was succeeded by the Count of Mansfeld and the Dutch William of Orange and his brothers Louis and Henry. Many of the British North American colonies that eventually formed the United States of America were settled in the seventeenth century by men and women, who, in the face of European persecution, refused to compromise passionately held religious convictions and fled Europe. Found insidePublisher Description This article is more than 3 years old. The persecution of heretics continued during this period and even intensified. On October 11, 1531, the Catholic cantons decisively defeated the forces of Zürich in the Second War of Kappel. Today we see such intractable inter-religious wars between Muslims and Jews in Palestine, Hindus and Muslims in … The conflicts culminated in the Thirty Years' War, which devastated Germany and killed one third of its population, a mortality rate twice that of World War I. Some of its origins lay with tensions over the religious … The Reformation in Scotland began in conflict. [31] Of the city's 30,000 population, only 400 survived. After the Convention of Estates deposed the Catholic king James VII on 11 April 1689, they offered the royal title to William and his wife Mary (the Protestant daughter of James), which they accepted on 11 May 1689. Alva's judgment was that of a soldier trained in Spanish discipline and piety. A group called the "Beggars" grew in strength and proceeded to raise a sizable army. It is the most powerful and concise presentation of Christian life. Luther has stated ideas of enlightenment with excellent brevity. The book is a quintessence of the spirit of the Reformation and a guide for practical and biblical living. After numerous minor incidents and provocations from both sides, a Catholic priest was executed in the Thurgau in May 1528, and the Protestant pastor J. Keyser was burned at the stake in Schwyz in 1529. Instead, he sparked nationalist feeling across Europe. The execution of Charles I altered the dynamics of the Civil War in Scotland, which had raged between Royalists and Covenanters since 1644. And it was this upheaval – not military conflict per se – that took the heaviest human toll. Although a Roman Catholic, she was prepared to deal favourably with the Huguenot House of Bourbon. Starting as a revolt against feudal oppression, the peasants’ uprising became a war against all constituted authorities, and an attempt to establish by force an ideal Christian commonwealth. Fought after the Protestant Reformation began in 1517, the wars disrupted the religious and political order in the Catholic countries of Europe. Here a group of prominent citizens, including the Lutheran pastor turned Anabaptist Bernhard Rothmann, Jan Matthys, and Jan Bockelson ("John of Leiden") had little difficulty in obtaining possession of the town on January 5, 1534. Protestants entered cathedrals smashing holy objects, breaking up altars and statues and smashing stained glass windows. England, Scotland and Ireland, in personal union under the Stuart king, James I & VI, continued Elizabeth I's policy of providing military support to European Protestants in the Netherlands and France. When additional French troops arrived in Leith, Edinburgh's seaport, the Protestants responded by retaking Edinburgh. [citation needed]. Toward the end of the 11th century, tensions grew between Christians and Muslims, driving the two religious groups into a long and violent holy war, also known as the Crusades. Simultaneously Parliament offered concessions to the Scots in return for their aid and assistance. It raged between Protestants and Catholics swirling around the Holy Roman Empire or Western Rome. However tax-raising authority for these wars was getting harder and harder to raise from parliament. and it would be a puppet state until 1814, when Frederick VI gave away the crown of Norway to the king of Sweden as part of the Treaty of Kiel. Clément was executed on the spot, taking with him the information of who, if anyone, had hired him. The Protestant army laid siege to several cities in the Poitou and Saintonge regions (to protect La Rochelle), and then Angoulême and Cognac. The nobility resented the land held by the Church, all free of taxes. On the political front, William of Orange saw the opportunity to amass support for a large scale insurrection aimed at procuring independence from Spain. One authority puts France's losses against Austria at 80,000 killed or wounded and against Spain (including the years 1648–1659, after Westphalia) at 300,000 dead or disabled. As the period of sieges subsided, the War of Liberation continued. The Peace of Augsburg began to unravel as some bishops converting to Protestantism refused to give up their bishoprics. Numbers of malcontents drank sacramental wine and burned missals. During the 16th and 17th centuries, the Netherlands, or Low Countries, were engaged in a seemingly futile struggle for independence against the most dominant power of the times, Spain. Although the genocides accounted for a large number of casualties, diseases and famine caused by the war were also partially responsible. By 1646 Charles had been forced to surrender himself to the Scots, and the parliamentary forces were in control of England. Nevertheless, Protestant religions, especially Calvinism, seeped into the Low Countries during the early part of the 16th century due to the fact that it was a major center for trade. By the end of August disease and a shortage of supplies had reduced his army, and he had to order a retreat towards his base at Dunbar. James was a Stuart – so Tudor England died on March 24th 1603 while the … . Historians have estimated[citation needed] that up to 30% of Ireland's population either died or had gone into exile by the end of the wars. Print Wars in Europe during the Sixteenth Century. On 30 June, the Protestants occupied Edinburgh, though they were only able to hold it for a month. Her secretary, William Maitland of Lethington, defected to the Protestant side, bringing his administrative skills. A new Governor of the Netherlands followed. Battles were fought fiercely in caverns with limited maneuvering capabilities. Ferdinand, having been educated by the Jesuits, was a staunch Catholic. The spread of French Calvinism persuaded the French ruler Catherine de Médicis to show more tolerance for the Huguenots, which angered the powerful Roman Catholic Guise family. Politics of Europe shifted toward Spain during its “Golden Age” in the late-16th century. The Sonderbund War of 1847 was also based on religion. Church property was seized, and Catholic worship was forbidden in most territories that adopted the Lutheran Reformation. What were the causes of the religious wars? It was Europe’s largest and most widespread popular uprising before the 1789 French Revolution. While religious groups have been specifically targeted (most notably in World War II), to claim that religion was the cause is to blame the victim and to misunderstand the perpetrators’ motives, which were nationalistic and ethnic, not religious. In 1567, Mary was captured by another rebellious force at the Battle of Carberry Hill and imprisoned in Loch Leven Castle, where she was forced to abdicate the Scottish throne in favour of her one-year-old son James. Philip became dissatisfied with Margaret, and seized the opportunity to relieve her. Military intervention by external powers such as Denmark and Sweden on the Protestant side increased the duration of the war and the extent of its devastation. Charles V was raised in Brussels; Philip II was considered a foreigner. The choice was crucial. Henry I, Duke of Guise, formed the Catholic League to protect the Catholic cause in France. [dubious – discuss]. The first challenge to the institution of these reforms came from Ireland, where 'Silken' Thomas Fitzgerald cited the controversy to justify his armed uprising of 1534. There were occasions when the Wars of Religion assumed the guise of a supranational conflict between Reformation and Counter-Reformation. Battles were fought fiercely in caverns with limited maneuvering capabilities. What Is The Difference Between god, God, and Allah? Shortly after this episode, local resistance to the reforms emerged in England. Open war was avoided by means of a peace agreement (Erster Landfriede) that was not exactly favourable to the Catholic side, which had to dissolve its alliance with the Austrian Habsburgs. The Protestant army laid siege to several cities in the Poitou and Saintonge regions (to protect La Rochelle), and then Angoulême and Cognac. Mary's marriage to a leading Catholic precipitated Mary's half-brother, the Earl of Moray, to join with other Protestant Lords in open rebellion. On 20 May the Scottish Parliament sentenced him to death and had him hanged the next day. 1550-1650 time of internal and external conflict throughout Europe. caused war between monarchs, nobles, and common people over religion. Found inside"The sixteenth century in Europe was a period of vigorous economic expansion that led to social, political, religious, and cultural transformations and established the early modern age. The Catholic League’s presses and supporters continued to spread stories about atrocities committed against Catholic priests and the laity in Protestant England (see Forty Martyrs of England and Wales). A time worship, and Allah to Haarlem a brutal battle ensued engagements the. Relieve Haarlem 1450, France won another Great victory at the Catholics were victorious and able to it. Cluster of provinces 1998-2003 ) was the Calvinist teaching that leading citizens executed... Person in the provinces to Spain called the “ Beggars ” grew in the history of,. And Great power conflicts Islands in 1540, and ultimately Jutland Netherlands and in he... Christians can ’ t dodge the blame either Inquisition where laws were rarely, if,! 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