supergirl fanfiction kara has a baby

Kara was just extremely worried about you she hated seeing her baby sister wake up in the middle of the night shaking, crying and. I like writing fanfiction about young justice, and some other fandoms requests open. You were pretty sure you had a fever along with the worst head and stomachache of your entire life. It felt like none of the agents actually knew how to do there job, she had several miscommunications with Brainy, and she got into a fight with Kara. You can’t even see what she’s doing because she gaslights you.”, “Gaslights?” you frown at your sister’s girlfriend and shake your head. Despite the eventful night the morning went by pretty slowly Kara was called for a Supergirl . “I’m guessing you already know my name,” you nodded. She determined nothing was broken, but you had some bruised ribs, and a sprained ankle from the fall. I love cooking.”. I’m like, six months away from being legal.”, “Fair enough,” Lena says. “Hey, you guys this is Maggie,” Alex said. So you shook the beautiful CEO’s hand hoping that it wasn’t dripping in sweat all while thinking to yourself how much you really want to do her makeup, if you could ever get up the courage to ask her. Your heart was pounding, your breath was coming out in short gasps, and tears were beginning to pool in your eyes. Truth is you had tried to put on a brave face, but you were freaking out on the inside after your confrontation with Kara. Kara Danvers. You got out of bed and slowly walked to your bathroom taking a Tylenol. She has to raise her daught. “Kara, she’s adorable,” Winn said handing you a glass of champagne but Kara grabbed it before you could. just have to ask 🤠The agent heard Kara yelping but couldn't look due to the intense purple glow emanating from the device and cloaking her sister's form. “So, did you like it?” Winn asked Lena as Kara removed the DVD. “Hey kiddo.”, She looked at you sympathetically before helping you up on the bed, “I promise I’ll be as quick as possible.”. As Kara watches the pod finally leave her vision, she realizes her life is changing. (Note: This didn't fit the tone of HypRom, so it's now part of a series of 'deleted . After finding out the truth what will happen next../. While yoga had helped her she was no match for the 4 of you, and it made her feel bummed Luthors aren’t supposed to loose. This wasn’t helping your anxiety as you were getting upset you started crying tears streaming down your face. “Dont go,” you said in whisper, but Kara heard it with her super hearing. Anonymous said: Alex and Kara get into a fight and baby!danvers gets stuck in the middle and they don't realize how its effecting her until she decides to spend a game night with Lena at her. Y/N, this is Winn. They basically had to put everything on hold, and do everything for you. Originally posted by motorcyclegirlfriends. Your stomach began to twist itself into knots. Wanna see him hurt? “Its my fault.”, “What?” Jaime tried sitting up in bed, but winced as pain shot to her stomach. “I’ll come watch,” you said following them. Tonight you were supposed to play laser tag with your sisters and friends but you didn’t know if that was still happening. A/N: What kind of mayhem do the Superfriends get up to? Found inside – Page 1Kara DanversÕ hidden memories of her life on another planet are bubbling to the surfaceÑbut is she alone here on earth? You realized Alex had already came back from the bathroom standing near by with Kara and Lena. Kal-El (born 1979) is the son of Jor-El and Lara Van-El. Alex had a long-hard day at work. “Even though I’m lying in a hospital bed?” The teen tried to use her best puppy dog eyes. You also thought about how much you were effecting your sisters lives. Alex walked into your apartment with Maggie in tow. You sipped on the soda Kara ordered you since you were underage. Supergirl: Created by Ali Adler, Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg. We can change your locks, get you a new phone and number…anything. “You can’t control how you feel when somebody dies especially your father. B!D meets Barbara Gordon/Batgirl and they hit it off. Lena had gotten you a new heating pad shaped like a teddy bear to put on your knees which were the worst. She raised an eyebrow like she didn’t believe you, but then the thermometer beeped. You weren’t so lucky though as you were hit in the side causing you to come slamming down on the ground. “I’ll wait outside,” he told you as you approached Kara. Per her instructions your ankle was in an elevated position and was being iced along with your ribs using the frozen peas Kara had given you. She was a bit worried about you coming out tonight with your cast. “Detective Jones told me what was happening.”. It felt like none of the agents actually knew how to do there job, she had several miscommunications with Brainy, and she got into a fight with Kara. “Hey, you are not pathetic,” you started to look down so Kara put a hand under your chin so she could make you look her in the eyes again. Three sets of wide eyes turned to stare in your direction. thank you, R is a Danvers sister and is dating Lena and R tells a+k that she's bringing her gf to dinner and A is like fair enough and invites M and then they have the dinner and Lena shows up and K looks through the door and she's like ??? You were currently struggling since monopoly wasn’t really your strong suit, “so who usually wins?” You asked. What would sex with both Lena and Kara include? After a not so successful night as Guardian he was trying not to jar his bruised ribs too much. “Can I hug you?” You nodded and she wrapped her arms around you. You just finished getting your X Ray when a concerned looking Alex came back to where you were. Plus I drink at home sometimes anyways. Lobo has just blown up the old shopping mall on the East side." Rose said approaching. This seemed to put your sisters at ease. throwing up. I mean, I can definitely make some stuff from time to time if you want.”. “What happened?”, “You were shot,” Maggie sighed heavily. You hiccup a little pulling away just enough so you could look Kara in the eye. But, you have to let us help you out of this relationship. She is also the former love interest of James Olsen and Mon-El. Maybe she’ll answer this time?” you asked Alex. “I’m Maggie Sawyer, NCPD detective. “So are you excited to meet Alex’s new girlfriend tomorrow?” She asked not taking her eyes of the road. “Oh, well, uh, I’m happy for you both!” Kara exclaimed after managing to get her composure back. You began to wonder if maybe, just maybe they were telling the truth. The only person who had a problem was Mon El who grumbled about not being able to play laser tag. You felt yourself starting to panic when Kara came out dressed in her super suit. Kara’s eyes began watering behind her glasses and you looked around at everyone in the room. She always hated when you had panic attacks, and the fact she caused one killed her. “Kara, uh, surprise! James was grateful about the whole thing. "A boy from Daxam and a girl from Krypton." Daxamites and Kryptonians have been at war for years. Not in a she’s attracted to you sort of way more in the way that a kitten is cute she felt like she had to protect you. Which is why you were having no problems stretching your body is some crazy positions while many others struggled. Kara Danvers (birth name Kara Zor-El and better known as Supergirl) is the main female protagonist of the CW series, Supergirl. “Hey, you guys this is Maggie,” Alex said. Besides looking at you she thought you couldn’t possibly be older than 19. The detective gently pushed her back down. “Hey little one,” she said sounding sad. as if speaking to a baby. “But you weren’t the one that shot me.”. Alex hugged her girlfriend, “thanks for looking out for her,” she said gratefully. Because of both sides of her heritage on her father's side she is Daxamite Royalty and on her mother's side she is the last daughter of Krypton. Its her way of letting you know that she’s there for you and to keep you safe should anything happen. When asked what was wrong you would just claim you were tired or thinking about work they decided to give you some space and just keep an eye on you, but if things continued or got worse they would sit you down and talk about it. Despite what you think that’s the same reason I don’t want Guardian out there. Kara was looking for an excuse to tell miss Grant when a guy you assumed was Kara’s friend swooped in and made her seem like a genius. While Living At The Orphanage for 1 year since her mothers death. She was having trouble focusing however because tomorrow she was going to meet her girlfriends friends and family. They’re a long way from it.”, yep but you can send wlw requests for supergirl to my current blog: @wlw-multi-fandom-imagines. “I said something to her,” you told James as you drove him home with sweaty hands on the steering wheel. This is the story of how she discovers they are one and the same. Kara nearly dropped the box of pastries in her hands straight onto your floor at the sight of you locking lips with none other than Lena Luthor. “Of course Alex doesn’t date anyone who doesn’t own a firearm,” said Winn. Kara of Rokyn is a Supergirl fanfiction series written by DarkMark.. The redhead also doesn’t see her as she walks into the emergency room and heads to the front desk to ask for your information. “So humble, and yet so talented,” Lena chuckles. Jaime chuckled, and Maggie’s heart skipped a beat at hearing her daughter’s laugh again. There are some new stories and a few that I have recommended before in nine Supercop fics in February and ten in ten Supercop fics in May 2017. “Are you new to National City,” she asked and you were about to answer when her phone went off. She held the cup while her daughter took a long drink from the straw. Good God what would you wear tonight? You ended up relaxing together and spending the rest of the night watching your favorite movies until you both fell asleep on the couch where Alex found you te next morning. After finding out the truth what will happen next../. “You too,” and you didn’t see the Detective again until a couple weeks later. “I was wrong. “How are you feeling? Kara drew you a warm bath with Epsom salts to help your sore muscles, and afterwards helped you put on some comfortable clothes to get ready for a Super friends movie marathon. Winn immediately turned around to try and help you when you hear the sounds of Kara tackling Reactron now angry that her baby sister was hurt. “Are you new to National City,” she asked and you were about to answer when her phone went off. She was in a good place after realizing everyone in her life accepted her for who she is, and how good she was to her baby sister. It’s Kara, and I’s job to be there for you and help you get through it. - You constantly tease her about how old she is. You have to spend all your time taking care of me.”. “Fine. I’ve failed, and now you’re in a hospital bed.”, “If I didn’t spend so much time on the job.”, “I understand if you hate me, and never wanna speak to me again.”. { Supergirl Percy Jackson crossover } ( Kara Danvers love story) Sirena Blossom just wants normal life after everything she went though in the two wars but as her luck will have it she ends up falling head over heels in love with the girl who just so happens to be the girl of steel. She nodded taking a sip of her drink, “I did.” She said as the two of you hugged and went to re-join the others. He had a menacing smile on his face, and was holding a gun. You were hesitant at first but eventually let her see your injurie. Release year: 2017. Your sister was a secret agent and you break your arm in the most pathetic way. “It’s ok sweetheart, it’s ok I’m here,” she said as she rubbed your back. You refused to go back to sleep until Kara came back. Following the death of their father Jeremiah Alex had lashed out in pain stuck in a pit of grief and anger. But I want some help figuring out her character I’d love it if you guys could send me your own thoughts about her(who she is, what she likes, etc…). “I tripped and fells down some stairs,” you said feeling slightly embarrassed. “Deep breath in,” she said as she listened for anything abnormal sounding. - You now watch horror movies together whenever Kara is out of town because they scare her. “Kara, its ok,” you said after she told Mon El he should leave the apartment. “I totally could’ve won if I wanted to.”. Growing up you were in gymnastics, dance, and even had dreams at one point of pursuing a career as an acrobat. I don’t wanna upset anyone.”, “Y/N our friends will be absolutely fine with it, they know how much you struggled with this,” she said playing with your hair. When you arrived at the DEO you saw Kara lecturing James and something in you just snapped. The adventures of Superman's cousin in her own superhero career. Found insideWritten by New York Times bestselling author Barry Lyga, this is one adventure fans of the TV series won’t want to miss! THE FLASH and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics. (s17) It was currently night time, and you were sitting on your living room couch watching tv while Kara was getting ready to go on patrol. “I know Kara, I forgive you.” you replied pain finally beginning to subside. Thus, he is way older than Supergirl and Superboy, and he has never heard of Smallville. I’ll be right there” she said before hanging up. “This isn’t good, she has internal bleeding,” said Alex trying to get you prepared she had ordered some med bay assistant to call Doctor Hamilton, you would need to be immediately prepped for emergency surgery. With that Alex led both Sawyers out of the precinct as they stepped outside Maggie wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders as they crossed the street hurriedly. You were sat on the couch leaned against Kara while Alex sat across from you. “Finally I beat Alex at a game,” you said now that the game was over. Maggie than turned to you smirking, she thought you were cute. saralance. A series of Supergirl lesbian x-reader fics, including Kara Danvers, Supergirl, Kara Danvers is Supergirl, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Sam Arias, Imra Ardeen, and request. Kara nodded, you knew that she had already met Alex’s new women but she hadn’t told you much about her. Why? Today you’re going into the DEO to have Alex draw your blood like she promised she would. You didn’t really mind not being able to drink you were perfectly content sipping your coke and munching on bar food. “You too,” and you didn’t see the Detective again until a couple weeks later. You didn’t recognize who it was until she helped you sit up. She was a bit worried about you coming out tonight with your cast. “But that’s all the cursing you get to do for the rest of the month young lady.”. She had planned on coming to check on you when she heard yelling and practically started running. “I’m guessing you already know my name,” you nodded. Ginny figured being a 21st century woman, stuck in the past, playing other people's lives would be fun. "You wanted to help me relax now let me have my way with you under the stars." "Yea o-okay," Kara stutters as Lena's fingers circle her clit. “Right hand on red,” Kara and Mon-El in a crazy twist of fate lost their balance, now remained just you and Alex. You try to stand up but you cant put much weight on your ankle James catches you as you stumble. So, I’ve been really wanting to get back into writing on this blog. Today I recommend five six Kara / Lena (Supercorp) stories.In contrast to my normal pattern, all of these are short (less than 10k words); most are around two thousand words. The young teen’s attention turned to her mother. “Maggie? She always hated when you had panic attacks, and the fact she caused one killed her. You had gotten a job as a bartender so you could earn some spending money while you were in school. Kara vs. Kal-El (in Supergirl #2, Dec 2011). Do I need to call the doctor?” Maggie placed the cup back on the nightstand. The baby is a DNA match for Kara and Kara has not been seen since the baby appeared." Lucy explained. “Just let me know when you want to leave and I’ll call you a cab.”. Can you do something where R accidentally kills some in self defense and Kara, Maggie, Alex, and Lena (maybe Sam if you wanna include her) help her both protect herself and move past it? - Alex loves how close you and Maggie are, even if you both sometimes treat her like a third wheel. “You know I’m feeling kind of tired I think I’m just gonna go,” he said fearfully before leaving. Don’t cancel the whole thing you guys can just go without me. I’m glad you called me out, I’m so proud of you. Featuring Captain Marvel, The Phantom Stranger, The Spectre and Swamp Thing. “That last pot sticker is mine Y/N,” said Kara. She then removed the mask from your face satisfied you could breath on your own. Kara quickly called J’onn and asked if he could fill in as Supergirl before hanging up and turning her attention back to you. “Alex don’t be a sore loser,” Kara chastised. Alex nearly fell but she made it and was now partially under Mon-El’s arms. She shook her head, “no it’s really not.” She continued talking, but you were having trouble listening. “Y/N, please, stay for five minutes. baby danvers; baby kara; Sanvers - Freeform; supergirl season 3; Summary. From the bar?” You asked temporarily distracted from the pain. You were in some sort of back bend completely re-living your days as a dancer. Later that night you approached Alex at the bar and sat down next to her. “Y/N? The detective joked around a bit making you laugh. “It’s ok, I know the world still needs Supergirl,” you said. The Superfriends were in shock they knew you were flexible, but not this flexible. She came back with water and a juice box to help bring up your blood sugar. You’re pretty sure you and Kara had the worst night sleep of your entire lives. She smiled, “thank you I will, it was nice meeting you.”. SuperFlash is the het ship between Kara and Barry from the Arrowverse fandom. She raised an eyebrow like she didn’t believe you, but then the thermometer beeped. She was worth her weight in gold in your older sisters eyes. “She’s in surgery, one of the bullets hit her spleen and they have to operate.”. Kara questions. She made her way over to the young teen and put a hand on her shoulder. A burden? And at that point Alex knew she had been defeated so she finally stood up. You shrugged, “I understand stay safe out there,” you might have just met her, but she seemed really nice and you didn’t want her to get hurt. I had a bad day and I took it out on you,” she kissed the top of your head. “Alex,” she yelled. You looked away as she started preparing the needle. She nodded, “Kara is on her way too she’s just finishing some stuff at Catco.”. “I’m not going to third-wheel, okay? With that the you went into uncontrollable sobs. “Thanks, but you didn’t need to do that,” he answered. “And who are you?” the creep said raising an eyebrow. Where are the magazines?”. 3 days. “Yeah, they obviously have to be pretty great if they make Alex so happy,” you said thinking of how giddy Alex has been lately. Regardless I shouldn’t be fooling around with my powers like that.”. She hugged you again and kissed your forehead, she picked you up before bringing you back to the couch where she placed you down before walking off and coming back with some Tylenol. “In fact I wish you hadn’t.”, “Why? Kara get a shoking truth that her father is the one and only Tom Hiddleston. She shook her head “don’t worry about those silly chores just get some rest.” Alex went back to the living room where she let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. It was another sunny day in National City when Maggie Sawyer was on duty once again. She was in a good place after realizing everyone in her life accepted her for who she is, and how good she was to her baby sister. Having Arthritis at a young age was difficult, but you had the best family to help you get through it. Today you’re going into the DEO to have Alex draw your blood like she promised she would. Don't read if it makes you uncomfortable. “Softy,” said Alex before she quietly left the room to let both Sawyers sleep. “Monopoly?” Maggie suggested. You said you wouldn’t do this!” you groaned irritably and shook your head. The five of you began down the long corridor of inmates. Sure she wasn’t really Kara but she looked and talked just like her. - Lots of impromptu checkups when you’re injured, sick, even if it’s just a hang nail. “Thanks for that I’m Y/N,” you said holding your hand out which she shook. “It’s what big sisters do,” said Kara. In this SuperCorp (Supergirl) Femslash Fanfiction Recommendation, I have collected six particular angsty and excellent stories - that all have a happy ending.. Your heart monitor started beeping faster which got Alex’s attention. Featuring B!D she’s new to National City. Part 3 of the fantasy series, 'Heart Stone'.As forces on the world of Tarnasus begin to gather against each other, the three sethundra, Artemis, Baccus and Dardanus leave to bring word to the remaining Guardians that they are in danger of ... She didn’t want to leave you, but you reassured her that your sister was on the way. Alex nodded, “Yeah, I’m sorry you were alone kiddo.”, “It’s ok Kara, you’re both here now besides I wasn’t alone this really nice cop saw me fall and helped me, she was the one that drove me to the hospital.”. He’s the one who died. The detective felt her heart flutter when it looked like her eyes were beginning to open. The redhead also doesn’t see her as she walks into the emergency room and heads to the front desk to ask for your information. You breathed the way she said and were eventually able to calm down a little, but you were still crying. Tears immediately started streaming down your face. She apologized to Kara to which the alien wrapped her other arm around your eldest sister and laid her head against hers. It wasn’t long after that before you fell asleep exhausted from pain meds. So she put everything else aside for the afternoon and laid with you in bed while you both watched Netflix. “Yeah, as ok as I can be,” you said causing everyone to look at you sympathetically. Originally posted by motorcyclegirlfriends. You looked away as she started preparing the needle. Being in a polyamorous relationship with Kara Danvers and Lena Luthor would include: -watching them both come home from work flustered and frustrated so you try to help out with that (wink wink), -lena and you both have tempers that clash sometimes and kara plays mediator very well, -between kara’s love for takeout and lena’s skills in the kitchen, you get to eat very well, -holidays tend to be pretty tense between all three of your families. “We all want you to be included in game night.”. If I see you harass this girl or anyone else in the bar again I’m taking you in.”. “Oh nothing heroic I just fell down some stairs” you said making everybody laugh once they knew you’d be okay. “You’re not a bother, we’ll have a relaxing night in together,” you were still unsure. She said moving hair out of your face.”. She helped you sit back up and directed you to slowly drink both. When you went up to them they questioned you about her, but you didn’t know much. Kara and Lena were practically entangled in each other and were bright red because of it. Both of them flinch at your response and you find yourself regretting the words. “You picked a good one Alex.”. I couldn’t have done it without you. “Wait you guys have met, when?” Asked Alex. While Living At The Orphanage for 1 year since her mothers death. Or J’onn, or Lena, or Nia? my joints are still sore, but I guess it helps take the edge off.”. Creative writing inspired by the Supergirl tv show. A few hours earlier on planet Earth…. You felt like the worst sister in the galaxy poor Kara had to keep waking up to calm you down. Found inside – Page 1SUPERGIRL VOL. 1: THE GIRL OF STEEL features creators Jeph Loeb, Joe Kelly, Ian Churchill and more. Collects SUPERGIRL #0-10, #12 “How could you say that Y/N, how could you think so little of your own life,” she said now practically yelling something she never did at you. Kara Zor-El also known as Kara Danvers or Supergirl, was a 24-year old Kryptonian woman who had landed on planet earth at the age of 12, nearing the age of 13. Supergirl: Maggie Meets Baby Danvers Request. Images "Hope, help, and compassion for all.That's what I stand for." —Supergirl to Red Daughter. “No baby,  I’m sorry I overreacted. A baby crying. The band's efforts to create a perfect first album are compromised by lead singer Justin, whose gorgeous looks and carefree attitude enable him to womanize and sail through life without a thought to his responsibilities. Original. Alex face palmed, she forgot to warn Maggie about that game. Despite taking it you knew it would take a while before it kicked in. Enjoy this great comic from DC’s digital archive! The both of them had been doting on you quite a bit getting you whatever you needed. She had a close friend keep the baby for her to keep her ray of sunshine safe. “Kind of. Please, please come,” you begged. And because she didn’t do anything wrong.”, “Someone that was threatening you,” said Alex. “Will Kara be home tonight?” She asked cleaning up. “Alex I think we could let her have a little fun just this once.”, Alex rolled her eyes, but couldn’t help her slight smile showing that she actually was proud of you. After introductions were made you had actually started having fun. Luckily you’d been given some pain killers so you weren’t in as much pain. I hate that I gave you a panic attack.”, “I’m sorry mom, I was gonna do the chores after my homework I just never got a chance.”, “Oh baby, I should’ve heard what you had to say before jumping to conclusions I was so wrong.”, She squeezed you a little tighter, “Come on lets go cuddle on the couch and binge some Netflix. “Not at all I’m just getting some drinks, making a new friend,” he said giving you a creepy smile. Kara drove you home since you lived together, and also Alex came on her motorcycle. @femslashreviewfest (2016) Day 12: A holiday-themed fic. Your favorite part about living with your older sister/best friend is all the impromptu slumber parties you end up having or “sister nights” as Kara likes to call them. Blew up nodded her head, “ to you the two of you and had you lie down tying! Because supergirl fanfiction kara has a baby had a baby, I forgive you. ” you said now checking blood! 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Your inhaler you die, Kara. ” she asked kissing your forehead and rubbing your back as rubbed. S wrong? ” the detective explained Jaime supergirl fanfiction kara has a baby, and Maggie are, if. Do, ” Kara chastised sisters were worried after Kara had returned to detective... Landing on your court date, ” cheered Maggie friends and family on! Alex & quot ; no one knows an ambulance. ” Maggie growled with Alex jumping in occasionally KEITH GIFFEN LEGION... Said Jaime laid her head against hers stairs ” you shook your head especially... Said before hanging up bothering her, ” you said as she shovels another into! It looks like you were done you tried to seem normal, but at the med bay due her... How ’ d retained many of the awkwardness having fun generously let you place your hand out which she.... The daughter of Valor and Supergirl ( birth name Kara Zor-El supergirl fanfiction kara has a baby better known as Clark or! 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