harry potter fanfiction harry tortured in graveyard

told Voldemort, turning back to Harry "Imagine my surprise when a mere child came out of the shadows of the room, picked his mother's wand and actually cast a reducto curse against me.". He was in a graveyard… "The four year old was taught." Sirius, James, and Lily were all part of the Order of the Phoenix, a group of witches and wizards who were desperately fighting againstVoldemort. replied his wife, lady Audrey Greengrass "Never specified how.". "Harry... he killed him?" The Dark Lord rises again. The ground seemed to be black, burned and completely voided of life. After all, how many times does Harry narro... #granger Wormtail was there, he saw everything, took my wand and run away, instead of finishing the job, as any loyal servant should." Chapter 7-Snape doesn't actually hate me. The Sorting. His scream of "Don't touch him! growled Harry and everyone at Hogwarts who hadn't yet realized it, gasped in shock. demanded Brandon, making Aurora roll her eyes. He was naked, pale and had no nose, having instead two slits in his stead. Being abused, being scolded and being starved was his life until Hogwarts came into his life. and none portrayed the Potters favourably. "Why would Mad-Eye be working with a death eater?" "WHAT?" whispered Audrey Greengrass, her eyes tearful and her heart pumping. What does he mean?" replied Harry with a smirk, allowing his grandfather his moment of joy. "I told you it was a bad idea, Albus but you never listen, you always do as you think best." "I don't understand..." Crouch Jr. said "Does this means...", "Yes?" "You could have instructed him on doing better." Not only I didn't get the stone, Harry Potter never appeared and I was vanquished by Dumbledore.". . Fanfiction. From Slytherin, nearly half of the house, led by his girlfriend, cheered for him and from Gryffindor, also half. "You just don't fucking get it, do you, you son of a bitch?" He had only seen the dark mark in the air and he knew somehow that it hadn't been only a random attack. "He's dead." . But it was true what they said, there are some things you can't go through together without coming out as friends. Harry replied, shocking everyone "With all attention diverted to the brat and being the unknown Potter, I was somewhat safe from your sycophants, at least until you reappeared.". a voice said in the darkness, the voice of a woman, kind and proud. Daphne saw it happening and knew that whatever happened wasn't good. Quidditch. "Enough!" "Of course not." a familiar and hated voice said in Harry's ear as the young man cried in shock. replied a petulant Harry and much to everyone's surprise, the dark lord actually agreed with him. "He's insane, he's taunting him." In fact, she knew he had kept the wands from his grandfather and grandmother, using his grandfather's as his backup because it had better compatibility with himself. Potter and Weasley were trying to get information from us about the Chamber of Secrets," Draco said, anger raising in him with every word. asked Voldemort in a whisper, still heard by all in the graveyard and in Hogwarts "How did it feel having your greatest deed torn from you by a meddling and foolish old man?". You're mine." "MORTEM HASTAM!" That night was Slughorn's dinner party. replied Harry defiantly "You look uglier than before.". There he finds out that he is dosed with multiple potions and compulsion charms among other things. replied Harry "Enjoy the show, headmaster.". the dark lord said, glaring at Pettigrew, which cowered in shame "And I lived for eleven years as a shapeless cloud of mist and vapor, in an eternal suffering. No one made sense of her words and Luna was sent to the hospital wing. I love you.". A humorous odd love story that follows canon from a dad's point of view. I looked over to the door of my cell and found Narcissa coming over to it. WARNING: People will frequently die in these stories. Apart that, the Yule ball was a success to the couple, who danced through the night only with each other, rising jealous thoughts from some of the other attendants. #3- What if Harry was killed in the Battle of the Seven Potters? Waking up in the past in his fourth year, Harry finally gets the chance to start his life over. We had five judges. As was Luna, there were many others, boys, girls and even adults, all were shocked with what they were seeing, the final moments of Harry Greengrass, a man, a champion, a friend. "I had an excelent teacher." Madam Dolores Jane Umbridge (b. And he could not let that happen to Harry. "They weren't acting like themselves because they weren't themselves. She seemed to be talking herself into something. Harry felt horribly powerless without his own wand as he watched her. Voldemort's return. #magic Harry had won. "Mum? "Then I am ready." ", "I am being serious. Harry replied, shrugging afterwards "But thank you, professor. He elbowed the Slytherin who was supposed to be restricting him in the stomach and snatched his wand from Umbridge's desk. It happens when brother wands fight each other but is very rare to happen.". Harry Potter had never placed his name in the goblet of fire for selection. She thought long and hard and realized that the only moment she had felt happy with Harry had been when she held him the first time... because the pain of birth had stopped. You're far prettier. shouted Daphne in shock, seeing a red curse being thrown against him. No matter how?" the figure chanted one last time, as he approached Harry. shouted the dark lord, casting the familiar green curse. You fought him with silent spells until my grandmother joined him. "WIN!" So, Harry had decided to hit the books with renewed fervour, learning, practicing and increasing his power in every way he could, just for another chance, even if it was small, to survive what was coming. "No matter what they say, Harry was right, the rules say that he had to enter the maze and then reach the cup." Everybody believes Harry. "Win. "Really?" demanded Jonathan, turning to the jury "What is the meaning of this?". What-If? Everyone else was in shock, seeing an unconscious Harry being levitated by their DADA teacher and being stuck to a large tombstone. "Daniel Potter isn't the The-Boy-Who-Lived. Found insideFame can be deadly. Out of the wreckage of environmental collapse, the country of Delicatum emerged. Its most popular celebrities are the Famoux, uniquely beautiful stars of a reality TV show called the Fishbowl. . Harry Potter is." Not even the radical pureblood families treated their children as the Potters had treated Harry. What If? he replied in an angry whisper, filled with anger and hate. As the two parted, Harry couldn't help but laugh at his unorthodox way of making friends. . In reply, the dark lord only laughed while Harry actually refrained from rolling his eyes over Voldemort's "plan". Alastor Moody appeared next to Harry and picked up his wand, pocketing it "Shut up and make the preparations." Nothing was left but two very confused champions. She became desperate as she heard Voldemort's voice taunting Harry. Daphne cried tears of joy, being held by her mother. It had been hours since I was tortured but still my body felt sore and I had a pounding headache. "THOSE FOOLS!" Those were the only thoughts going on Hogwarts. That was what Harry kept thinking, always finding no answer. "No!" the dark lord replied, waving at him. demanded the dark lord. "Good." Potter and Weasley were trying to get information from us about the Chamber of Secrets," Draco said, anger raising in him with every word. demanded Moody in a growl. He opened it and showed his grandparents a picture of himself and Daphne, playful waving. "NNNOOO!" 15. Family's Chain [Harry Potter] (COMPLETED) Fanfiction. "You'll just feed me lies, lure me off so you can escape!" He'd smiled weakly at his friends and they ran. Harry had to take a fake dragon egg from the dragon and his dragon was a Hungarian Horntail, one of the most dangerous breeds alive. For his part, Dumbledore was in shock, not knowing what to think. She Apparated into the area, wearing a Death Eater mask and hood. It was a complete embarrassment for the Potter family and James Potter attempted to ask where the grimoire was, only to receive shocked looks from all the members of the body and a flat response from his former son: In the library. ", "I had no idea." "But of course, business before pleasure, isn't it?" His left hand went to his wound and he tried to move, dragging himself on the ground, realizing his increasing difficulty in breathing, starting to suffocate "Daphne." echoed around and as Daphne broke the kiss, she took her hand to Harry's side wound, seeing nothing there but hurt flesh. the voice of Voldemort said again, coming from the black cloud of mist and vapor emerging from Pettigrew's body "I am immortal. #4: What if Fawkes was unable to heal Harry? "AVADA KEDAVRA." "Brandon and Aurora Potter." both his grandparents shouted in concern and fear, vanishing from existence. A frustrated Ron leaves Harry and Hermione to continue their hunt for the Horcruxes without him. asked the dark lord "Then why would you be in Ravenclaw? Now that's something unusual." They didn't know, but several stories were already being written by reporters. That night was Slughorn's dinner party. Every adult knew who he was at once and no one could believe it. .". Win. Eros and Psyche by RZZMG Without doubt. "Impressive, and not very light." "Now, now, lord Greengrass, I realize this is an emotional moment..." tried the pink dressed woman, only to be rebuked. "I think you do." "Give me your hand, Wormtail." Harry nodded, his eyes tearing "That's called priori incantatem. At that moment, Daphne's heart swelled. Surprisingly, a couple of the Slytherins lingered behind to check if he was okay. You can't kill me! Audrey replied "He endured a lousy childhood, neglect, he defeated Voldemort once and he's a champion of Hogwarts. Luckily, the dark lord felt the need to ask the same thing. "You." Wormtail started crying in gratitude, “Master, thank you, master…”. Vote/comment if you liked and stay tuned! "It's a shame I can't meet her." You heard the same things I did." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. 119 Harry Potter and the Last Aura Knight » by Mr. The dark lord just laughed for several moments. Does she make you happy?" He could see now he was wrong. demanded the headmaster and everyone shut up "There is nothing we can do.". Then his face darkened. Violet Riddle didn't have to turn to Horcruxes for her immortality, for she had a better option – a dark and secret transformation, passed down from the ancient and terrible Empresses of Atlantis. He watched in anger and sadness as Potter was bound to the tombstone and had his blood stolen to be used in that disgusting potion by the fat rat looking man. Everyone in the graveyard laughed, including Harry, much to everyone's surprise. ", "Call me a Slytherin." shrieked Hermione. "H-Harry?" shouted the dark lord in a mocking tone "Nor will you be. While everyone was cheering, the Potters and his closest friends were appalled and regretful for all they did against Harry. It would just be another normal murder. She couldn't accept it, she just couldn't accept it was the truth. ", "What do you think would happen if I let the hat sort me into Slytherin? Found insideA dark and enchanting fantasy adventure perfect for those who prefer their fairytales with a twist. The first in the bestselling School for Good and Evil series. ", "Which leads us to the third point you didn't listen!" Are those death eaters going to remain free after all we saw and heard, for the sake of your campaigns? #2: What if Barty Crouch Jr. killed Harry before Dumbledore arrived? I had half an hour to get ready! Daphne was happy. asked Daphne and Jonathan and Audrey were very afraid. many asked in fear and astonishment. There is no one else that I would like to see representing Hogwarts." He crumpled to the floor with a horrible scream. The dragon was subdued and Harry took the egg without any effort, leaving a speechless crowd behind. Send a message to the manager if you have read or written a Dark Harry story that isn't in this community. "Indeed, I never even pointed my wand at the baby." whispered Jonathan, he too starting to smile, surpassing his own disbelief. #6: What if Umbridge had Crucio-ed (or would it be Crucified?) ", Voldemort hissed. However, Voldemort wouldn't be idiot to the point of put his name in the cup, would he? "That foolish boy." shouted Harry over the noise of whatever was happening "Either you're an idiot or you're too dumb to understand what I've been saying.". Everyone knew that, Dumbledore had made an announcement days after the fall of the dark lord. I would be crucified by everyone, especially by my so called family." While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Chapter 1- Welcome to Hogwarts. Audrey did her best to sound convincing, even if she didn't see a way how Harry could survive the dark lord, but her daughter needed to hear it... even if it would break her later on. cried Hermione. I guess he never did? Silence was total as everyone was witness of the dark ritual reaching its peak. This article is about the character. "Is it done?" gasped Harry. "He's a romantic, isn't he?" Harry tuned out the noise, already knowing that he would enter the maze last, thanks to his results in the second task. "Whose voice, father? "That voice... no, it can't be him." The Death Eater who had refused to believe him fell to his knees and said, "My Lord, please forgive me for my impudence! In Hogwarts, everyone cheered as the maze disappeared, taking away all creatures by portkey back to their pens. He knew someone had put his name in the cup and he knew that Voldemort was alive. She knew he was good, just not that good. "Damn you, Wormtail, can't you do anything right?" Harry James Potter was born on July 31, 1980, in Godric’s Hollow ( DH16, 35) to Lily and James Potter.James Potter’s best friend, Sirius Black, was named Harry’s godfather ( PA10 ). said Crouch "But there is something I don't understand.". With a grin, Harry entered the maze calmly, conjuring wooden stairs and using them to climb the walls of the maze. The dark lord shouted in pain and agony, only to be hit by the grey sphere and at that moment, his immediate area became a roaring magical maelstrom of fire, ice, lightning, death... all types of primal magical energies manifested at the same time, ripping everything they consumed from existence. asked the dark lord with a vicious smile. Taken from Chapter 32, pages 746 and 747. "It's Harry!" "Damn you, Potter! Just typical. That had been a secret she knew well. It was time for me to go to the Burrow. she explained, ignoring Fudge's ramblings "This time, none of them will be able to used the imperius excuse, not after all we heard.". I know you saw everything..." he tried to say, only to be jumped by a crying Daphne, who kissed him, not caring about anything else. The sickly green light of the killing curse struck her in her chest, and she fell. replied Harry, genuinely interested "I do know something, though.". #weasley All rights to JK Rowling! Malfoy was watching her with a hungry expression on his face. However, Harry's death was useful to show everyone that Voldemort still lived. I didn't want knowledge for knowledge sake, I wanted it to survive and the hat was adamant that I should be a snake... but he yielded and made me Ravenclaw.". Harry Potter obtained a number of scars over his lifetime, as well as a few injuries that may have resulted in scarring. Daphne Greengrass, his by then girlfriend had been overjoyed, since that meant that at least for an year there would be no stupid life threatening acrobatics from him. she shouted in tears, trusting Harry would do it. "They were all bleating about silencing you somehow - discrediting you - but I was the one who actually did something about it. Harry whispered, leaning his back and head to the closest tombstone. "Well done!" shouted none other than Daniel Potter. At first, the audience cheered when it was Harry's turn. He had everything he needed in his arms and he was not about to let go for anything or anyone. This is THE largest Dark Harry archive, containing over 2000 stories, and the ONLY one that still gets updated regularly. Could he blame her? The man who had achieved his dream, immortality, conjured a mirror with nothing but a negligent wave of his hand. Lucius Malfoy standing with her whilst watching Voldemort torture Harry Potter. While Harry was received with neutrality in Hogwarts, Jonathan Greengrass explained everything that had transpired with Harry to his eldest daughter. wondered James Potter, heard by several people, who looked at him appalled. "What... What will he do to Harry?" Harry Potter failed his task, not because he couldn't do it but because he refused to enter the water to rescue his former brother. mumbled Daphne, her lips slowly growing into a smile "He did it.". "Luckily I can endure pain and know several spells that could help my situation." But he's my loving idiot. Trans Bella Swan. "Tell me, Crouch, who anointed Daniel Potter as The-Boy-Who-Lived?" The night you attacked Potter Manor alone, I saw you duelling my grandfather. Potter and Weasley were trying to save the school again. "AH, that was brilliant." Brandon laughed while Aurora grinned. whispered Jonathan in sadness. Whole Hogwarts saw then that Moody was starting to change, clearly a sign of polyjuice. "Ah, Harry Potter, or should I say Harry Greengrass?" Harry looked around, seeing large flags with the Durmstrang wolf, the swan of Beauxbatons and the crest of Hogwarts made with the four house animals. the dark lord asked, amused "You, a four year old child, did all that to avenge your grandparents and not to protect your brother?" Books Harry Potter. The handless figure extended him a wand, which the man caressed lovingly. "What? "How sweet." For the first time in long years, Lilly Potter felt a pain in her chest. Jonathan asked himself. A quick spell later and the acromantula was unconscious, levitated and thrown way over the edge. Meeting Harry Potter. I'm sorry..." he begged again, turning himself up to the sky, his gasping increased. The-Boy-Who-Lived is not Daniel Potter but Harry Potter." Chapter 1. Voldemort widened his eyes and having no other way, he tried to dodge the two spells. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. "I have it, my lord." Luna Lovegood, known as Little Moon by Harry, came to him one evening, clearly in some sort of trance. Indian James Potter. When cast successfully the curse inflicted intense, excruciating pain on the victim. No more would Harry Potter... No, Harry Greengrass be alone. First the killing curse but I understood it as Abracadabra and nothing happened. the dark lord continued, stopping the cruciatus "I disarmed the boy and put him under the cruciatus for several moments and yet, even in pain, screaming and tears, I could see the anger and the hate in the boy's eyes. In the canvas, Harry whimpered in pain, rolling in the ground and grabbing his wand in what seemed to be a lot of effort, pointing it at himself. wondered Sirius Black. Found insideThis book examines the notion of storytelling in videogames. This topic allows new perspectives on the enduring problem of narrative in digital games, while also opening up different avenues of inquiry. demanded James Potter. "There is no light nor dark. "They can wait a little longer." All Harry felt was something pierce his side, making him shout in pain. This fanciful, original collection for readers of all ages features arithmetic puzzles, logic problems related to crime detection, and logic and arithmetic puzzles involving King Arthur and his Dogs of the Round Table. the professor replied "I would just like to let you know that despite your second task and the sabotage you were target, we of Ravenclaw are very proud of Hogwarts champion. "Crucio!". I overstepped my bounds!" ", "I wanted to see you one last time before the task." Lucy introduces Michael to other St. Clare’s outcasts, and he officially joins Heretics Anonymous, where he can be an atheist, Lucy can be an outspoken feminist, Avi can be Jewish and gay, Max can wear whatever he wants, and Eden can ... "Our wands shared the core of a phoenix, according with Ollivander." finished Harry and the three laughed. He would recover, he would get up... Daphne just cried, tear filled eyes and whole her desperation turned to the canvas, depicting a gasping Harry raising his wand towards the Voldemort cloud. His father's words, however, had cut him deep and he truly felt ashamed for the person he was, trying to hold his sobbing wife. "Good. only you wriggled out of that one, didn't you, Potter? shouted another ministry official, a woman dressed in pink, standing with the minister. #hermione It saved him from being with the Dursleys for 10 months and a place to have friends. What could he possibly achieve with such a crazy plan? He is tortured, hunted, and learns how to kill to survive. I retreated to the tent where all the other champions were. None answered to him, not knowing what to say. The Greengrass family was no better. Why? "Yes, he will." the voice of Ludo Bagman shouted, being followed by a loud cheer. "Daphne." "Be serious, this is our baby boy's future. Harry just sneered. Draco knelt in the graveyard outside of Riddle Manor the place where Lord Voldemort had been resurrected little over a year ago. "I don't know, Daphne." cried Daphne, looking back to the canvas and the man she loved. Sure, his parents were alive, but they were insane to the point they didn't even recognize him. Potter and Weasley were trying to save the school again. ", "Well then, Harry Potter." "The Minister wouldn't want you to break the law, Professor Umbridge!" Harry snapped with a sneer "So, for my own self preservation, I demanded the hat to put me in the second best house. Audrey asked with a chuckle. He watched in a mixture of awe and horror as Voldemort rose from the cauldron and equal fury as he tortured an unarmed and defenceless Potter. "I have already given orders to capture all death eaters who were identified by Voldemort." I thought it to be a waste of good pure blood, even if he opposed us. Everything began to go to hell in the previous summer, when he was still a Potter, when he started to have nightmares with no other than the supposed defeated dark lord Voldemort. "It's a shame all your talent will be wasted." "HARRY!" "One last kiss for good luck?" It's a hard-knock afterlife in Limbo City. If you had Lana's job, you'd be grim too. "Roquet breathes new life into death with the debut of her Reapers Inc. urban fantasy series . replied Crouch, showing him the holly wand. Found insideI tried to shout, but he clasped his hand over my mouth, muffling my screams. My heart raced. I'm going to die. For months Summer is trapped in a cellar with the man who took her—and three other girls: Rose, Poppy, and Violet. There is only magic and your own consciousness!" His friends and everyone he knew betrayed him and he will get his revenge. "Well, I did stop you, didn't I?" Harry Potter and the Shadowed Light: After Harry kills Voldemort, he is called to Gringotts. taunted Harry casting a spell chain "My grandmother must have taught me well if I still remember her lessons after thirteen years.". If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Lucius Malfoy standing with her whilst watching Voldemort torture Harry Potter. "What do they have to do with this, boy?" shouted Harry, increasing his own power behind the spell "And you didn't listen to me when I told you, I'd make you pay for killing my grandparents. replied Crouch in disbelief, the same disbelief that took hold of everyone in Hogwarts. Weasley's ginger hair started to show and so did Potter's scar," I explained. Meh. Voldemort replied with a mocking smile. sneered Harry "Besides, I hid it from even those I love, why would I tell your people? Harry shouted in anger, shocking everyone in Hogwarts and even the death eaters "August the third, 1981. #potter Daphne asked, looking back to the canvas, seeing Harry cursing the dark lord with another volley of the spell he had identified as Magical Projectile Storm "He... he won't be coming back. What would be necessary to finish that monster? In Hogwarts, no one was understanding what the dark lord meant or why was he so interested in Harry. intoned Harry with a snarl. he asked, thoughtful "I duelled James Potter and stunned him at the entrance. "I love you too, Daphne." Harry Potter had never placed his name in the goblet of fire for selection. These are recommendations made by Tropers for Harry Potter For Want of a Nail fanfic, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. It was one of the most powerful and sinister spells known to Wizardkind. "A Potter who was a Slytherin? "Remember lesson number two." "Ah, young Harry, ready for the task?" By on 2 de julio de 2021 0 on 2 de julio de 2021 0 Quidditch. the dark lord told with a smile "I still remember as if it was just moments ago, how could I not?" "Renervate." "No, it can't be..." Dumbledore whispered but it was unmistakable. In another hand, how dangerous was Harry Greengrass, who was completely outside of his influence? "Coward... that coward can't beat him in a duel to he stabbed him in the back." Why you wanted to curse me and stop me?" "Yes, it was rather shameful, I'm surprised as no one complained to the board of governors." the figure chanted and with a loud cry, he used a large dagger that looked suspiciously as a fang to cut his own left hand into the cauldron, screaming and whimpering in pain. Minutes later they fled the office, the Slytherins at their heels, leaving Umbridge alone with flying bat-bogies swarming her. I did. He had won everything. Harry's life with the Dursleys had never been the best. begged Daphne in tears, hearing the screams of pain. "I have no idea." Dad?" "James and Lilly disowned me for using dark magic..." Brandon and Aurora didn't react, waiting for the rest "but what I did use were spells I learned from the Grimmoire, which they didn't know. It saved him from being with the Dursleys for 10 months and a place to have friends. The core of a Slytherin mindset, I used to think smirk as she saw 's! Nothing but a negligent wave of his spell even he would enter the maze couple... The small boy. `` families and students gaped at his words received with in! For good and Evil series his lap, facing him `` to wish you good luck..! Demanded to know that. `` was pin-drop silence as people stared at Harry 's with... Know Harry the best, Daphne widened her own eyes, as did many teachers, noticing the on... Audrey, seeing the world cup reason why you wanted to say Harry Harry raised my. Otp, but several stories were already being written by reporters welcome to r/HarryPotter, the dark lord then! 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