north anatolian fault plate boundary

Synchronizations were analyzed for two chosen earthquakes, the Izmit (1999) and Aegean Sea (2014) earthquakes. The figure also shows the relative motion of the Anatolian and Aegean plate to form a small stretch of continental rifting along the Aegean Sea.(3). 7.6A). Yellow = Continental Rift. 32.10 formed the Ω-triplets with HE(T) containing 3 sequence events. FIGURE 11.48. However, there are still many requirements for improvements like intensification of cross disciplinary work, and the use of probabilistic computer models in paleoseismology, archeoseismology and paleotsunami studies in order to better constrain uncertainties of dating results and back calculated earthquake parameters for the seismic hazard assessment and mitigation of earthquake risk. See text for details. Shortly after, the plate boundary migrated west of the Sea of Marmara along the northern border of Aegea from the North Aegean Trough, to the Gulf of Corinth area and to the Kefalonia Fault. NAF extends over 1600 km between Karlıova triple junction, where it meets the sinistral East Anatolian fault, to the Gulf of Saros in the northern Aegean Sea, where extensional regime . Gravity. For many centuries people living on volcanoes have known that the outset of seismic activity is often a forerunner of a volcanic eruption. Stratified fine to coarse sand, 4. Turkey is set on a minor tectonic plate which is being squeezed westwards as the Arabian and the Eurasian . In the Middle East, earthquakes appear to migrate from one intraplate block to another, concentrating earthquake activity on that block for several centuries before entering a very long quiescent period. Flashcards. The volume is organized into three sections entitled Overview, Extensional Settings and Contractional Settings together with a glossary of terms having to do with strike-slip deformation, basin formation and sedimentation. (G) Surface rupture of left-lateral Horasan–Şenkaya fault zone. This 30 y period appears to have been preceded and followed by relatively quiet periods, probably for about 300 y. The Anatolian plate and with it the whole country of Turkey, moves towards the west and . The 1999 rupture in this fault branch is purely dip-slip, based on the lack of lateral offset of an adjacent flume and berm (Ferry et al., 2004; Rockwell et al., 2009). 10 in Chapter 19). Numerous faults have been investigated to determine whether either of these models is applicable. We used the USGS seismic catalog of the Mediterranean region (Fig. The North Anatolian Fault (NAF) is a major strike-slip fault that forms the northern boundary of the Anatolian block, and the Erzincan Basin is the largest sedimentary basin on the NAF. In the same area, the Bingöl volcanics are also offset 2.5 km to the right. Fig. This means that all synchronized green earthquakes in Fig. To the south and southwest is a convergent boundary with the African Plate.This convergence manifests in compressive features . Landslides cover faults in some areas and create linear banks in others, giving the misleading impression of a fault. Reilinger et al. (2010) 181, 1201-1213 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04576.x Shear wave splitting along a nascent plate boundary: the North Anatolian Fault Zone C. Berk Biryol,1 George Zandt,1 Susan L. Beck,1 A. Arda Ozacar,2 Hande E. Adiyaman1 and Christine R. Gans1 GJI Geodynamics and tectonics 1 Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ . The last event occurred in 1857, so this mean value is of much concern. The North Anatolian Fault . The integration of the results of earthquake geology and paleoseismic data in the SHA and risk assessment of the Grand Istanbul region and central Marmara Sea fault zones became a challenge after the 1999-earthquake sequence (Atakan et al., 2002). Plate Boundaries, Fault Motions, and Hotspots a) Answer all 13 of the following questions, for the plate boundary: The San Andreas plate boundary 1. Figure 11.48 shows the earthquake history between 1918 and 1973 in the Kuril–Japan subduction zone. We analysed the properties of. The paleoseismic study identifies two moderate faulting events and two major surface rupturing events during the last 400 years that can be correlated with historical events in 1754, 1878 (with Mw ∼6) and in 1719, 1894 (with Mw ∼7), respectively (Figure 10.4). This observation suggests that compression along the fault progressed from west to east (Şaroğlu, 1985). The fault offset, or displacement across the fault plane, would be the same for each event, and the recurrence interval is constant. Keep up to date with activities, news and events and find out how Fellows can get involved. The incipient NAF activity started in the Late Mid-Miocene. Learn. It is a dextral strike-slip fault, with a NE-SW direction of extension and NW-SE direction of compression (6), which has resulted in 6 fatal . Figure 11.46 shows the cumulative slip and moment release along the Calaveras fault near San Francisco Bay, California. See text for details. EAFZ, East Anatolian fault zone; NAFZ, North Anatolian fault zone. It is clear that neither model is perfect, a situation some seismologists jokingly refer to as the “unpredictable” model. Log of the Köseköy trench across the 1999 surface ruptures of the NAF. Found insideThe book presents the latest research, including fault dating using new mineral growth, fault reactivation, and fault modeling, and also helps bridge the gap between geologists and geophysicists working across fault-related disciplines. PLAY. Historical records (Ambraseys, 2009; Başarır-Baştürk et al., 2017) of the Ovacık settlement document that the OVF might responsible for the Jan. 16, 1856 (Io = VIII) seismic event, which created heavy damage. at university; and for those seeking professional See text for details. The Aegean Sea earthquake (2014) was clearly related to one of the maxima of both states illustrated in Fig. Plate Tectonics Theory. Istanbul is situated in the North Anatolian Fault between the Anatolian and Eurasian tectonic plates. primary education onwards; for those making careers choices 10 in Chapter 19). Discover and access geoscience information resources via one of the world’s premier Earth science libraries. (C) Doğubeyazıt fault. The area is also under the influence of the N-S extensional Aegean regime. This region is perhaps most well known for the North Anatolian Fault; the east-west striking continental transform fault situated in northern Turkey, which produces persistent earthquake activity along the fault. The distribution of distances clearly tends to be discrete. The diameters of the circles in (B) represent the relative energy released by the earthquakes. Sandy clayey with silt pebbles interpreted as colluviums; 6c. Information and resources for teachers and students from Fig. These instructions are also obtainable from the privacy & cookies link at the bottom of any GSL page. Both examples of past earthquake distribution along the NAF and HFT allow the identification of seismic gaps and open ways for time-dependant seismic hazard estimates. The mode of propagation is one in which suc- . A divergent boundary forming in the Red Sea area: Figure 4.25. The region can also be further subdivided into 3 smaller tectonic regions: The Pontides, The Anatolide-Taurides and the Arabian Platform.(1). Dedicated to the memory of three pioneers, İhsan Ketin, Sırrı Erinç and Melih Tokay, and a recent student, Aykut Barka, who burnt himself out in pursuit of the mysteries of the North Anatolian Fault. The North Anatolian fault is a major, right-lateral, continental strike slip fault. To the SE of Yiğitler, the elongated crests and linear valleys determine the position of segments NZF-11a–c (Fig. The en echelon left-stepping segments of NZF-2a–c are located between Başbağlar and Kozluca (Fig. Another interesting observation of some earthquake sequences is an occasional apparent “migration” of activity. Recent research on earthquake recurrence has begun to parameterize the dynamics of the stress loading cycle in terms of nonlinear dynamics. • fault segments. Coarse sand. Transform plate boundaries occur when two tectonic plates slide (or grind) past parallel to each other.The most famous transform boundary is the San Andreas Fault where the Pacific plate that Los Angeles and Hawaii are on is grinding past the North American plate that San Francisco and the rest of the United States is on at the rate of 3 inches a year. extending along the southern margin of the Bingöl volcano. The geodetic (GPS) rate of deformation being 22–26 mm/year (Reilinger et al., 2006), the ∼17 mm/year tectonic rate of active faulting in the Marmara Sea region suggests a slip deficit necessarily accommodated by more forthcoming displacements along the NAF. 10.18C, e-suppl.-NZF). 1a). Yet, propagation of plate-scale faults through the continental crust and lithosphere has received little attention, mainly because perti-nent observations are scarce. The North Anatolian Fault (NAF) is a 1200-km-long dextral strike-slip fault zone that formed by progressive strain localization in a generally westerly widening right-lateral keirogen in northern Turkey mostly along an interface juxtaposing subduction-accretion material to its south and older and stiffer continental basements to its north. Fig. Note how the ruptures this century have filled in the thrust zone. The North Anatolian fault stretches across northern Turkey and its movement is strike-slip in nature just like the ancient movement seen at the Great Glen Fault in Scotland. The maxima of the synchronization function represent the generator G(SM1M2[T1, T2])|T1′T2′. In both cases an estimate of the long-term relative motion is required. 1a, Bird 2003). The North Anatolian Fault accommodates much of the right-lateral horizontal motion (23-24 mm/yr) between the Anatolian micro-plate and Eurasian plate as the Anatolian micro-plate is being pushed westward to further accommodate closure of the Mediterranean basin caused by the collision of the African and Arabian plates in southeastern Turkey. North of Çıralı, segment NZF-8 corresponds to the NZF determined by Emre et al. Massive plastic clay, grading coarser away from fault; 7. Farther north, a nearly east–west trending linear valley hosts segment NZF-5 at Bilekli. Fig. At the time of the Izmit (1999) earthquake on 17/08/1999, the whole Mediterranean region (Figs. The circles with such radii are illustrated in Fig. Black lines are from this chapter (Ovacık fault, Sancak–Uzunpınar fault, Karakoçan fault). Geophysical Journal International Geophys. (A) illustrates the total synchronization function or the superimposed state ℕISR + ℕISR - D + ℕDSR + ℕDSR - I, while (B) illustrates the product state ℕISR ⋅ ℕDSR - I = ℕ[1001]. Explains clearly and concisely the essential attributes of new concepts that have arisen during the last twenty years in structural geology and tectonics. Deformational and tectonic processes and relationships on all scales are discussed. Figure 11.49 shows a longer time sequence of ruptures along the Nankai trough in southern Japan. The main morphological elements of the Sea of Marmara consists of ~ 1250 m-deep three subbasins and two NE-trending compressional highs separating the deep subbasins. For the second case study, we used the well-known North Anatolian Fault (Fig. Is the North Anatolian Fault Zone in northwestern Turkey a weak or a strong plate boundary? As time passes, the scarp erodes and changes shape. 32.14–32.16 represent the analysis of the earthquake interaction pattern on 04/08/1999, shortly before the Izmit earthquake, which happened on 17/08/1999. This book focuses on a unique stage in the ocean closure process, when significant convergence already induced major deformations, yet the inter-plate basins and margins still record the geological history. Enquire about room hire and conference facilities at Burlington House. In general, the mean recurrence time may be well defined, but significant stochastic fluctuations occur. The HE(T) was the third event in the analyzed Ω-triplets. FIGURE 11.49. The Sea of Marmara is located in the North Anatolian Fault (NAF), a major continental transform plate boundary between the Eurasian and Anatolian-Aegean plates. The change in scarp shape is controlled by the diffusion equation. It is compatible with the position of segment OVF-1 (Fig. The distribution of aftershock focal mecha-nisms corresponds to fault segmentation of the NAFZ in the Izmit-Düzce region produced by coseismic slip. The characteristic earthquake model suggests that faults are segmented, and individual segments behave in a predictable fashion. Spell. In our discussions of plate tectonics in the last few sections, we discussed relative plate velocities. 10.18C, e-suppl.-NZF). It is the SW margin of the Kiğı cell (Fig. M. Namık ÇağatayGülsen Uçarkuş, in Transform Plate Boundaries and Fracture Zones, 2019. In the area corresponding to the Varto-Kazan section of the Varto fault zone, there were several earthquakes larger than M = 5. The fault is clearly right-lateral according to the deflected streams and shutter ridges parallel to the fault and offsets observed in the Bingöl volcanics. Match. It has developed in the framework of the northward mov-ing Arabian plate and the Hellenic subduction zone where the African lithosphere is subducting below the Aegean (see Fig. There is a oceanic rift along the boundary between the Aegean and the Anatolian, which developed during the Oligo-Miocene due to the retreating Hellenic subduction zone, making the Aegean ocean between the two plates a relatively young one (1). In the section between Kazan and Kargapazarı settlements, a 2.5-km displacement of the rivers was measured by Şaroğlu (1985). The tendency of earthquakes to occur in relatively narrow belts was one of the key lines of evidence leading in the 1960s to the theory of plate tectonics [].The surface of the Earth consists of a number of tectonic plates (), with each plate consisting of the crust and the more rigid part of the upper mantle, which collectively are called . Classifications of the Anatolian plate boundaries (3): Seismic gaps and seismic potential for the circum-Pacific region. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Transform faults are so named because they are linked to other types of plate boundaries. In this complex tectonic envi-ronment the collision of the Arabian, African and Eurasian plates leads to a compressive regime to the east of the Anatolian block (creation of The life-cycle of an individual fault zone lasts on the order of 1 to 10 Myr, and the repeat times of major earthquakes (durations of the seismic cycle) are on the order of 7.5A). 1). The fault is the result of the relative westward motion of the Anatolian Plate with Eurasia. Fig. Consider what Figure 11.48 would have looked like in 1970; the entire fault would have ruptured except for a region between the source areas of the 1952 and 1969 earthquakes. At the NE of Yücekonak, the elongated small lakes point to the location of segment NZF-14. Among the first paleoseismic trenches across the 1999-surface faulting, onshore field investigations combined six excavations with GPR to resolve right-lateral slip events and constrain the earthquake history on a channel–fan complex (Ferry et al., 2004; Rockwell et al., 2009). View HW Turkey Earthquakes- done.docx from GEO 0836 at Temple University. (A) illustrates the ℕISR ⋅ ℕDSR - I = ℕ[1001] state, while (B) illustrates the ℕISR(M) ⋅ ℕDSR - I(M) = ℕ[1001] state (M-synchronizations). The recent works that determine the fault segment boundaries, coseismic slip distribution of the 1999-Izmit and 1912-Ganos fault ruptures, paleoseismic events and slip rates of the NAF east and west of the Marmara Sea (Barka, 1999; Armijo et al., 2005; Aksoy et al., 2010) provide unprecedented data on earthquake fault characterizations. The other elements are the 850-m-deep Kumburgaz Basin, the ~ 400-m-deep İmralı Basin, and the 100–200 m-deep E-W oriented gulfs or bays. Therefore we analyzed all Ω-triplets that contained the Mudurnu (1967) earthquake and were synchronized on 04/08/1999. A transform fault is a type of strike-slip fault and conservative boundary, and a strike-slip fault is a fault with horizontal motion. Coarse sandy gravel with common fragments of fired bricks; 14. West Marmara case study: Earthquake geology and paleoseismic onshore investigations along the 1912-earthquake fault segment of the NAF west of the Marmara Sea document the coseismic slip distribution and establish the occurrence of faulting events corresponding to the historical events of 1063, 1343–1354, 1716, and 1912 (Rockwell et al., 2009; Aksoy et al., 2010; Meghraoui et al., 2012). Black dots with numbers are detrital charcoal sample locations for dates. If one can identify seismic gaps, those regions can be assigned a relatively high earthquake potential. These results show that the Düzce (1999) earthquake was defined by the synchronization maximum of the ℕISR ⋅ ℕDSR ⋅ ℕDSR - I = ℕ[1101] state. Their relative motion is right-lateral strike-slip with a rate of ∼20-25 mm yr −1 (e.g. 32.16. 10.1). The North Anatolian fault (NAF) system delin-eates the northern boundary of the Anatolian plate and is characterized by a right-lateral strike-slip motion [2,3]. Plate tectonics - Plate tectonics - Transform faults: Along the third type of plate boundary, two plates move laterally and pass each other along giant fractures in Earth's crust. The linear valleys and steeply dipping lithologies are used as morphotectonic indicators. Eastern and central fault segments of the NAF were also the site of numerous paleoseismic investigations. Earthquake sequences on each fault segment of the NAF in the Marmara region of Turkey (Meghraoui et al., 2012). J. Int. It appears therefore that, in general, large earthquakes in the Eastern Mediterranean tend to occur in episodic “storms” that unzip the main plate boundaries during short, 30–100 year, periods separated by 300–500 years of relative quiescence. (a) Regular stick-slip faulting. For details of the focal mechanism solutions, see Table 10.1. Slow strain pulses migrating in the lithosphere may account for this behavior, but no observations of such deformation “waves” have yet been made. FIGURE 11.B4.2. The collision of the Arabian plate with the Eurasian plate in eastern Turkey during the late Miocene (Sengor and Yilmaz, 1981) induced two major strike-slip faults: the North Anatolian Fault (NAF; Ketin, 1948Ketin, , 1957Ketin, , 1969 and the East Anatolian Fault (EAF), bounding the Anatolian block in the north and in the east of Turkey . The multidisciplinary research efforts in this region over the last fifteen years have produced a wealth of new data to better . All other smaller riverbeds located between Vardar and Maritza riverbeds show similar behavior. 10.18C). This plate boundary is the interface of which two tectonic plates? 32.11, we analyzed the interaction between the Mediterranean region and the North Anatolian Fault at the time of the Izmit (1999) earthquake. Fig. This book can also be used as an up-to-date reference at universities in both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. There, it finally linked with the northern tip of the Aegean subduction zone, completing the system of plate boundaries delimiting the Anatolia-Aegea plate. NAFZ takes up the relative motion betw een the westward moving Anatolian Block, due Additionally, its magnitude was defined by the M-synchronization maximum of the ℕISR - D(M) = ℕ[0010] state. Courtesy of PBO Steering committee. The seismic regime (as a most recent expression of the stress distribution and redistribution) is very active there. This similarity of each earthquake gives rise to the concept of a characteristic earthquake. The measurable 2.5-km offset was measured on the southernmost fault. The North Anatolian Fault is one of the most energetic earthquake zones in the world. The strain released by the surface slipping of this earthquake sequence (about 4 m on average) must have taken a few hundred years to accumulate. The 100 km-wide NAF zone in the Marmara region accommodates 24 mm/year dextral motion, with 70%–80% of this displacement taking place along the northern branch of the NAF, the Main Marmara Fault in the Sea of Marmara. This volume will prove invaluable for seismologists, tectonophysicists, geodesists and potential-field geophysicists, geologists, geodynamicists, and students of the deformation of tectonic plates. Accurate assessment of seismic hazard in any region requires careful estimation of seismic energy release. Dead Sea fault zone, Jordan; India/Pakistan boundary fault; North Anatolian Fault, Turkey; Figure 4.23. If you continue without changing your settings we'll assume you are happy to receive all GSL cookies. The stress drop may vary from event to event; thus the time to the next earthquake will vary. One of the biggest difficulties in determining the characteristics of fault behavior is that we rarely have more than one or two cycles in the historical record. As a convex arc extending eastward from Kargapazarı, the fault zone gains a linear extension in Varto, loses its clarity in the east of Varto, and ends up as a single fracture (Şaroğlu, 1985). The present for the lower cutoff magnitude equal to 6 ( Fig ) was not included the. Often exhibit chaotic behavior, is a major transcurrent boundary, and average recurrence times can be also explained this. This north anatolian fault plate boundary series features high-interest topics in every content area of oceanic.. 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