harry potter refuses to follow dumbledore fanfiction

The only time we see him cast any spells – when testing the wands of the Triwizard Tournament champions in Goblet of Fire – they are ably performed, but nothing to write home about. It was decided that only students of age would be allowed to enter their names to the Goblet of Fire, because of the dangers the tournament represented and its high death toll. Found insideThe contributions in this volume provide a range of inter- and transdisciplinary approaches to various dimensions of this multifacetted universe. Julia Dursley. Despite being aware of the criminal abuse Harry had suffered while living with the Dursley family through a contact, Arabella Figg, he did not step in to prevent the abuse Harry suffered as a child, leaving him to suffer with his magical hating Aunt and Uncle and bullying cousin Dudley. What will happen when Harry finds out he was influenced in more ways than he thought? Discounting the special case of Tom Riddle/Voldemort, Dumbledore is, to date, the only major core character in the series to be recast. [31], Newt giving Dumbledore the blood pact pendant at Hogwarts, After the Battle of the Lestrange family Mausoleum, Dumbledore was waiting for Newt at Hogwarts. Other staff were Argus Filch, the caretaker; Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank, the Care of Magical Creatures Substitute Professor; Firenze, a centaur and the Divination Professor; Rolanda Hooch, the Flying Instructor; Aurora Sinistra, the Astronomy Professor; Bathsheda Babbling, the Study of Ancient Runes Professor; Septima Vector, the Arithmancy Professor; Irma Pince, the librarian; Cuthbert Binns, a ghost and the History of Magic Professor; Charity Burbage the Muggle Studies Professor. [25] This was another testament to his skill as phoenixes were notoriously difficult to domesticate, [88] although they have been long associated with the Dumbledore family. In addition, he had a liking for chamber music as well as ten-pin bowling. After finding out he was one of Voldemort's Horcruxes (Voldemort having accidentally made him one the night he tried to kill him), Harry bravely walked into Voldemort's camp to be killed, just as Dumbledore had (reluctantly) planned. Marital status Harry himself (who was also slightly terrified of his reaction) fully understood then why Dumbledore was the only wizard that Voldemort ever feared. Aware that it was only a matter of time before his former student made his presence and intent known to the wizarding community as a whole, and already preparing to oppose him, by the time the Death Eaters began recruiting Dark creatures to help them overthrow the Ministry of Magic,[45] Dumbledore already had spies in their midst reporting to him. Dumbledore was also friend of many allies of the Order, including Olympe Maxime, the headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, whom he met during the Triwizard Tournament, his co-workers Filius Flitwick, Pomona Sprout and Horace Slughorn, Augusta Longbottom, Ted and Andromeda Tonks. Although Albus loved him, the two brothers were not close to each other, as they were very different persons in personality, with Aberforth resenting being in Albus's shadow. After Harry had received his letter from Rubeus Hagrid, Vernon had denounced Dumbledore as a "crackpot old fool" and refused to pay for Harry's school funds. Dumbledore, however, demonstrated his uncommon kindness and willingness to look past the surface and find inner beauty in people. In fact, his noted eccentricity may have been at least partly his using humour to appear less threatening. It is implied that Snape withheld little, if any, information from Dumbledore that was relevant to the Order's success, while Snape deliberately did the opposite for Voldemort. Chief among Dumbledore's rivals within the Ministry was Torquil Travers, the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, who never tried to hide his dislike for the Hogwarts teacher.[31]. [36] Intrigued by the mirror as a fascinating piece of magical ingenuity, Albus was nevertheless painfully aware that his greatest yearning at the time was for something impossible, and that clinging on to a wish that could never – and for obvious reasons ought never – to be fulfilled could only hurt him, Dumbledore eventually decided to leave the mirror where it was, covered by a curtain of black velvet. Both also had defeated powerful dark wizards, were talented duelists, had an affinity for magic involving love, and acted as leaders of their own covert organisations. Many fans were confused when some of the reveals from Fantastic Beasts 2 seemed to directly change canon that was established in the Harry Potter books. Yes, Harry Potter is full of magic and mayhem and the eternal struggle of good vs. In the 1970s, a secretive dark organisation known as R was actively in the persuit of "enlightenment and immortality". Need proof? Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore #1 New York Times bestselling author! In Rainbow Rowell's Fangirl, Cath is a Simon Snow fan. Okay, the whole world is a Simon Snow fan, but for Cath, being a fan is her life-and she's really good at it. He was troubled at some of the rumours about Tom, these were true of course. Soon, it was found that Tulip Karasu and a couple of other students were inflicted with a sleepwalking curse, which was inevitably caused by someone tampering with another Cursed Vault. He was however intrigued by Tom Riddle as his powers were surprisingly well-developed by such a young wizard who had begun to use them consciously. Thor and Loki are based off/are their Marvel forms more then anything. Admittedly, Merlin is largely shrouded in mystery – even in the Harry Potter universe, he’s as much a myth as he is a historical figure. "Albus Dumbledore" may be inspired from JK Rowling's old school headmaster, Alfred Dunn. When Dumbledore turned down Voldemort's request, this sealed the deep resentment Voldemort would continue to feel towards him and he cursed the Defence Against the Dark Arts post out of spite. [42], Dumbledore preparing to drink the Emerald Potion, Dumbledore drank and he saw a vision of the duel between him, Gellert Grindelwald and Aberforth Dumbledore and Ariana's death. This desire, however, ultimately caused his death: the Resurrection Stone had become part of a ring whose curse infected him the instant he put it on and slowly killed him. [42], However, Snape — who had been called by Filius Flitwick to assist the Order of the Phoenix, sometime previously — arrived at the Tower and, after Dumbledore pleaded with him, in a way that did not expose Snape's true intentions, killed the Headmaster, blasting his body off the tower and falling to the ground below. [31], Dumbledore talking with Leta Lestrange about her past, Moments later, in one of the classrooms, he met Leta Lestrange, who was also in the delegation, but had separated herself from the group of Aurors. Don't forget to bookmark fanfiction harry potter refuses to forgive gryffindor daphne using Ctrl + D (PC) or Command + D (macos). Using the Portkey, Harry was able to escape Voldemort and return to Hogwarts. Harry: Screw all of you. Dumbledore had hoped that doing so would ensure an ancient form of magic that Lily's wilful loving sacrifice for her son had created. Dumbledore first met Gellert Grindelwald when he was seventeen. [71], At some point while he was at Hogwarts, the Headmaster presided over this year's Teacher Appreciation Celebration, with the Guest of Honour being McGonagall. Aberforth Dumbledore was Albus' younger brother. After finally succeeding, Dumbledore directly tracked down Grindelwald. After explaining to the three of them that he was aware of their situation and, more importantly, that as far as he was concerned, there was no reason why Remus should not be able to attend Hogwarts, as long as special precautions were taken to ensure the safety of both Remus and the other students, a mutual understanding was reached, and it was eventually agreed that young Mr Lupin would indeed present himself at Hogwarts Castle for the Start-of-Term. Certainly, there are a couple of candidates from across the centuries who could have given the old professor a run for his money! Romances After binding the Death Eaters with an Anti-Disapparition Jinx, Dumbledore went to the atrium of the Ministry where Lestrange had been joined by Voldemort himself, who attempted to kill Harry. He stays there, short breath fogging in front of his face, and his pursuer lets him. Dumbledore and his friend Nicolas Flamel (the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone) began to suspect that the disembodied Dark Lord was plotting to steal the invaluable object, which would be capable of restoring him to full power. [7], Professor Dumbledore talking with Tom Riddle during the first opening of the Chamber of Secrets, 1943, At an unknown point in or before 1943, Dumbledore became the Professor of Transfiguration. His lineage taken from him, freedom bound by his so-called family. [31] Even in later years, when the rumours were published by Rita Skeeter in a biography of Newt called Man or Monster? In order to distract Hagrid, Dumbledore asked him to meet at the Training Grounds and help take care of some "urgent business" in Hogsmeade, while Jacob's sibling stayed behind and babysat Fang. In light of Jacob's confession, Dumbledore had no other choice but to expel him from the school. Male[9] Harry is abandoned by his friends during fourth year and finds an unlikely friend in someone who is supposed to be an enemy. According to Aberforth, their mother taught Albus secrecy. Found insideCollects Han Solo (2016) #1-5. As an adult, Dumbledore had become an extraordinarily powerful and accomplished wizard of nearly unrivalled abilities and powers, to the point that he was admired and feared by even others of outstanding magical talent, considered to be the greatest wizard of all time by many. CW: Graphic nightmares, heavy drinking (most of age), detailed sexual situations, and marijuana use. Albus' father, Percival Dumbledore, was heartbroken and set out in search of his own brand of justice. He also adopted the role of secret agent for Voldemort and supplied him with strategic scraps of information about the Order. Even a slight exertion of Dumbledore's serious side and anger could intimidate the likes of Harry Potter, and even the Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge, evidenced when they both were shocked when Dumbledore made it clear quite firmly that Hagrid did not open the Chamber of Secrets, despite Dumbledore not openly showing anger. Harry used a small cut on his arm to reopen the hidden doorway, and once outside the cave they Disapparated back to Hogsmeade. Challenges. Harry Potter: The Character Vault offers fans a deeper look at the creative development of the characters introduced in the books and brought to life in the theatrical series. Dumbledore was never able to uncover hard evidence implicating Riddle, however, he nonetheless kept a very close watch over Riddle, preventing him from opening the Chamber of Secrets again during his remaining years at Hogwarts. [51], Albus Dumbledore withdrawing Harry's name from the Goblet of Fire, However, unknown to anybody, a day before Moody was set to arrive at Hogwarts, he was overpowered by Death Eaters Barty Crouch Jnr and Peter Pettigrew. Found insideIt's no more than a breath away... Everyone needs a place to relax after a long day, after all. So here is the place where the Grim Reaper can kick back and take the load off his scythe. Eros and Psyche by RZZMG Without doubt. [74] It was most likely also Dumbledore who instructed Jacob's sibling's Head of House to not permit them to go on Hogsmeade trips due to them breaking school rules and not focusing on their studies. The effects were so bad that Grindelwald – a tremendously gifted and knowledgeable sorcerer presumably capable of identifying magical talent – mistook him for a powerless squib. This is a Harry/Hermione story with SERIOUSLY Idiot!Ron Bashing. As the day neared when young Remus Lupin would be of an eligible age to begin his magical education, Dumbledore wasted little time in making the necessary preparations for the young man's arrival: To this end, Dumbledore arranged for a house to be built a little way above the rest of the nearby Hogsmeade; perched atop a hill overlooking the village. As fortune would have it, however, a blessing in disguise presented itself when the Hogwarts Board of Governors was faced with the decision of finding a suitable candidate to succeed Armando Dippet in the post of Headmaster and concluded that Professor Dumbledore was the best man for the job.[47]. With no explanation forthcoming from her parents that seem to know more than they let on Hermione learns to live with it. After school Newt probably was in regular contact with his teacher. Harry, Ron and Hermione also visited Dumbledore's portrait, after the Battle of Hogwarts. He also liked the house-elf Dobby, and pitied the house-elf Kreacher, asking them to work at Hogwarts kitchens. [42], Sometime in early July, a funeral was held for him, attended by Hogwarts students and staff, Ministry of Magic officials (including Cornelius Fudge, Rufus Scrimgeour, Dolores Umbridge and Percy Weasley), centaurs, members of the Order of the Phoenix (except Severus Snape, due to his covert status, and Mundungus Fletcher, due to his imprisonment in Azkaban), Hogsmeade residents including Dumbledore’s brother Aberforth, Fawkes, Hagrid’s half-brother Grawp, Merpeople, Tom the landlord of the Leaky Cauldron, Madame Maxime from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, Bass player of the Weird Sisters Donaghan Tremlett, driver of the Knight Bus Ernie Prang, Madam Malkin of the robe shop in Diagon Alley, the lady who pushed the trolley on the Hogwarts Express, as well as many other witches and wizards. This memory was not sufficient evidence to show Hokey's innocence, as it only proved that Riddle was aware of the artefacts' existence. He then informed the Ministry of Magic about the incident, and as a result, Cecil Lee was sent to investigate. Though he wasn't aware of who he was actually talking to, he still figured something was off. "[7] However, Dumbledore was joking — the matter being a very personal one. Phoenix[16][17][18] He also gained much more recognition with his involvement in the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon's blood and his work on alchemy with Nicolas Flamel. With Harry acting as the leader and teacher, this organisation was known as Dumbledore's Army, in order to frighten the Ministry. He also owned a pet phoenix named Fawkes,[43] who left Hogwarts Castle after Dumbledore's death. [60], At some point during the school year, Dumbledore was informed by Professor Severus Snape about cursed ice resurfacing in Hogwarts Castle,[61] and a Locked Room which possibly contained the source of it. His great-great grandfather was said to have owned a phoenix[89], as did his alleged relative Credence Barebone/Aurelius Dumbledore. Also, just after Harry is seen entering and the next shot of Dumbledore comes, his spectacles have gone which is one of the film’s mistakes). ), Dumbledore in-between Professors McGonagall and Sinistra. After Ariana's death, Albus and Aberforth's relationship became very estranged, as Aberforth blamed Albus for the death of the sister he and his mother spent so much time caring for. Along the way, he learns many hard truths about himself and his past. Even during his short time in Limbo, he expressed his excitement to Harry for what awaits him. When one of Leta Lestrange's experiments involving a magical beast went too far, endangering the life of another student. Nonetheless, this hard-working and fair-minded witch deserves just as much recognition as the other Hogwarts founders – and like them, her powers rivaled those of Dumbledore. Leon Miller is a freelance writer at Screen Rant, contributing regular list articles covering a wide range of pop culture subjects. Harry first discovered this device to witness Dumbledore's memory of Igor Karkaroff's trial before the Wizengamot,[51] and also used it to view Severus Snape's memories of childhood. He did this by questioning people who had known him as a child and a teenager and obtained Voldemort-related memories from them. Dumbledore's observation was proven true: Pettigrew attempted to strangle Harry during the Skirmish at Malfoy Manor, but he hesitated when Harry reminded him of the debt, causing the silver hand that was given to him by Voldemort to strangle and kill him. Harry explained how guilty he felt allowing Pettigrew, the real culprit who had framed Sirius, to escape, which coincides with a prediction Trelawney made. [42] It was revealed in that two of Fawkes' feathers form the magical cores of both Harry's and Voldemort's wands. When he heard her conceiving Sybill Trelawney's first prophecy, he hired Trelawney to protect her from the Death Eaters. Why did she have to come to school with a reputation already made for her that regarded her as no better than a Death Eater, whatever that was? He's used to it, resigned to his fate but this last betrayal will show them who he really is. Throughout the early days of the global wizarding war, a series of devastating attacks was perpetrated by Gellert Grindelwald and his cadre of followers across Europe,[38] and rumours begun circulating that his former friend had procured a wand of immense power, which Albus, who was privy to the aspiring revolutionary's Quest for the Deathly Hallows, understood to mean that he had successfully obtained the Elder Wand. Then there are those who – while not necessarily in Dumbledore’s league overall – far surpass his gifts in a particular magical discipline. However, Snape knew and told Dumbledore that the curse would get stronger and stronger and eventually kill him painfully, giving him a prognosis of about a year. Found inside"The Camera Fiend" by E. W. Hornung. Gambon’s physical portrayal as Dumbledore is also slightly different, opting for a somewhat Bohemian look, including a fez-like tasselled hat, along with long and flowing robes that seem to have subtle Indian/Arabian influences. He animated the other statues from the Fountain of Magical Brethren to immobilise Bellatrix and alert Ministry officials. Fawkes was willing to take a Killing Curse in order to protect Dumbledore and did so in order to defend him from Lord Voldemort. This caused some friction between the two. [43], Riddle was able to pass off Hagrid's tamed Acromantula, Aragog, as the beast attacking students, resulting in Hagrid's expulsion and ensuring that Hogwarts remained open. Despite public appearances, Dumbledore thought Karkaroff was a coward. Found insideWith its message of hope, belonging and the enduring power of truth and love, the story of the Boy Who Lived continues to delight generations of new readers. [25], Albus's brother Aberforth, however, was disgusted with Albus for his plans and concerned over the fact that he and Ariana would have to be dragged along for the ride. Select Page. Later on, during his conversation with Harry in limbo, he confessed that he truly loved each and every one of his family but was blinded by his ambition and his madness. In 1943, several Muggle-born students were mysteriously petrified by a beast rumoured to have been released by the Heir of Slytherin from the mythical Chamber of Secrets. This last defence could not be removed by Vanishing it or scooping it out; someone would have to drink it to get to the Horcrux that lay within. During the conversation, he even indirectly revealed the identity of the Curse-Breaker he had been finding in the past year, who had some school years overlapping with Snape's. Dumbledore was very saddened by their deaths and dedicated the rest of his life to protecting their son, Harry, without giving him any happiness in his childhood. Moody took this position only as a personal favour to Dumbledore. Written originally as a fanfiction for the series Twilight, the popularity of Fifty Shades of Grey has made obvious what was always clear to fans and literary scholars alike: that it is an essential human activity to read and retell epic ... He also lacked the Dark Wizard’s talent for fantastic beast husbandry – or at least, we never saw him engaging in this activity (thankfully) – leaving Dumbledore deficient on the “gigantic killer snake” front, too. They were ultimately united by their desire to have the Deathly Hallows. The news that Tom had been accepted to attend the school where Albus taught came as a surprise to Mrs Cole, who at Dumbledore's request recounted Tom Riddle's history at the orphanage, mostly notably the circumstances of Tom’s birth, his anti-social behaviour and his extraordinary bad influence on the other children; including some very nasty incidents that resulted in the death of a pet rabbit and a gathering with several of his peers in a cave that left them traumatised. Over the course of the two months Grindelwald stayed in Godric's Hollow, the two young men’s friendship became romantic, with Albus ignoring any misgivings he had about Gellert's dark intents by convincing himself the revolution they were planning to embark on was truly For the Greater Good, and that any harm caused would be repaid a thousandfold after its conclusion. Silver[10]Auburn (formerly)[11][12] Take Salazar Slytherin. With his failure to retrieve the prophecy and his attempt on Harry’s life foiled, Voldemort fled the Ministry with Bellatrix, but not before he was seen by Ministry officials, including Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge. He was also disgusted that Greyback had started to attack outside the full moon and enjoyed the taste of human flesh. This IS a wip, please bear with me. Newt in turn did not ask Dumbledore why he would form a blood pact with Grindelwald but simply asked him to destroy it, showing respect for his privacy. Even though it is still incomplete, what has been written is no doubt very very smutty. Dumbledore believed in the good in everyone and insisted on giving second chances. Despite this injury, Dumbledore proceeded to destroy the ring, and with it, a piece of Voldemort's soul, bringing Voldemort that much closer to defeat. Dumbledore journeyed to Little Hangleton, where he found the remains of the shack hidden behind weeds and bush. 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