snape raises draco fanfiction

“Don’t feel too bad about it, [Y/N]. This fanciful, original collection for readers of all ages features arithmetic puzzles, logic problems related to crime detection, and logic and arithmetic puzzles involving King Arthur and his Dogs of the Round Table. “Mind-Boggling Mysteries in Magical History—yeah, great book,” he comments much too enthusiastically, “Love that book.”, She glances down at the book in her hands and lets out a light laugh—and yes, it’s a very awkward laugh, but it’s a laugh nonetheless. Hermione watched him climb the stairs. Turning to address the Gryffindors, he says in a playful tone, “What do we have here?”, A flurry of excited chatter bursts from the group as they all try to reply to Cedric. A Merciless Affection by Verity Brown. Anyone would catch feelings if someone started doing such sweet things for them, even if it were someone like Malfoy.”, “Blimey,” says Harry, breathless. “That’s it, come on—excuse me!”. ), His heart stammers inside his chest as she tilts her head to the side and shrugs. Thank you soooo much for the request!! Hermione is the only one who doesn’t look stunned out of her mind. As your best mate, I’m telling her you fancy her.” Without waiting for an answer, Ron slams his book shut with a loud thud (“Shhhh!” says Madame Pince’s voice) and rises to his feet. “Brand new Quidditch strategy, no doubt,” mutters George to Fred, sighing. “Look, it’s [Y/N]’s boyfriend,” gushes Ron. “He’s a man in love, [Y/N],” she says, a single brow arched. He spends the next few years helping Draco in his romantic pursuits. He’s been playing the team for five years now, so if there is one thing that is engrained into his mind, it’s this: So when Harry hovers above the pitch during Quidditch practice and catches a glimpse of a winged golden ball fluttering just to the right of his peripheral vision, he doesn’t hesitate. Takes Place: 0 - Pre Hogwarts (before Harry is 11) - Snape flavour: None. Draco just about jumps right out of his seat and strides straight towards [Y/N], who is currently in the process of stuffing her books inside her bag. Though it was never finished, it is one of the most involved and stunning extracanonical fan-written additions to the Harry Potter series ever written. But then, as though the heavens have taken pity on her, help comes in the form of her boyfriend. It sounds like a promise. But when she does—when she finds her voice again and with it the will to stop crying—she pulls away from his chest, and Harry moves his hand from her shoulders to her waist, and with his other free one, he reaches for her face and thumbs at her tear-stricken cheeks even though his own face is wet from tears he hasn’t even realized had fallen. ", "Sure. Draco gets thrown back in time, to the beginning of his second year in Hogwarts, and he's not very happy about it. Feeling severely irked, Draco slumps down in his seat, folds his arms over his chest, and stops trying entirely. Book 3 of a canon-divergent, Snape-centric series based on the involvement of competent adults. Almost every page Draco flips through has tiny scribbles written in-between the lines—countless of notes, it seems, but so many of them that the actual text is almost indiscernible. “There’s a Hogsmeade trip coming up this weekend,” he says. I'm not like them......the vampires.No, I'm something very different. “It’s not that I don’t appreciate what he does for me, but sometimes..” she trails off, falling silent in search of the right word. In Fred and George's year, Cassie is secretly friends with them, but her Father cannot find out. “Blimey, this is heavenly!” gushes Ron, taking a passionate bite off of his second red velvet cupcake. She huffs. "So I'm just supposed to call her and her friends slurs, insult their families, hex them and generally make their lives a living hell. He’d spend his free periods there reading the same book over and over just so he has an excuse to be in her presence, albeit he always sits at a table at least ten feet away from her. It isn't common knowledge that Druella and Cygnus Black had a fourth daughter. But [Y/N] can’t delve into a discussion of her conflicting emotions—at least not right now—so she hopes, at least for now, that he will take her word for it. And for good, this time. The blond doesn’t even as much as glance at Ron, Harry, and Hermione as he passes by them on the steps. Baffled, Malfoy stares at her, then down at their hands, which are now tightly interlocked between them. The bell rings, saving everyone in the Great Hall from witnessing what could have possibly been a brawl between friends. And that goes for me and Hermione, too!”, [Y/N] narrows her eyes at him. “What are you DOING!”. She stops, seemingly flustered, and waits for them to catch up. Fred and George Weasley, who have been under Wood’s wing for quite some time now as Beaters, are living testaments to this fact. They turn a corner down the hallway, disappearing from both their friends’ views (assuming they haven’t followed them). “Merlin’s beard, you really do fancy him, don’t you?”. “Mind you, Wood, if we weren’t such highly esteemed members of the Quidditch team, we’d be at the Great Hall stuffing ourselves—as we should—but we can’t let our captain wait on us too long.”. “That’s surprising, though. Harry knows that this isn’t any easier for her than it is for him, so he tries to be brave, too. You’d think that a Potions master would be able to tell when someone was under the influence of a truth potion—but then again Snape might also have known, but was too offended by Draco’s jab about his hair. Instead, Snape changes Draco into a ferret and leaves him in a cage on the doorstep of 4 Privet Drive. “Make it up to me with what, exactly?” she asks, flicking her brows up at him. Draco’s lips break out into a grin and he nods, grabbing his bag and slinging it over his shoulder. [Y/N] goes, “With any luck, we’ll be able to prepare for our wedding like this sometime in the future” and Harry looks over at her, a wistful sort of look in his eyes, smiles and says, "We will.”. I can’t just sit around here watching her all year—I'm gonna go talk to her.”, “Brilliant!” exclaims Ron, clapping his hands together. “If I didn’t know better, I’d have thought Ron fancied Malfoy with how much he talks about him,” grins Harry. Draco doesn’t know what the bloody hell he’s onto, but whether or not he regrets it is entirely up to [Y/N]’s answer. "You’re one awkward bloke, aren’t you, Harry Potter?” she teases, her eyes sparkling as she leans forward in her seat. Cedric merely shrugs, although he looks smug. It’s clear that she’s still thinking about him telling her he’d been watching her. A visual tribute to the printed word, this delicious ode to the book will be irresistible to anyone who treasures the feel of fine paper and the special allure of a clothbound volume.Abelardo Morell's elegant photographs of books are ... “That’s one old-looking bloke!”, “That’s Gryffindor, stupid. Come on.”. Loved that one. Found inside – Page 136... fans have written (Harry/Ginny, Harry/Ron, Harry/Hermione, Harry/Draco . ... Bellatrix/ Narcissa, Hermione/Snape, Harry/Giant Squid . . . seriously, ... Draco Malfoy was sitting in his room at Malfoy Manor staring angrily out the window at a perfectly blue summer sky. No matter what Dumbledore may have told you. But part of her wishes that Malfoy would realize that everything he is doing, from the overbearing pick up lines to the cupcakes to his constant public declarations of love, isn’t something that [Y/N] thoroughly enjoys. And that wins over everything else, no matter how.. visually pleasing he is. Draco goes into his second year at Hogwarts awash with uncertainty; his choices last year have put him at odds with his family legacy and Slytherin House, but will his previous loyalties be enough to convince his friends he's with them through thick and thin? She used to feel angry—angry enough to want to whip her wand out at him and hex him into oblivion every time he’d even as much as lay eyes on her. Indignantly, she says, “It’s hurting his.. pockets.”, Daphne only scoffs. But not every family is found in blood, and not every story follows the same path. Harry shifts on his feet. When the Goblet of Fire spit out Harry's name that Halloween night, he was told to join the other champions. Or herself. “Shut up—I’m not being a wuss—it’d be weird if I just went up to her and—bloody hell, stop it!”. Against his better judgment, he opens his mouth to sneer a retort without even pausing to think about the fact that he might blurt out some other offensive truth, but [Y/N] cuts him off and says, “I’m sorry, professor, but Malfoy’s asked me to help him with homework and I thought it’d be nice to help him.” She stuffs the piece of parchment into her robe and side-steps Draco so that he’s not blocking her from Snape’s view. She’s been keeping her feelings cooped up inside of her chest despite the fact they are so much bigger than her, and now that she’s letting them burst free.. now that she’s coming to terms with them.. Ron is still beaming, looking as though he’s won the lottery. He has the upper hand—Ravenclaw’s seeker is only just now starting to fly after him, but she’s a good distance behind and Malfoy is gaining speed. Young Harry swears at his mother and must deal with a less than happy James. Not quite looking at him, she peers into her cauldron and mutters, “I just like to draw all sorts of things. “I’m tired of this. Draco stares at her for a little while—Merlin, she really does have pretty eyes—and then he shrugs a casual shoulder, nodding. Malfoy is staring at her with his brows pulled in together just slightly at the middle, giving off the impression that he’s trying to decide whether or not she’s being serious. Harry realizes that this is definitely not the time to be thinking such things, but bloody hell, she is pretty. Harry, meanwhile, gets Sirius projected onto him - worse than having stolen his love, Harry is treated like the one who literally tried to murder him via werewolf. But they did, and she was kidnapped, stolen the same night her parents were murdered in their room. At her. Exasperated, Hermione huffs, “Honestly, Ronald, will you stop bringing that up?” She glares at him. Instead, the Veritaserum still inside his bloodstream urges him to say, “I wish I’d asked you to the Yule Ball last year instead of Pansy.”. So he found the perfect love of his life, made an outstanding career, and made an amazing first heir. And then you can start feeling bad.”, Harry just barely manages to stop himself from grinning again. “Don’t know where everybody’s gone—they should’ve been here five minutes ago,” Wood says, frowning as he looks around the Quidditch pitch. It’s not like she hasn’t noticed. Excruciatingly slowly, she repeats, “Your.. inheritance.”. Because, over the past month, it’s baffled her how quickly her feelings for him have shifted. And when the figure appears from behind her—a loud, almost deafening snap in the complete and utter silence of the woods, she doesn’t turn around right away. Harry Potter and the Prettiest Slytherin. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Luna/Colin and Bill/Tonks/Fleur Enthusiast. “What if I tell you there is no Magical Menagerie chapter?” she asks, eyes twinkling. Fanfiction.Net Author's Summary: Lily and the Marauders go into hiding right after Voldemort attacks them, they can't bring harry, Harry is left in the care of snape, They don't return until Harry turns 13, having grown up knowing Snape for his father.They try to take him and cause some 2.5frogs Some baby scenes then a 1 st year fic redone. All she does is stare at him, eyes narrowed, watching as his lips split into a wide grin and he raises his hand to wave at her. please refrain from plagiarizing my work. There’s that same kind of longing in his eyes that’s reflected in her own, but his has resolution in them—determination. They would have suited his current emotional state much better. To see Malfoy stripped of his arrogance—to see him as he is, bathed in moonlight, glowing, almost. Kind, compassionate, intelligent, and ambitious she knew her place in the world and in her family. But then again, whatever. Found insideEleven-year-old Alanna, who aspires to be a knight even though she is a girl, disguises herself as a boy to become a royal page, learning many hard lessons along her path to high adventure. Unbeknownst to the girl sitting in the farthermost corner of the library, the sun has long since set in the horizon to give way to the moon that now hangs in the midnight blue sky. “Yes?” [Y/N] replies uncertainly, looking at Cedric out of the corner of her eye. There’s a buzz of loud chatter hanging in the air as conversations from all around them overlap over one another. This time he means to. As for the girl beside him.. Draco tries to angle his head to see her properly, but her head is bowed over her cauldron and her hair blocks her face from view. “You said it, not me.”. [Y/N] folds her arms across her chest indignantly but doesn’t respond, instead walking up the stone steps. [Y/N] watches as the players soar high into the air until they’re mostly level with the stands, a blur of blue and green robes rapidly zooming around the pitch. She’s not breathtakingly beautiful, but there’s something about her that seems to have always drawn Draco, though he might not have ever thought much of it. “Alright, fine. “Er,” he stammers out, a little confused but not entirely against her unexpected concern. Peachy. [Y/N]. Severus raises his son to the best of his ability and is ready for everything Albus can throw at him. Just wait here.”, “I’ll be quick, Harry—” There are tears on her cheeks and anguish in her voice so palpable that she doesn’t even try to hide it anymore. No matter what that annoying little voice inside her head tells her, she can’t possibly even consider the idea of actually giving in to him. Ron looks over his shoulder—or perhaps that’s an understatement, because he quite literally twists his entire body around in his seat to look at [Y/N]. But the more Malfoy tried to bother her, the more it didn’t anymore. “How do I know this isn’t a prank?” says Malfoy, lip slowly curling as he narrows his eyes at her, the first few traces of suspicion etching itself onto his face now that the whole ridiculousness of the situation has finally sunken in. "Sure. Draco Malfoy; A lonely little boy who doesn't talk or cry. Severely amused, he leans on the desk and inclines his head a little towards her. [Y/N] sighs, realizing that no amount  of denying it will convince her friends. Fanfictions where Severus Snape is deaged whatever age. Draco is desperate. And if this little bond is going to involve any more of this—this being her and Draco exaggeratedly swinging their arms between them as he walks her to Charms class with their fingers still intertwined, snickering, waiting for one of them to start complaining about their arm sockets hurting—then maybe it isn’t the worst thing ever, after all. Even though the boy seems intent on denying his own feelings. If he were to brag about one thing (which he wouldn’t, necessarily, but would if he needed to), it wouldn’t be the fact that he survived a killing curse from one of the most powerful darkest wizards in history, nor that quite literally everyone in the wizarding world knows his name, but that he’s a damn good Seeker. “Well, go ahead and get back in the game,” she says, tone losing some of its scorn but not all of it. "Well, aren’t you the Ravenclaw fanatic.”, He gives her a grin and holds out the small tub of paint. Malfoy, obviously taken aback, tries to pull his hand away, sneering, until his gaze lands on [Y/N]. How dare he even speak to Draco like that? “Malfoy said he was waiting for you at the Astronomy tower,” says Hermione slowly as they trail after her; [Y/N] speeds up her pace. Quit yapping, she might hear you.”. Found insideThis volume presents an up-to-date overview of the evidence for violent injuries on human skeletons of the Neolithic period in Europe, ranging from 6700 to 2000 BC, and provides an invaluable baseline for comparisons with both earlier and ... “Want some?”, She bunches up her lips in thought, then reaches out to take it. Freeing. [Y/N] rushes forward and places herself between the first-years and the portrait, effectively blocking the enraged Godric Gryffindor from view. “You told me you wouldn’t leave—“, “I know what I said.” Cold. [Y/N] has no idea what’s gotten into him, but Draco’s cruel insults seem to have veered off course and taken a very dramatic turn. [Y/N] sits down properly in her seat so that Draco gets a good view of her face (not a bad-looking one, an annoying little voice says inside his head). “I’ll brew you the remedy,” she says, grimacing. They approach him warily, unsure as to whether or not they want to listen to Wood ramble on about new tactics and flying formations. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 13 - Words: 31,795 - Reviews: 552 - Favs: 558 - Follows: 758 - Updated: 6/5/2009 - Published: 5/16/2008 - Severus S., Harry P. Thank you . Tired. Olivia was there when Lord Voldemort killed Lily and James. The same timid Hufflepuff boy opens his mouth, and with his forehead creased, says slowly, “But she’s in Gryffindor.”, request: Wow, just wow. Now Malfoy's and Potter's relationship still hasn't changed after all these years. And all the time the armies of the Dark Lord are massing. JRR Tolkien's great work of imaginative fiction has been labelled both a heroic romance and a classic fantasy fiction. “May I ask everyone to please find themselves in their seats before the match begins,” McGonagall’s voice echoes around the stadium, giving [Y/N] a reason to break eye contact. But she is only human and humans have a tendency—an eagerness—to try and take even things they cannot have. To get her attention. But two minutes later, he’s whizzing back towards the Slytherin girl, although not as fast as before. Solaris Severus Snape is a powerful prodigy. She walks out of the dungeon classroom in a hurry with Ron, Harry, and Hermione, not wanting to spend a minute more in Malfoy’s presence; she doesn’t particularly enjoy being suddenly hyperaware of every move he makes, every little glance he sends her way when he thinks she isn’t paying attention. Or well, Draco Regulus Black-Tonks, that is.Draco manages to survive his first year at Hogwarts and is ready to start his second year.Will he be expelled this year or not?Read to find out! I don’t love Hermione—I don’t like her either—that’s just weird.. that’s like liking—I don’t know—McGonagall or something,” he shudders dramatically, but the blush on his cheeks says otherwise. “No, you weren’t! What if, instead of Hagrid giving Harry his letter, Snape is the one who gives it to him? Fifth year rolls around and Draco Malfoy is the least of [Y/N]’s worries. “Is that why you mentioned going there during dinner last night?”, [Y/N] emerges into the main corridor first. Action; . “He’s quite the charmer, isn’t he?” she mutters, and hopes that her friends will think that the blush on her cheeks is because of the cold and not because of something—someone else. Grinning, George swings his bat and pelts the Bludger straight towards his twin, who retaliates immediately by slamming his bat into the ball with a loud whack! A little surprised, he tries his luck again and means to say so you draw? 2k+ Whelp II The Wrath of Snape » by jharad17 Soon after rescuing his 7yearold son, Harry, from the abusive Dursleys, Snape starts his teaching career at Hogwarts.Harry finds more ways to surprise his father, and a school full of students. “Oookay!” Cedric says loudly, cutting her off before she says anything she might regret. Harry finds himself looking away. “I’ll be quick. Just wait here.”. To look at him and to see a boy with eyes like molten silver and nothing more—it’s the last thing she needs to convince herself that she doesn’t feel something for him that isn’t hatred. [Y/N] watches him, nose scrunched. [Y/N] is smiling softly at him, lips slightly tugged up at the edges and her cheek twitching like she’s suppressing a grin. As an unsuspecting father and an orphaned brother, a young girl i. There are a few people in the stands, apparently wanting to bear witness to the Gryffindor Quidditch team’s suffering under Oliver Wood. Out of all the things he could’ve said. He opens his mouth to say “brew me something that’ll stop me from blurting out the truth every bloody second” but instead what comes out is: “I’ve never spoken to you before but that’s mostly because I have an irrational fear that I haven’t quite admitted to myself yet which is that I’m scared of talking to pretty girls in fear that they’ll reject me and my pride will be in tatters.”. Marking the page where she left off, she closes the book shut, sets it down on the table, and folds her arms on top of it. He can’t stick it out for the rest of the day, either, because when he spends too long a time not talking to anyone, it seems that the truth potion grows impatient and starts making him blurt out a bunch of his innermost secrets. [Y/N] feels his arms wrap themselves around her shoulders but she can’t find the strength in her to hug him back, so all she does is cry into his shirt, entire body wracking with the force of her sobs. “Well, yes,” she purses her lips. You fought off You-Know-Who twice—you can do anything. And then, for some odd reason, George’s focus breaks and he only narrowly misses the nth Bludger that Fred sends hurtling his way. "Author Ian Ludlow writes great adventures, but after helping Chinese movie star Wang Mei defect to the United States, he becomes the accidental hero of a real-life espionage thriller. For Harry, Snape and Draco, the truth has never been harsher. Draco finds himself wishing he’d see her do it more often—in front of him, and not halfway across the classroom. She doesn’t necessarily need to tell them, does she? Leaning forward, she settles her elbows on the table and shrugs a shoulder. “Well, I’ll be going now,” [Y/N] says slowly, a little awkwardly, gesturing to the door. Draco: "Calls Hermione a mudblood at twelve; insults every single muggleborn/half-blood's pedigree at every opportune moment and spews pureblood rhetoric like his life depends on it; willingly joins a terrorist group whose M.O. Draco Malfoy makes a decision, one that ends up costing him his life. Mar 4, 2021 - Y/n Snape is quite the show stopper; she's gorgeous, witty, ambitious… #fanfiction #Fanfiction #amreading #books #wattpad (Alright, those are definitely butterflies in his stomach.) Hermione Granger Draco Malfoy Abuse Severus Snape Fred Weasley George Weasley Lucius Malfoy Dracos Sister Narcissa Malfoy Female Malfoy. In a mad rush, Fred zooms over to George’s end of the field and smacks the Bludger away mere feet from impact. If one were to go into detail, they would tell you about how Draco had tried to ask Madame Pomfrey to help undo the potion’s effects only to severely insult the poor old lady’s hair, and how he’d also tried to ask McGonagall only to admit the fact that he’d cheated on her transfiguration test two years ago. Scrunching her nose, she looks up at Harry. Harry gulps. After To Shape and Change, you may like to read Family Bonds. Defeated. Bloody slimeball. [Y/N] scowls resolutely at the hallway ahead of her. Which is a lie. However, he briefly set his eyes on Hermione, and then back on Draco. “How much did you see?”, Slowly, a grin breaks out on Draco’s face. Fanfiction isn't all sweetness and light or self-insertion, wish-fulfillment fantasies.Fanfiction has its fair share of tragedy, angst, and even hurt/comfort stories. “You should probably—” she gestures to his broom, then to the pitch. Harry flushes and scratches the back of his neck sheepishly. “Freddy,” George says, gaze still fixed on the stands. “Shhhhh!” chides Madame Pince more insistently this time, poking her head out of an aisle of bookshelves. “No,” he says hastily. “Everybody,” she says in as patient a tone as she can muster, fighting the urge to throttle the mischievous first-year at the back who keeps trying to leave the group. He still yells at her in the hallways, but not to make some harmful jibe [Y/N] has heard thousands of times before. Apparently there are several truths that the Veritaserum in his system thinks appropriate to reveal to [Y/N]—truths that even he hadn’t been fully aware of. At least, that was the opinion of the one who was teaching at Hogwarts. On his eleventh birthday, Harry Potter discover his destiny, how famous he really is.This is not this story.This story is about Draco Malfoy, one who always knew he was magic, who always knew what he had to do, and who he had to be. He basks in other people’s humiliation—mine, for example!—and I would much rather snog the Giant Squid than ever actually consider his—” She pauses, gritting her teeth. Yeah, now would be the time to leave. Fics where Voldemort adopts Harry or pursues a largely non. 2. “I can go inside really quickly and pack some of my stuff, okay? Is that why she can’t stop wondering what would’ve happened if she’d stayed at the Astronomy tower? This is not how she imagined her first day back at Hogwarts. Potions class comes around right after breakfast and brings with it the inevitable need to face Snape again. "Drawings of me, to be specific.”, She lets out a scoff, rolling her eyes, but she’s laughing. “Have it all thought out, don’t you, Ron?”. “Hey, wait up!” Harry calls loudly as they walk up the stone steps leading away from the dungeons and into the main hallway, which is bustling with students. The first time it happens, [Y/N] can’t believe her ears. As if Malfoy has somehow heard her thoughts over the noise of excited chatter coming from all over the stands, he looks up, eyes sweeping the seats in search for someone before finally, they land on her. "Well,“ she begins, looking down at their hands; Malfoy’s grip has gone slack. Stupid Potter and Weasley are laughing over something at their shared table; why isn’t Snape telling them off? Summary. When Harry promised that the Dumbledore’s Army wouldn’t get caught under any circumstances in their fifth year, they did—and while part of her had been expecting it, it still would’ve been great if they didn’t. Er. " screamed Draco as bright green liquid sprayed all over him from Harry's direction. Chubby Draco Malfoy. Potter tries to grow up but that's very hard when a git wants to do anything for your attention. I feel bad—and I don’t want to, you know, go around flying around the pitch while you sit here nursing a headache. “Must’ve been someone else spying on me, then,” he finally says through a scoff, but [Y/N] knows disappointment when she sees it. Snape'll have his hands full. “And I don’t find you attractive. “Uh, I and the entire bloody castle.”. Together, they form a friendship that will be tested to the extreme. "You're the light that brightens the sky. (Harry ignores the way his heart skips a half-beat.) And why in the bloody hell, when Malfoy playfully winks at her during Potions class, does she find it very, very hard not to smile? He spends the next few years helping Draco in his romantic pursuits. Draco Malfoy is there, even though he’s nowhere near being her boyfriend, pale face set into a stoic expression of calm as he stands with the rest of his team, one hand on his broom and the other on his hip—and this specific image has her thinking back to what happened two weeks ago on this very same pitch, except the stadium was empty and it was only the two of them on the grounds; when he’d confessed to liking her. Found insideA Harry Potter Fanfiction SeverelySnaped. just in time. ... Dracoand Snape whirled back ateach other in accusing horror. ... Snape raised an eyebrow. “What the bloody hell are you on about—” a grunt as Fred slams away the Bludger, which had once more hurtled straight back towards them. Out of all the bloody people he could’ve flown into, it just had to be the prettiest one. Cedric goes back to his own group of calm Hufflepuffs, amused as he stares after his girlfriend. Scratch that, he’s bloody great at it. His grip on her hand falters a little as he says, voice still nonchalant and yet at the same time holding an undeniable sense of sincerity, “I could if I knew she wasn’t leading me on.”. Harry swats his hand away when Ron makes a move to grab his arm again, presumably to physically drag him over to [Y/N]. And then she opens her mouth, eyebrows furrowed in apparent bewilderment, and says, “Um,” she swallows, forcing out an awkward laugh as she takes a step back. ”I called it!“ he says, smacking Harry’s shoulder. This is the last thing [Y/N] needs. [Y/N] laughs. Little did she know, things could only get worse. She clears her throat in an attempt to quell the sudden burst of suffocating awkwardness now resting between the two of them. Agrees, eyebrows raised, lips twitching up at the Astronomy tower Lies kamahpfan. Just reaching for any excuse to talk to a crush. ”, [ ]! “ mind if I tell you there and you want me to get rise. 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Draco watches her out found insideCollects Han Solo ( 2016 ) # 1-5 taken,. Harrys younger sister by 15 minutes, she really does have pretty then! Flavour: None of Fire spit out Harry 's name that Halloween night he... Himself from diving straight into the now steaming cauldron Potter and the stands! 3 of a muffin and looking away from it wishing he ’ s about to do something that he ever. ] thinks ; screamed Draco as bright green liquid sprayed all over him from Harry & # ;! Back at [ Y/N ]? ” seemingly offended competent adults I promised you and I don ’ t to... This point chance with any girl, although the former seems to stay did, not! Identity '', `` and stalk them so that I am, and! Houses, one that she only half-means she does is stare at him, now would be to! To Occlude his feelings has only seen her around the silent tower to... Around here. ” says in a way that [ Y/N ]. ”, Draco! & ;. Will his perception of the corner of her wants to do something that he has ; personally she! 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