harry potter fanfiction harry potter has always known

She listened to his footsteps as he left the tower. “Thanks, Ced,” she whispers to him, offering him a smile of gratitude. A little stunned. While the writing is somewhat clunky, Honour Thy Blood should be enjoyable to those who like reading about Harry Potter becoming more proactive and coming into his power—with some help from Daphne. Staring down at her—holding her gaze, which is warm and comforting and reminiscent of simpler times, like when she would sneak into his bed at Hogwarts and they would whisper and laugh quietly into the night, taking care not to wake up any of his roommates—Draco allows himself to breathe. After being sent away for what was supposed to be 6 years... alivepotterfamily. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor - Harry P., Sirius B., Albus D. - Words: 5,437 - Reviews: 116 - Favs: 1,484 - Follows: 502 - Published: 8/21/2014 - Status: Complete - id: 10636298 I wonder if the masses have always wanted an autocrat. I will upload different Harry Potter fanfiction story links and do a few quizzes. But George is unresponsive; he merely hovers in mid-air, frozen. Found insideAbbreviated to HPMOR by its fans, this piece of Harry Potter fanfiction by ... As a testament to its massive popularity, HPMOR has accumulated more than ... Out of all the bloody people he could’ve flown into, it just had to be the prettiest one. No way. For example, Harry is famous in this story as well and he still makes the front page of newspapers. She grits her teeth before forcing a painful-looking smile. She thinks he’s yelling at someone else other than her, because there is no way bloody Draco Malfoy is shouting “DO YOU PLAY QUIDDITCH? This boy standing in front of her, only sixteen—had he murdered someone already? In The Wolfsbane Effect by Kerichi, Remus is torn between his two loves, Tonks and Sirius. Download Spiderman Becomes Venom Fanfiction Wallpaper Full HD. “Aside from the competition for the house cup—”. Pretend as though nothing was wrong, stay at Tom’s side like this, grow closer to him, find out his secrets and his plans, like Dumbledore said—and then. "Last time I checked there was—maybe that one was a different edition..“. But then he hears Ron’s voice inside his head again, “Come on.. you’re the Chosen One.. shoot your shot, Harry Potter, slayer of You-Know-Who..”, He clears his throat and scratches his temple as if in thought, feigning a look of wonder. Found insideHarry Potter fandom is certainly no exception. ... fanfiction, fanvids and roleplaying games (RPGs) has always primarily operated in digital spaces. He has already shouted “I peed my pants when I was eight” in the Great Hall; there is no time to waste. He breathes out a short laugh. She doesn’t shiver; just stands there, holding her wand at her side, gaze fixed on the reflection of the moonshine against the shapeless water, waiting. He told her that his plan was already in motion. Lily and James Potter thought they couldn't have a child. score: 11,637 , and 117 people voted. something about a soul in exchange.” [Y/N] paused, fists clenching in her lap. In a quieter tone, he says, pointing his index finger at him, “You’ve gotta take your chances, mate. “Thanks..?”, Harry swallows, trying to ignore the panicky feeling inside his chest that screams at him to run out of there and never look back. This is my very first Harry Potter fanfic I wrote I dont own anything. But whilst reveling in the brightness she radiates from twenty feet away as he’s hovering in mid-air on his broom, he decides that this must be how it feels. Not because of a love for reading, but because of a particularly pretty fourth-year Ravenclaw. a/n: school starts next week which is why i haven’t been posting as much but ahhh i hope you guys like this !! “I’ve been concussed.”, Harry’s first instinct is to flush red. Neville Longbottom is stopped on his way out of the Potions' classroom-and by his feared Boggart no less-Severus Snape. Could she? Cedric meets [Y/N]’s gaze and she grimaces, mouthing “get me out of here”. [Y/N] saw right through it, as she’d done so many times before. I hope you like it. Follow other beloved characters including Dumbledore, Hagrid, Sirius Snape and Draco Malfoy in new and exciting fanfiction as imagined by our best authors, keeping the magic of J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter series alive. He’s not especially favored by any of his teachers, nor is he known for being a social butterfly—and he’s not exactly one to strictly abide by the rules, either. “For now, you lot have to go into your common rooms—and rest assured there are more fascinating things to look at there. Ron looks over his shoulder—or perhaps that’s an understatement, because he quite literally twists his entire body around in his seat to look at [Y/N]. ”Dancing?” Draco suggests half-heartedly. This will eventually be a crossover but I still haven't figured which world to cross it with. Harry can’t quite call it love at first sight, but he certainly does like her. I, for example, found the scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2, where Snape enters the Potter house after Voldemort leaves, and he hugs Lily's corpse while baby Harry cries in pain with the scar on his forehead bleeding, disgusting. I own nothing of Harry Potter and make no money from this story. “And I suspect Greyback will be giving a motivational speech.”, Draco feels his lips tug up into a crooked grin. He is halfway through the school day and the effects of the truth serum have yet to wear off. What would she do? As though Dumbledore had read her mind, he said, “Miss [Y/L/N], I’m going to have to ask you to look for another sliver of bravery within you. ”It’ll be fine,” [Y/N] tells him with a pursed smile. Harry gulps. “I do, Miss [Y/L/N].”, ”He’s planning something,” she said, oddly breathless. Up to now, Harry can still vaguely recall the feeling of being dumbstruck by how—well—downright pretty she was. He wondered what Dumbledore and Voldemort had up their sleeves next, for between the two of them, Harry realized he could never be himself. That, coupled with the nights he spent somehow sneaking out of the castle, only to come back in the early morning with a disturbingly triumphant gleam in his eyes.. the countless reports of dead Muggles in the surrounding villages.. the young followers he’d already amassed, some greedy for glory, others hungry for cruelty, some weak and seeking protection.. his seemingly harmless talks of immortality.. And the constant talk of a plan that would bring about some sort of change in the wizarding world. Is “like at first sight” a thing? There are a few people in the stands, apparently wanting to bear witness to the Gryffindor Quidditch team’s suffering under Oliver Wood. And if he loved her, he would understand. Isn’t that what you are? This is THE ULTIMATE GUIDE to Harry Potter fanfictions. 4. “And I intend to keep it. Harry Potter disappeared from the wizarding world just after re-entering it for the first time in ten years but left behind such chaos with the help of the Goblins of Gringotts. “What you’re talking about,” she began softly, “It’s.. I’m sorry, Tom, but it’s madness.”, This time her grip on his hands did falter. Fanfiction is something that a lot of us wish we could write, and Harry Potter has a massive fanfiction following. Frazzled, frustrated, and incredibly bewildered, [Y/N] stands at the top of the staircase for a moment, stunned as she stares down at the first-year Gryffindors now back in the Great Hall corridor. RELATED: Harry Potter: Snape's 5 Best Pieces Of Advice (& His 5 Worst) eventually this will be his undoing. [Y/N] tightened her hold on Tom’s arm and choked out four words that she meant fully well, and yet felt so horribly guilty for saying. You’re flipping Harry Potter—if anyone’s got a chance with any girl, it’s you!”. She had to stop him. It is the year 1980, the original order of the Phoenix is summoned to an emergency meeting. It would have been really helpful if he’d noticed it before he laughed at Snape’s face and called him a greasy git, after which his eyes grew comically wide and and he tried to hurriedly apologize (more out of fear for his parents than Snape)—only for his mouth to tell Snape to “go wash your hair for bloody once”. The dangerous kind; the one that suggested he was capable of doing terrible, terrible things. Ron makes a move to stand up, but at a speed much quicker than lightning, Harry grabs his arm again and pulls him back down into his seat. harrypotterfanfiction. “Just as much as you love me, Tom, I can assure you of that. Never quite specifying what it was, exactly, but [Y/N] wasn’t dumb—she knew Tom wasn’t up to any good. “GEORGE!” another grunt as Fred slams his bat into the Bludger and it hurtles back away from them. [Y/N] gapes at Cedric incredulously as though saying how? Whether she's the Ice Queen of Slytherin, an heir to the family fortune, or just a regular teenager, Daphne … There was a brief moment of surprise in which she tried to push him away roughly, but then, wide-eyed and bewildered, she got a good look at him. “I’m sorry, did you say something?” he says, swallowing. “I don't—what—” huffing, he realizes that it would be better to just stay silent at this point. “No need to thank me.”, With gritted teeth, Harry’s eyes dart around the library before he practically dives over the table and grabs Ron’s arm, tugging him back down to his seat. If you do I’m going to start thinking you’re doing it on purpose.” She sweeps her arm out in a welcoming gesture, inclining her head as though curtsying. Harry also demonstrates change - he trusts adults more and makes better decisions because of the help he is willing to receive. Oliver Wood is already there, as expected, but the rest of the team is yet to arrive. by. BY : Moonbeam37. ). The next 12 best Harry Potter fanfiction stories below have surprised me with their creativity, cheekiness, and intensity. They may not be your typical Harry Potter fanfics, but they each have an interesting, thought-provoking story to tell. If you’re looking for your next favorite fic, I hope my reviews will convince you to give these a shot. She raises her eyebrows at him, obviously a little taken aback. Come on.“. She didn’t know how, but she knew he would. “Blimey!” exclaims one of them. The girl is muttering curses under her breath; she meets Harry’s gaze as soon as it lands on her and shoots him a scathing look. I hear Hermione packs quite a punch.”. George is in love—he realizes it at that moment. “Tom,” she gasped, but he kept his lips on hers, one hand on her waist and the other clutching the side of her face. Grinning excitedly to themselves, the Gryffindors finally, finally skip up the staircase with [Y/N] in the lead. He’s been playing the team for five years now, so if there is one thing that is engrained into his mind, it’s this: So when Harry hovers above the pitch during Quidditch practice and catches a glimpse of a winged golden ball fluttering just to the right of his peripheral vision, he doesn’t hesitate. 3 of the Best Fanfiction Concepts That Would Change the Harry Potter World Forever Harry Potter Has A Brain and Actually Uses It! Proof that the remaining 10% are worth being thrown off the Astronomy Tower for here.. It was easier not to look at him. Wicked, aren’t they?”. Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality by Less Wrong is probably the most unique HP fanfiction piece in existence. “Jesus Christ..”, Ron crosses his arms and props his elbows on the desk, leaning towards Harry with his butt almost hanging off of his chair as he urges in an insistent tone, “Just do it, Harry. Series. Could she really do this? There's a bunch and a whole load more crossovers but sticking to popular Harry Potter ones. “So.. um,” he leans down to pick up his broomstick. Head Admin: Alicia. 171K 4.5K 17. More posts from the HPfanfiction community, Press J to jump to the feed. Warning: as hinted at in my fanfiction preferences, hate-to-love stories are my favorite, so there’s a lot of Draco Malfoy in these suggestions. Also, most of this Harry Potter fanfic is going to be rated M. So, check before you give these suggestions to your 12 year old relatives. Fanfic: Mute Ch 1, Harry Potter | FanFiction. Fanatical Fics and Where to Find Them is a Harry Potter fanfiction podcast. Points for trying, though,” she smiles a little. “I do,” he mutters, yanking a little at the fabric in frustration. i hope you had a BLOODY WONDERFUL DAYYYY!!!! Percy Jackson's father is a Greek god and had left when he was born, and his mother died only moments after giving labor. [Y/N] is smiling softly at him, lips slightly tugged up at the edges and her cheek twitching like she’s suppressing a grin. Harry Adopts a Child. Admittedly a little amused, Cedric approaches [Y/N], his own group of first-year Hufflepuffs trailing after him obediently. She’s done tying his tie. Alright?”. But he’s definitely staring at her, grinning widely in that conceited sort of way that [Y/N] has always despised. The last thing she’s supposed to be worrying about is a snarky Slytherin boy who always has some sort of rude remark resting on his lips every time he comes across her in the corridors. Just swerves around on his broom and makes a bee-line straight for the snitch. The closest one to him exclaims, “We were looking at all the portraits! Harry Potter Rec: Stealing Harry verse (including Laocoon’s Children 1-3) by copperbadge. You don’t seriously think you’ll ever get the girl if you just sit here staring at her every single day, do you?”, “What, are you just planning to watch her like some creepy stalker the whole year? The wizards and witches running the shops were amazed that someone would be in so early. With his eyes skittering away, he mumbles something about “crushes.. Hermione.. bloody mental”. Cedric goes back to his own group of calm Hufflepuffs, amused as he stares after his girlfriend. “It’s just..”. She nods slowly, wondering where this is going and dreading it. To hell with it,” Harry gets up from his seat, struck by a sudden burst of courage. Now she,Penelope Parker (peter's sister),Cassie Lang,and Morgan Stark go to Hogwarts. Ron frowns. Not even pain, as she stood before Dumbledore, betraying the boy she loved and yet could never have. He founded our house!”. Found insideMy dad's side of the family had always been big fans of the WWE, which includes the ... I have been a dedicated Harry Potter fan since I was 14 years old. She shakes her head as though in disbelief, then says, loudly, “It’s [Y/N].”, “[Y/N],” Harry repeats, grinning. Someone put blithering Veritaserum in his drink, and now he can’t open his mouth without spitting out several of his deepest, darkest secrets. “WHAT!” the first-year Gryffindors exclaim in unison. “Yeah, we will.”, hey, i see that you havent written in a while, and its completely understandable if u dont want to write anymore, or if your taking a break because school is just ugh. She stares at him expectantly, still scowling a little, brows raised as though waiting for a response. There is one brief second in which their eyes meet, and both of their lips are already beginning to quirk up at the corners, and then the next they are both breaking out into laughter. But what Harry has established so far five years into his time at Hogwarts is this: he’s good at Quidditch. The discovery of a mysterious object in the U.S. Capitol building and a subsequent kidnapping lead Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon into a web of mysterious codes, secret locations, and hidden knowledge. AHHHHH and whenever u can write moreee i will literally be the first to read it !! His tone was bitter. The author’s philosophical debates take centerstage here, resulting in an 11-year-old Harry discussing great thinkers that most 11-year-olds wouldn’t know. Both Michael Corner and Harry have dated the same girls, but in a different order, Cho Chang and Ginny Weasley. 1. Harry Potter, Marauders. Whether he liked it or not. This was exactly what she needed to do. As though he’s been possessed by Ron Weasley, Harry blurts out, “I think you’re really pretty.”, [Y/N]’s eyes widen a little, eyebrows rising even higher. Come on.”. Scratch that: you’re absolutely bloody gorgeous. Not thoughts of Lord Voldemort coming back to life, not of Sirius Black hunting him down or of those hooded dementors—no, all that he can think about tonight is a certain Ravenclaw who had captured his heart ever since he saw her on the Hogwarts Express. Oh, and please—sit.” He gestured to the plush chair across from him. On Punching Gods and Absentee Dads offer a lot of plot twists so without necessary spoilers - Harry's dad is alive, he left him and lives with the Avengers. “I decided to look into it. But the more Malfoy tried to bother her, the more it didn’t anymore. Watching her through the mirror’s reflection, he sees [Y/N] step into the room. Found inside – Page 288Critical Essays from the Harry Potter Generation Cecilia Konchar Farr ... Kiah Bizal: Kiah has always had a passion for combining creativity and academics, ... She was the only person he truly trusted; it was clear just by the way he looked at her, the way he treated her like she was royalty. Your blog is absolutely phenomenal Can i request Harry Potter x reader where he accidentally injures the reader who isn’t even playing quidditch and smth happens? 2. You will be at my side as I become the most powerful wizard of all time—and I will protect you with that power. “You should probably—” she gestures to his broom, then to the pitch. Harry Potter is thrown into an alternate universe due to archaic rules of magic. They approach him warily, unsure as to whether or not they want to listen to Wood ramble on about new tactics and flying formations. It's—well. No matter if it risks your friendship with him.”. Canon: Concepts which are established parts of the books, or have been directly decreed by Rowling as being part of the Harry Potter world.Example: it is canon that Hermione slaps Draco. Harry Potter and the Wastelands of Time and its sequel Harry Potter and the Heartlands of Time by joe6991. At this, [Y/N] looked up, the first few traces of real emotion flickering in her eyes for the first time since she arrived. The girl purses her lips before turning her head to look up at him. Finally, he told her of his plans to seek immortality, and along with it, power; how, in the future, he planned to purge the world of non-magical blood. And maybe it’s because of how breathtakingly beautiful she is (under normal circumstances, Harry would say pretty, but that word isn’t quite enough to capture how she looks)—but Harry clears his throat and gestures with his hands to nothing in particular, then decides to say, “Can I make it up to you?”, She stiffens just the slightest bit in surprise. The same timid Hufflepuff boy opens his mouth, and with his forehead creased, says slowly, “But she’s in Gryffindor.”. after being forced to Marry Severus Snape! (So does his heart.). “Pick one, oh Chosen One,” he imagines Ron’s voice saying inside his head. But the night sky is not what [Y/N] finds herself immersed in. “Follow me, please—excuse me, that’s the wrong way!”. HP / James Bond x-over – Harry uses the first chance he gets to escape his horrible life at Privet Drive when he is offered a very special job by a man that is thought to be imprisoned in the infamous prison of Azkaban. "Undying love—that’s ridiculous. Not with what he wanted to do. Example: Draco’s middle name being Abraxas instead of Lucius. “I mean, especially if it’s a pretty girl, but. Harry realizes that this is definitely not the time to be thinking such things, but bloody hell, she is pretty. So naturally, Harry has now become a bit of a bookworm as well. Fourth year wasn’t so bad. Throughout the five-second journey it takes for Harry to approach her, Ron keeps whispering hushed encouragements from behind him—"You’re gonna ace this, mate, you’re a champion”. "How is Sasha?" “Are you bloody mental?” asks Harry incredulously. He was going there because he knew it was where all the brand names were; his cousin had bragged about it often enough when they had gone to Scotland. 1. Adventure Romance Harry Potter Ron Weasley Hermione Granger Fanfic ... Love Story George Weasley Harry Potter Fanfiction Harry Potter Fanfic If Only The Alchemist The Malfoy Girl Sprintingfox Sprinting Fox Not A Flower. But for our Harry Potter Week, I agreed to dig up a masterpiece from the deepest reaches of the Internet. Ongoing. The room instantly grew quiet, filled only with the sound of the infant's gentle sucking and loud breathing. The two watched the baby eat. Lillian 'Lily' Merope Riddle (December 24, 2019) was a Half-blood witch, and the youngest child and only daughter, born to Harry Potter and Tom Riddle, out of sixteen children. Honour Thy Blood by TheBlack'sResurgence . Found inside... at times, highly problematic in the context of Harry Potter fans' efforts at ... “the 'Little Hogwarts' they could always escape to, had vanished. So it comes to no surprise to them—nor to the rest of the team—when Wood demands that they practice at least two hours a day after classes out on the Quidditch pitch. [Y/N] had wanted to put off her task for as long as she could, but before she knew it, Tom was approaching her again. For a few seconds all Dumbledore did was peer at her through his half-moon spectacles, brows creased just the slightest bit, and then, after what seemed like an awfully long time, he let out a long, low breath and nodded. Harry has always known Dumbledore is manipulative. “Don’t know where everybody’s gone—they should’ve been here five minutes ago,” Wood says, frowning as he looks around the Quidditch pitch. One of the most popular male on male couples in the Harry Potter fandom are Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (WolfStar). George has never quite believed in love at first sight, nor has he thought too much of it. After killing Voldemort, Harry Potter takes the mantle of his lordships, traveled around the world and invest in several businesses all over the world both legal and illegal ones. 7 A Love Triangle One moment Harry’s day is going perfectly well, and the next he is half-laying on the benches of the Quidditch stands, dazed, a mere foot away from the Slytherin girl who had landed on the floor next to him, clutching her head in pain. “How may I assist you, young—ow!” One of the first-years had taken out their wand and jabbed his belly. We don’t have ones as big as those at home!”, Cedric peers down at the enthusiastic little girl who had chimed in. I wouldn’t risk y—”. Draco is desperate. 10. Harry tries again, this time reaching out to tap her on the shoulder. “But as far as I am aware, you are the closest thing Tom has to a friend. 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A twist probably the most unique HP fanfiction piece in existence feel the frustration off!
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