parenting capacity assessment report sample

Assessing Extension internal organizational needs through an action research and learning process. Studied the family lives of 45 adult lesbians who were also parents. (2000). Do parents influence the sexual orientation of their children? Proceedings of the American Psychological Association, Incorporated, for the year 1976: Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council of Representatives. 1726 M Street, NW American Psychologist, 49, 627-628. New York: Plenum Press. Based on a multidimensional model of couple satisfaction for heterosexual couples in their transition to parenthood, developed by the Becoming a Family Project at University of California-Berkeley (Cowan, C. P., Cowan, P. A., Heming, Garrett, Coysh, Curtis-Boles, & Boles, 1985), intrapsychic variables (self-esteem, needs for autonomy, affiliation, and nurturance), dyadic variables (role arrangement, coming out, communication, sex, and commitment), and extradyadic variables (social/familial support, use of a known or unknown donor, adoption by the nonbiological parent, and child-related issues) were analyzed for individual and couple data. Lesbian and traditional mothers' responses to adult responses to child behavior and self concept. Lesbians raising sons. Pagelow, M. D. (1980). The paper concludes by arguing for the potential of social network analysis as a framework to study ABCD interventions and to understand how ABCD interventions impact the different elements of a community. However, couples with children soared significantly higher on relationship satisfaction and sexual relationship. Journal of Homosexuality, 13, 201-211. Journal of Extension, 41(4), 4FEA5. We are everywhere: Writings by and about lesbian parents. In this article the author reviews research evidence on the prevalence of mental disorders in lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals (LGBs) and shows, using meta-analyses, that LGBs have a higher prevalence of mental disorders than heterosexuals. The questionnaire takes 10 minutes to complete and is a useful snapshot of how parents view their situation. In addition, the publication was also targeted for lawyers and parties in parental rights cases involving lesbian parents, as the information provided could assist them in being better informed about the potential role of psychological research or psychological witnesses in their cases. In all studies, the great majority of offspring of both lesbian mothers and gay fathers described themselves as heterosexual. In F. W. Bozett (Ed. (2006). Topics covered in the interviews included health concerns, parenting, family structure, relationships, time management, and discrimination. Provides the foundation for casework practice in Child Protective Services (CPS). (PsycINFO Database Record. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 9(1), 1–21. ), Homosexuality and the family (pp. New York: Plume. Green, J. New York: HarperCollins. Research and resources. ), Patterson, C. J. Both sets of parents reported relatively few serious problems and generally positive relationships with their children, with only a minority encouraging sex-typed toys, activities, and playmates. Found inside – Page 656One of the most commonly used but relatively time-consuming self-report ... in a sample of parents un- dergoing parenting capacity assessments (Carr et al., ... (The dissertation citation and abstract contained here is published with permission of ProQuest Information and Learning. (PsycINFO Database Record. Patterson, C. J. Design: Chart review of medical records of children evaluated for sexual abuse. No abstract available. Journal of Family Psychology, 15, 355-370. Journal of Extension, 43(4), 4RIB7. how members of lesbian step families define and create the step mother role. ), Bozett, F. W. (1980). In F. W. Bozett & M. B. Sussman (Eds. No abstract available. As such, it cannot be considered a source upon which one should rely for understanding the state of scientific knowledge in this field, particularly when the results contradict those that have been repeatedly replicated in studies published in better known scientific journals. Purdue University Cooperative Extension specialists were designing a program to help food entrepreneurs develop value-added food products. In A. R. D'Augelli & C. J. Patterson (Eds. King, B. R., & Black, K. N. (1999). V. Koundinya, W. Evans, C. Chiarella Although the lesbian baby boom had been going on for some years prior to the Morgen-Westrick's experiences, family building for gay male couples at the time this book was written was a fairly new idea. In B. Greene & G. Herek (Eds. Another criticism has been that, although there is considerable diversity within lesbian and gay parenting communities (Barrett & Tasker, 2001; Morris, Balsam, & Rothblum, 2002), research has often focused on narrowly defined samples. Heterosexuals' children had a more aggressively tinged separation. A comparative study of self-esteem of adolescent children of divorced lesbian mothers and divorced heterosexual mothers. Independence, ego functions and object relations, components of separation-individuation, were measured through use of a structured parent interview, a Q-Sort administered to parents and teachers, and a Structured Doll Technique with the child. Doctoral Dissertation, Iowa State University, Ames. A comparison of children of lesbian and single heterosexual mothers on three measures of socialization. Freedman, M. (1971). Protects the second parent's rights to custody and visitation if the couple separates. Because grandparents are generally seen as supportive of their grandchildren, any strains in parents' relationships with grandparents might have adverse effects on the frequency of children's contacts with grandparents, and hence also have a negative impact on grandchildren's development. ), Vanfraussen, K., Ponjaert-Kristoffersen, I., & Brewaeys, A. (Reprinted with permission of the American Academy of Pediatrics. New York: Praeger. In this note, the author lists and describes resources that can help community educators use asset-mapping approaches for program planning. Telephone: (734) 761-7400; Web page. Found inside – Page 79Preliminary results: The adapted AVI protocol as an effective tool for improving the quality of parentchild interactions and for assessing parent's capacity ... In C. J. Patterson & A. R. D'Augelli (Eds. All rights reserved. Family functioning in lesbian families created by donor insemination. Faggot father. They were more likely to report negative initial reactions if the parent was their father as opposed to their mother. Sex Roles, 8, 967-975. American Psychologist, 55, 832-890. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) approved the following statement in support of gay, lesbian, and bisexual individuals in June 1999: “The basis on which all decisions relating to custody and parental rights should rest on the best interest of the child. Found inside – Page 846Mediation does not appear to garner benefits to parent and child ... Although state statutes differ, generally the evaluation assesses “parenting capacity” ... It is suggested that the manifestation of sexual conflict in these homosexual parents expressed in attitudes and behavior toward the child is not unique and does not differ significantly from that of the heterosexual parent who has sexual conflicts. Children Australia, 21(3), 23-31. Needs assessment is an essential step in the program planning, development and evaluation cycle (Etling & Thomas, 1995). Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 3(2), 26-47. Found inside... one practice sample to address parenting capacity involving a relocation issue ... Typically, practice samples consist primarily of evaluative reports; ... Smith College Studies in Social Work, 63, 265-280. Sinking stealing. The psychiatric, psychological, and social work professions do not consider homosexual orientation to be a mental disorder. Children in lesbian and single-parent households: Psychosexual and psychiatric appraisal. No abstract available. They conducted interviews with 76 adolescents, aged 11-18 years, and examined the impact of societal factors on self-esteem. West. Clinical examples from the author's practice are cited. ), McPherson, D. (1993). The results indicate that co-mothers played a more active role in daily caretaking than did most fathers. New York: Links Books. Implementing a needs assessment for long-term strategic planning in 4-H horticulture programming. Using focus groups to identify rural participant needs in balancing work and family education. Children of lesbian mothers. (2002). These strategies were followed to: 1. Divided into three segments, the book takes an unflinching and entirely new look at mothering: "New Lessons" examines the way in which sons of lesbians grow up to be different men; "Making a Family" looks at family constructs and "Facing Losses" reveals the heart-breaking reality that many women have had to confront when their families were threatened by homophobic courts and traditions. followed by a description of new work with children born to or adopted by lesbian and gay parents. Copyright © 2002 by the American Psychological Association. Psychosocial development of children of lesbian mothers. (2000). Psychosocial adjustment and school outcomes of adolescents with same-sex parents. has presented a new report entitled Global Phthalic Anhydride and Derivatives Market Growth 2021-2026 that offers detailed coverage of the industry and main market trends with historical and forecast market data. In C. J. Patterson & A. R. D'Augelli (Eds. This showcase highlights several examples, including using decision-making models, such as the ACTION for Child Protection Safety Assessment Family Evaluation Model and Structured Decision Making; using practice models that incorporate safety assessments to support decision-making (such as the Signs of Safety practice model); teaming during different decision-making points; and using existing data to engage in predictive analytics. This analysis challenges this defensive conceptual framework and analyzes how heterosexism has hampered intellectual progress in the field. The fourth section provides a brief conclusion. My perspective is that psychiatric diagnosis is legitimate, but its application to homosexuality is erroneous and invalid because there is no empirical justification for it. In this article the author explores the ways in which lesbian coparents divide household, child care, and paid labor to learn whether, and the degree to which, they adopt egalitarian work and family arrangements. Lesbian mothers and their children: A comparison with solo parent heterosexual mothers and their children. (1992). Identifying community assets and resources. Some gay fathers do not disclose their homosexuality to their children. Lesbian/woman. were analyzed to provide a picture of reactions to a parent's "coming out," reported consequences of having a homosexual or bisexual parent, and the perspectives held by offspring on family, friendships, and sexuality. National Association of Social Workers. The studies reviewed and the findings in this chapter ought to be the touchstone of further theory and research in the study of homosexuality, because they represent the most carefully designed, reliable, valid, and objective measures of adjustment in the armamentarium of the behavioral sciences. Because of the small sample size and the absence of statistical tests, this finding should be seen as suggestive rather than conclusive. Bailey, J. M., Bobrow, D., Wolfe, M., & Mikach, S. (1995). Beliefs that lesbian and gay adults are not fit parents likewise have no empirical foundation (Anderssen, Amlie, & Ytteroy, 2002; Brewaeys & van Hall, 1997; Parks, 1998; Patterson, 2000; Patterson & Chan, 1996; Perrin, 2002; Stacey & Biblarz, 2001; Tasker, 1999; Victor & Fish, 1995). The author argues that needs assessments are important to prioritize educational programs toward producers, and that given the need for onsite instruction in agricultural education, understanding spatial variation in agriculture is key. Men with cohabiting male partners reported themselves as successfully meeting a variety of parenting challenges. The author compares focus group research with collaborative stakeholder group observation in different dimensions, provides different examples of published work with this method, and concludes that the method provides a robust assessment, and in addition, offers great networking opportunities and collaborative sources of information. (2000). (1985). The fee, under the regulations, for a capacity assessment is up to: $500 for co-decision-making; If the cost of a capacity assessment is a financial hardship for you, contact the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee (OPGT). Twenty-five young adults (aged 17-35 yrs. In Lesbian Step Families: An Ethnography of Love, you'll explore in detail the different kinds of step relationships that are developed and what factors may lead to the different types of step mothering in lesbian step families. Furthermore, lesbian social mothers feel more often than fathers in heterosexual families that they must justify the quality of their parenthood. The American Bar Association adopted the following position statement in February 1999: “RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association supports the enactment of laws and implementation of public policy that provide that sexual orientation shall not be a bar to adoption when the adoption is determined to be in the best interest of the child. Data from children's tests on intelligence, core-morphologic sexual identity, gender-role preferences, family and peer group relationships, and adjustment to the single-parent family indicate that there were no significant differences between the two types of households for boys and few significant differences for girls. American Sociological Review, 65, 159-183. The author argues for the use of spatial analysis techniques to identify agriculture and forestry educational needs. parenting capacity dimension of the Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families (Department of Health, 2000) that covers basic care, SAMPLE Copyright © 2002 by the American Psychological Association. List issues that consistently surfaced as important in Steps 2 and 3, 7. ), Patterson, C. J., & Redding, R. E. (1996). All rights reserved. Yet most research in psychology concludes that there are no differences in developmental outcomes between children raised by lesbigay parents and those raised by heterosexual parents. (1998). Results show subjects' self-described sex-role behavior to be a better indicator of desired sex-role behavior in children than subjects' sexual orientation. The purpose of the assessment interview today is to help us get a better understanding of the problems you are facing as a family, and in particular for (name of identified youth). The authors also argue that currently, although the asset-based community development model is widely used, it is criticized for its lack of an evidence base, theoretical depth and consideration of macro-level causes of disempowerment. (PsycINFO Database Record. Safety and Risk Correlates of relationship satisfaction in lesbian couples who are parenting their first child together. participated in the study]. A guide to help gay men and lesbian women with issues of being gay or lesbian and a parent. (PsycINFO Database Record. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, California School of Professional Psychology, Berkeley/Alameda. (PsycINFO Database Record. Copyright © 2002 by the American Psychological Association. ), Tasker, F., & Golombok, S. (1998). All rights reserved.). ), Wells, J. 1 A study from Australia (Sarantakos, 1996) has been cited as demonstrating deficits among children raised by gay and lesbian parents in Australia compared to children raised by heterosexual couples. Gender and family patterns of lesbian coparents. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The Wright Institute Graduate School, Berkeley CA. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 71, 53-61. The report evaluates the degree to which the delivery of the practice adheres to the program model as intended and makes recommendations for practice improvement in order to increase safety. Kerka, S. (2003). In addition, legislative initiatives assuring legal status equivalent to marriage for gay and lesbian partners, such as the law approving civil unions in Vermont, can also attend to providing security and permanence for the children of those partnerships. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 30, 394-401. (PsycINFO Database Record. Gay fathers and their children. A comparison between the children of lesbian mothers and the children of heterosexual mothers. Schulenberg, J. The role of co-mothers in planned lesbian-led families. Lesbian mother litigation manual. Multiple qualitative data sources were used (an online open-ended survey, focus group interviews, participatory working groups, data analysis and data integration). All rights reserved. Stigmatization, self-esteem, and coping among the adolescent children of lesbian mothers. The value of children to lesbian and non-lesbian mothers. During the 90s, a more integrated approach was adopted for needs assessments, incorporating analysis of secondary data and conversations with key informants. Sample Community Needs Assessment Report I. Overview of the Needs Assessment and Project Partners Involved The following information was gathered in a community-based needs assessment conducted in the Cumberland County, Maine, area during December 2009 and … The authors claim that this study serves as an example of how Extension personnel can gain information about how a program should be produced, priced and promoted, as well as where it should be held to attract the largest number of participants and meet the needs of the target population. All rights reserved. ), Victor, S. B., & Fish, M. C. (1995). ), Homosexuality and the family (pp. Copyright © 2002 by the American Psychological Association. (1995b). 249-269). ”, National Association of Social Workers (2002). Peplau, L. A., & Beals, K. P. (2004). (Reprinted with permission of the National Clearinghouse on Childhood Abuse and Neglect. ), Child sexual abuse: New theory and research (pp. In F. W. Bozett (Ed. For more information, contact APA at 750 First Street, NE; Washington, DC 20002-4242 or, 1-800-374-2722. `` ideal '' child in the newer family forms: male or female and limitations of literature... Prediction of parenting is noted that the Cameron group 's survey studies and thorough needs assessment for practice! Oaks, CA: Sage publications, Inc. Hitchens, D., Tschann, J., martin, H.. For child custody determinations after dissolution of a gay relationship should be seen as falling within the cultural. Very likely to have experiences that differ in terms of three factors unique to the psychological,. 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