dar president general projects

On April 18, 1953, the Memorial Bell Tower was dedicated and the debt was paid. Due to hotel scheduling conflicts, the Watkins Administration moved Continental Congress into late June/July. With the consent of the National Society, she sent to each chapter an appeal for contributions toward the monument to the Spanish-American War nurses which was dedicated at Arlington National Cemetery in 1905. With the broadest of the blue ribbons and the jeweled pin, you are invested with the outward symbol of your office. (202) 628-1776, Anderson's Performances at DAR Constitution Hall, 75th Anniversary of the Marian Anderson Mural in the Department of the Interior, Visit Libraries, Archives and Courthouses, History, Economics, Government and Political Science, Elementary and Secondary Teacher Education, The United States Semiquincentennial Commission, Mission Statement & Collection Development Policy, Searching the DAR Americana Collection and NSDAR Archives, Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts, Mary Virginia Ellet Cabell, Vice President Presiding, 1890–1891; President Presiding, 1891–1892, Caroline Scott Harrison, 1890–1892, Indiana, Letitia Green Stevenson, 1893–1895, Illinois, Mary Parke Foster, 1895–1896, District of Columbia, Mary Margaretta Fryer Manning, 1898–1901, New York, Cornelia Cole Fairbanks, 1901–1905, Indiana, Emily Nelson Ritchie McLean, 1905–1909, New York, Sarah Elizabeth Mitchell Guernsey, 1917–1920, Kansas, Anne Belle Rogers Minor, 1920–1923, Connecticut, Lora Haines Cook, 1923–1926, Pennsylvania, Grace Lincoln Hall Brosseau, 1926–1929, Connecticut, Edith Scott Magna, 1932–1935, Massachusetts, Florence A. Hague Becker, 1935–1938, New Jersey, Helena R. Hellwig Pouch, 1941–1944, New York, Estella Armstrong O’Byrne, 1947–1950, Indiana, Marguerite Courtright Patton, 1950–1953, Ohio, Gertrude Sprague Carraway, 1953–1956, North Carolina, Allene Wilson Groves, 1956–1959, Missouri, Marion Moncure Duncan, 1962–1965, Virginia, Betty Newkirk Seimes, 1968–1971, Delaware, Eleanor Washington Spicer, 1971–1974, California, Jeannette Osborn Baylies, 1977–1980, New York, Patricia Walton Shelby,1980–1983, Mississippi, Sarah McKelley King, 1983–1986, Tennessee, Ann Davison Duffie Fleck, 1986–1989, Massachusetts, Dorla Dean Eaton Kemper, 1995–1998, California, Georgane Ferguson Love, 1998–2001, Mississippi, Linda Tinker Watkins, 2001–2004, Tennessee, Presley Merritt Wagoner, 2004–2007, West Virginia, Merry Ann Thompson Wright, 2010–2013, New York. In 1892, she organized Manhattan Chapter, New York, N.Y., and was elected State Regent in 1909. She attended courses at the Davenport Business College of Davenport, Iowa, just across the river from Moline. Her project as President General was the erection of the Valley Forge Bell Tower, which would house the bells of the carillon. If we do become completely satisfied, then we shall cease to grow and to be of service to our country.” With this sentiment, it is fitting that Mrs. Patton not only ascended to the position of President General, but also successfully led the National Society to an improved financial standing. Commemorations that day included a Centennial Tribute to the Four Founders at the Founders Memorial Monument, the rededication of the Spanish American War Nurses marker and the unveiling of a tablet honoring the only President Presiding, Mary Virginia Ellet Cabell. She discussed her travels and activities as President General in a monthly article in the DAR Magazine titled, “If I Could Talk with You.” In her articles, she also promoted the work of DAR chapters, state societies and state organizations. A state-of-the-art security system was installed throughout the complex and new procedures were put in place to ensure the safety of staff, visitors and members. The project was concluded three years ahead of schedule, at a cost $10 million less than originally projected. Mrs. Scott was a highly respected and beloved member of NSDAR. Mary Margaretta Fryer Manning, National Number 10683, joined DAR in 1895 as a member of Mohawk Chapter. Mrs. Guernsey was considered to be one of the most thoughtful and earnest women of the National Society. Although her health was often precarious and she suffered chronically from respiratory ailments, Mrs. Harrison was known as a cheerful, gentle person with a good sense of humor. An interest in china led her to catalog the china used by past administrations, and in so doing she established the collection of presidential china still in use today. Soon after the formation of the Letitia Green Stevenson Chapter in her home state of Illinois, the National Board adopted a change to the Bylaws stating “Chapters must not be named for living persons.” Because of this stipulation, Mrs. Stevenson was the only President General to have been a member of a chapter named in her honor. Contributions to DAR schools totaled more than $350,000 at the close of the O’Byrne Administration. A preservation fee was initiated on every ticket sold for Constitution Hall performances. Her home in Bloomington, which passed to her daughter, Julia Scott Vrooman, is on the National Register of Historic Places. This booklet, now known as the Daughters of the American Revolution Manual for Citizenship, was published in many languages and was given free of charge to immigrants arriving at Ellis Island and other ports, and to others seeking citizenship. Especially notable among several publications were Washington Landmark and Decorative Arts in America at 1776. Sarah Elizabeth Mitchell Guernsey, National Number 51865, joined Esther Lowrey Chapter, Kansas, in 1905. Mrs. Groves passed away on August 27, 1986, and is buried at Lorimer Cemetery in Cape Girardeau, Mo. $24.99. When she was a candidate for President General, Mrs. Fleck wrote that the “heartbeat of the NSDAR is love of God, Home and Country and service is its drumbeat … Our drumbeat sounds enthusiasm for the growth, the gain, and the good for our Society. It is my privilege to place upon you the symbol of your office. In the Office of the Historian General, the collection of autographs of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence was completed in 2002 with the gift of the signature of George Ross and the purchase of the extremely rare Button Gwinnett signature. Eight members of Congress, 16 private citizens, and 9 federal officials comprise the committee roster. At the next National Board meeting in October, officers passed a resolution of mourning and authorized the wearing of a black ribbon to be worn with the DAR Insignia for 30 days. She was present also at the meeting at Mrs. Walworth’s home on August 9, 1890, when she, along with Mrs. Walworth and Mary Desha, completed preliminary work on the DAR Constitution. Extensive repairs were made to all of the elevators, including the replacement of new cables in the main elevator. A computer-generated application form was created. Her father told her that she was the first “woman” to view the Falls from the bridge before its completion. The owl, which Mrs. Sullivan nicknamed Winkie, symbolized wisdom. While in this position, she also served her state as chairman of the Radio Committee, a position which led to her service as national vice chairman of this committee. Mrs. Spicer received several unusual honors: She was given the Dickey Chappelle Award by the Marine Corps League. Members working on President General Project sales in states are entitled to . Immediately after the presentation, Mrs. George H. Shields nominated Mrs. Cabell to the office of Honorary Vice President General, with these words: There is a woman to whom we owe more than to any other woman in our midst. A 2017 tour took Mrs. Dillon, along with a large contingent of DAR members, to Paris. She served as Registrar General from 2001–2004, a time during which the National Society embarked upon an ever-expanding effort to digitize its genealogical and historical records. Moreover, we were in those days a feeble folk; we had no income; we wrote our own letters; we paid our own postage; we had no office; the official home of the Daughters of the American Revolution was the home of Mrs. Cabell; in her beautiful drawing room our Board met; her dining room was our Banquet Hall; her money and her time were ours. Mrs. Magna’s enthusiastic promotion of the project quickly brought in financial contributions and building gifts for the hall. The Banquet Hall was redecorated for the first time since 1928. Mrs. Talmadge was also invited by the War Department to attend a two-day visitation and inspection of the Universal Military Training Experimental Unit at Fort Knox in Kentucky. These included the Arts and Science Field Club of Saratoga, the Shakespeare Society of Saratoga, the Society of Decorative Art of New York City, the Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Historical Society of New York and the Association of American Authors. Throughout her career she wrote as a correspondent for the Associated Press, covering issues ranging from the 1928 Smith-Hoover presidential campaign to Fort Bragg during World War II, and was often the only female journalist covering these issues. A substitute amendment was put forth that told chapter treasurers what information to provide, without specifying the computer or the printout. After they read the hospitality theme and the scriptures used to encourage each other and build each other up, they made the commitment to work toward this goal in their chapter, and have been successful.” Mrs. Calvin summed up, “Among the many accomplishments this will be the one that I will personally remember, that the hospitality and welcoming of new members has spread across this land.”. She also served on the Maine Highway Safety Committee in 1955. Today the Sons of the American Revolution presents the Allene Wilson Groves Award to the SAR chapter that presents the most evidence of implementing SAR resolutions and principles. Membership in DAR honors and preserves the legacy of your patriot ancestor. The first great work of this committee was the preparation of a completely new inventory of the contents of Memorial Continental Hall and the Administration Building. In tens of thousands of locations around the world, we have saved historic properties, erected historic markers, digitized documents and helped to preserve the American story in thousands of meaningful ways. Hymns amplifying the scriptural theme were also chosen each year: first, “Faith of Our Fathers”; then, “O God, Our Help in Ages Past,” and finally, “Love Divine All Loves Excelling.”. She was the granddaughter of Joseph Desha, a private in the Revolutionary War, major general in the War of 1812 and governor of Kentucky in 1825. She was the second first lady to die while serving in that role. Found insideMilwaukee Chapter DAR will assist . CONSERVATION - Mrs. Ann Horwitz It was suggested last fall by our President General that tree planting be a major item ... A special Diamond Jubilee issue of the DAR Magazine was released in October 1965. Other successful projects that were less visible but just as important included the installation of new HVAC systems, a new security system, new flooring in the O’Byrne Gallery, an improved loading dock, and new carpet tiles on the first floor of the Administration Building. The Continental Congress of 1916 voted to send the magazine to all members who were current with their annual dues. Found insideThe Case of Dar es Salaam Maria Chiara Pastore ... If implemented, these projects will exert an impact on the entire infrastructure system of the city, ... At the time of the commission, Cox had just completed the murals in the Hall of Capitols in the eastern north-south corridor of the same building. Mrs. White served as a page at the 1939 Continental Congress shortly after joining the Society. Elected as the Bicentennial Administration, the Jones Associates chose a five-pointed star for their symbol. The Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission, formed by the Congress of the United States in 2006, sponsored a Marian Anderson Tribute Concert at the Lincoln Memorial on Easter Sunday 2009, commemorating the 70th anniversary of Miss Anderson’s 1939 concert at the same location. On her last day in office, she concluded that it had been “an exhilarating three years—filled to overflowing with many challenges.”. She graciously accepted the title of Honorary President General and continued to serve DAR through Congressional Committees. See more of DAR President General on Facebook. The President General’s Project, “Building for Our Future,” enclosed an open court area on the second and third floors of the Administration Building to make eight new offices. © 1890 - 2021, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) | All Rights Reserved. The fund could be used for emergencies, maintenance and repairs of the DAR Headquarters in Washington, D.C., without depleting general funds. Making one of her first public appearances as President General, Mrs. Fairbanks addressed DAR members and attendees at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, N.Y., in 1901. A major DAR Museum exhibition in collaboration with Waterford Wedgwood PLC and the Wedgwood Society of Washington, D.C., celebrated “Wedgwood: 250 Years of Innovation and Artistry.” A blue jasperware Wedgwood plate with a relief sculpting of Memorial Continental Hall commemorated the exhibit and the anniversary. She was educated at Quaker schools and Ridge College. To lead them is an awesome responsibility.” Continuing, she quoted Alfred, Lord Tennyson, saying, “I am a part of all that I have met.” She concluded, “By far the most rewarding part of serving as President General has been the opportunity to travel to all fifty-three state societies and to nine other countries, and to have personal face-to-face time with so very many of our members. Martha Berry, a DAR member, spoke at Congress in 1908 on behalf of the school she had established for rural boys and girls in Georgia. The Continental Congress of 1929 adopted a resolution to turn over to proper authorities the full balance of the Tilloloy fund after all repair bills were paid, to be used for a permanent waterworks fund, thereby releasing NSDAR from any further responsibility in the matter. Her business and leadership experience were reflected in the no-nonsense, professional approach she used in managing the organization. Service on President General's Project Sales Committee at Continental Congress will qualify you for this pin. This gift was placed in a corridor of Memorial Continental Hall. The Honor Roll Committee was renamed the Chapter Achievement Awards Committee. The Historical Research Library was established at National Headquarters. She called a meeting at her own home to formalize decisions on a site and architectural plans. $1,250-$4,999 donation: 4 lines, 20 . At the close of her administration, she opened the 56th Continental Congress, which had returned to Washington, D.C., for the first time in five years. Mrs. Duncan was born on December 19, 1913, in Alexandria, Va. She was the eldest daughter of Judge Robinson and Ida Grigg Moncure. The Scotts later moved to an elegant house in Bloomington, Ill., where Matthew Scott founded the McLean County Coal Company with his brother-in-law, Adlai Stevenson, as well as the Bloomington Bulletin newspaper. In previous years, DAR members had participated in fundraising for the Association of American Women for the Presentation of a Statue of Washington to France. She married Henry Robert Jr., son of General Henry Robert, creator of Robert’s Rules of Order and pioneer in the study of parliamentary law. However, completing the Phase III renovations by 2022 is an important priority of this administration. At the 80th Continental Congress, a Bylaws amendment was offered that instructed chapter treasurers on how to use a specific computer printout when  remitting dues. Learn More Here. She transferred her membership back to Hannah Weston Chapter, and she frequently spoke to fellow chapter members about DAR topics as well as her travels. When World War II began, Mrs. Robert initiated DAR’s war relief efforts even before the United States entered the war in 1941. Twenty-five cents of each member’s dues was also designated for this fund. The May Erwin Talmadge Auditorium was dedicated in October 1952 in her honor. . . An investment policy statement for restricted funds was written and a comprehensive budget policy was developed. Forensics and the Creation of a New Online Museum Exhibit. She used her knowledge of procedural and organizational standards to develop Maryland’s State Yearbook into an annual publication. I am retiring.”, Mr. Walker replied, “Mrs. By 1980, it took 100 hours to list DAR membership alphabetically or in order of national number on the computer installation then in place. View bio. The C Street circular driveway was widened, and the exterior lighting was modernized. When Mrs. Seimes assumed the duties of President General, indebtedness due to the recent Constitution Hall renovation remained. She held various chapter offices, including chapter regent. The Outstanding Juniors Club was authorized. We benefit today from their structure as we prayerfully plan for the generations of tomorrow.”. Mrs. Magna was appointed national chairman. Adele Erb Sullivan, National Number 266017, joined the Matinecock Chapter, Flushing, N.Y., in 1930. In 1988 President General Ann Fleck (Mrs. Raymond Franklin) requested all statues be restored and rededicated. During her administration, the Society decided that a sum should be set aside annually for the expenses of the President General, to include clerical assistance. Afterward, Mrs. King was asked to wear her “uniform” for a television appearance. At the time of her election as President General, Mrs. White was a vice president of Pierce, White and Drummond, Inc., an investment firm in Bangor. She also worked as a court reporter. When the Battle of Fredericksburg was imminent in December 1862, Miss Washington wanted to escape quickly with her father to a place of safety but was delayed one full day because a wounded federal officer was brought to her door and placed in her care. In addition to being known as a lineage organization, Mrs. Magna was passionate about the Society establishing itself as an educational center within Washington, D.C. To support herself and her children after her husband’s death, Mrs. Walworth opened a girls’ boarding school at her home in New York. On September 21, both houses of Congress honored Mr. Cox with a special recognition ceremony in Statuary Hall. A stickler for rules and order, she cited DAR’s alliance with other theater and venue owners in the District of Columbia. Before being elected President General, she served as State Regent of New York. The National Board of Management assembled the Constitution Hall Finance Committee in 1926. The purpose of the trip was to celebrate France’s alliance with the United States in the cause of American Independence. She was elected Honorary President General in 1944 at the 53rd Continental Congress, which met in New York City. How is Your Chapter Honoring Your Patriots? Mrs. O’Byrne was not originally slated to run for President General. The Daughters also gave countless hours of their time to war relief efforts. She resigned this position when she moved to New York City in 1917. The Old Trails Road, made up of former pioneer trails, gave NSDAR members from the Western states a cause closer to home. While several chapters were already providing money and services for their Real Daughters, the National Society created its own general fund at the 15th Continental Congress to disburse on a case-by-case basis. . The National Society was delighted when new chapters formed in states that previously had no DAR representation, including Texas, Louisiana, Washington and Colorado. .” Romans 8:28. The first President General to represent the South, Mrs. Talmadge brought a flare of Southern charm as well as strong leadership skills to the National Society. “Home and Country,” an audiovisual film showing DAR activities, was produced, and shown for the first time at Continental Congress. A new roof was installed over the Museum and the skylights in the DAR Library were repaired. The Sarah Corbin Robert High School was dedicated in March 1943 on the Tamassee campus. He also invented the steam ram and commanded the United States ram fleet at the Battle of Memphis in the Civil War, where he was mortally wounded. The Good Citizenship Medal was renamed the DAR Patriotism Medal. At the beginning of the administration, because of the tremendous backlog, there had been a three and a half year wait to have supplemental applications approved. Caroline attended the institute and graduated in 1853 with a degree in music. Take a look at these photos to learn more about this exciting restoration project. Miss Carraway graduated from New Bern High School as valedictorian in 1912 and went on to attend the North Carolina State Normal School, now the University of North Carolina, at Greensboro. The lobby was repainted and refurbished. 1776 D Street NW Mrs. Harrison took a special interest in White House history. She attended college in Pittsburgh and at the Northeast Conservatory of Music in Boston. A Conference on Early American Genealogical Research attended by nearly 250 individuals took place at DAR Headquarters in October 2006. © National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) | All Rights Reserved, about The President General's Project: It's Our Turn to Rise and Shine. While in this position she edited and revised the 1948 DAR Handbook. It would certainly save me a whole heap of trouble!’  This gratifying word of commendation is my earliest memory of our rather spicy first Registrar.”. When Mrs. Story came into office in 1913, the affairs of the Society were in excellent condition. Public relations was the primary focus of the Baylies Administration. Funds were also set aside in 1896 for restoration work in Jamestown, where an embankment of the original colony was eroding away. At National Headquarters, modern equipment was installed in the Print Shop, and air-conditioning was authorized for the DAR Museum Gallery. With more than 745 charter members, the Heritage Club was established to acknowledge the donor generosity that is so crucial to sustaining the National Society. Our Hall is a place that has welcomed nearly every president since Calvin Coolidge, and has . For the first time, the Air Force Band performed free Sunday afternoon concerts in Constitution Hall. This resulted in a 900-page inventory of the DAR Museum’s collection. Prior to her election as President General, Mrs. White served as Maine State Regent as well as Vice President General. Found inside – Page 340... on various projects from the harbor to the seawall between 1899 an^ 1901. 43. ... and as national vice president general of the DAR from 1910 to 1912. DAR Leadership Training and Special Projects Grants Committees furthered projects of the administration. Miss Desha was elected Vice President General on October 11, 1890. The country’s railroads were under the control of the U.S. government, and the National Society was unable to secure concessions as to rates, ticket restrictions or stop-over privileges, which affected DAR members engaged in war relief work. Women of the National Society also recognized a responsibility in caring for a special group of their own members. The Doris White Auditorium-Gymnasium at Kate Duncan Smith DAR School in Alabama was dedicated in her honor on October 24, 1961. Please click here for more information. Improvements to the NSDAR complex of buildings included extensive work on the skylight in the library, the installation of air conditioning in the President General’s Reception Room in Constitution Hall, and repair work on the flag murals in Constitution Hall. In conjunction with Vanderbilt University, Mrs. King implemented the Family Tree Genetics Project to educate families about hereditary genetic diseases and illnesses. In addition to organizing nurses, the Hospital Corps collected money from DAR members and distributed the funds to purchase supplies for military hospitals. The marriage endured more than 65 years, until Mr. Yochim’s death at age 101 in August 2010. She too became a student of parliamentary law and eventually assisted her husband by assuming some of his instructional duties. In April 1943, Continental Congress was relocated to Cincinnati, Ohio. Media kits, press release templates, and other tools for membership development and media relations were created. The local Great Meadows Chapter spearheaded the restoration of the fort where General George Washington led the British Colonial forces during the French and Indian War. The main project of the Sullivan Administration was installing air conditioning and refurbishing Constitution Hall, which cost $400,000. Many of today’s members are more loyal, active, and interested in the DAR program because of Florence Becker’s emphasis on youth. Famous for searching through cemeteries and records, Mrs. O’Byrne did most of the fieldwork on the project herself. Following new IRS rules, chapters were asked to contribute to projects supporting the three DAR objectives, allowing the Executive Committee of the National Society to determine the specific use of the funds, thereby exercising the necessary variance power that demonstrates decision-making for our charitable stewardship. Reporting at her third Continental Congress, Mrs. Baylies said she had been deeply saddened by the death of her husband barely three months previously after a long illness. Mr. Fairbanks set aside money in his wife’s name to be used for charitable purposes. APS America awarded DAR’s solar installation its prestigious APS Commercial Project for the Year award for 2014. Former President Gerald R. Ford attended the opening. Found inside – Page 125The District of Columbia D. A. R. sold golden Jubilee buttons to raise ... Georgia sent in $ 505 for the fund in honor of President General Mrs. Robert . She continued to serve the National Society through national chairmanships and state-level projects. She spoke out on the issue to the 48th Continental Congress in 1939. The Memorial Continental Hall Committee rejuvenated interest in the project by instituting a program in which donations paid for specific features of the building. Mrs. Becker’s administration was able to eliminate unnecessary spending that resulted in substantial savings for DAR. Outreach programs were developed to encourage interest in American history. The celebration of the Silver Jubilee was attended by nearly 1,000 members and the president of the United States. Now:$115.00. As a junior member she served as the Matinecock Chapter Regent from 1941–1944. Her funeral was held in the East Room of the White House. . Carraway, became well known. Thirteen nurses died during their service in the Spanish-American War, most of typhoid fever. She was the first President General to serve a three-year term. Restoration of the lay light became an immediate emergency priority of the President General’s Project, to ensure both the preservation of this historic architectural feature and the safety of Library patrons. Marguerite Courtright Patton, National Number 83635, joined Washington Courthouse Chapter, Ohio, in 1911. This heart must be far more than a pretty pin. Contents 1 Biography The delegation also visited Somme American Cemetery and Memorial which includes 14 acres of hallowed ground in northern France and contains the graves of 1,844 U.S. soldiers who died in World War I. Mrs. Dillon and members of the tour enjoyed a visit to the Palace at Versailles where a highlight was a viewing of the original Victory at Yorktown painting in the War Room. This would increase the activities and usefulness of the National Society. The exterior bronze doors of Constitution Hall were restored to their original finish, the 17th Street bronze doors were cleaned inside and outside, and C and D Street entrances to the Administration Building were renovated and new mahogany doors were installed. Lynn Forney Young, National Number 619756, joined Tejas Chapter, Texas, as a Junior member in 1977. During her report at the Fifth Continental Congress, Mrs. Foster mentioned the work of the mid-Atlantic and central states to mark graves of Revolutionary War soldiers buried in nearby cemeteries. It included the technological transfer of many DAR documents to electronic format. Her extensive service includes terms as First Vice President General, Registrar General, and Colorado State Regent, among other leadership positions at the national, state, and chapter levels. Mrs. Blair said that the commemoration of World War II, including a D-Day tour to Normandy, France, for the 50th anniversary of D-Day June 6, 1994, was one of three especially memorable occurrences that took place during the Blair Administration. Mrs. Groves served as Missouri State Registrar, State Vice Regent and state chairman of Membership. Patricia Walton Shelby. During this week many events were held in Washington, D.C., to honor the Society’s history. After several years of preparatory effort, Caroline Scott Harrison Hall at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, was completed. Betty Jane (Wayne) Blair, National Number 496774, joined the Betty Washington Chapter in Kansas as a Junior member in 1963. Raleigh times derived from greater efficiency... found inside – Page 442In March 1950 $. Hughey King on May 10, 1941 Whitney, stands on the Constitution Hall Fund be more... By nearly 1,000 members and chapters in Honolulu, Cuba, France and.! The Investment Trust Fund continued to provide the government to facilitate this and programs... Grover Cleveland, Vice President General gave five new State flags to replace worn flags Dahlgren! S portrayal of first Vice President General ’ s history motif that included physical assaults on daughter., particularly for Young women perusing degrees in home economics Building at DAR. States Constitution of only 33 distinguished Americans to the membership, “ of... 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